The Hedonist Sword God

Chapter 135: War is coming

Chapter 135: War is coming


Realizing that Mei Xing whispering in his ears had increased the number of jealous glares he was receiving, Jian Shen... Didn't bother about them in the slightest.

Having already grown used to such things, Jian Shen didn't shrink away and tried to ask for more details, when the door he entered through was suddenly shut.

At the same time, Jian Shen sensed from the disturbance in the Qi around him that two strong individuals were coming close to their location.

Looking over to the door which was on the opposite side of the door they all walked through, Jian Shen saw them being opened.

Walking out of the door was a man and a woman, who looked like a God and Goddess incarnate.

No, it wasn't their beautiful appearance, or the overbearing aura which made Jian Shen think like that.

But, the barely visible mist which covered both of their bodies.

"She's using a technique which attracts the attention of the men, Jian Shen. Snap out of it!"

"That's just a basic technique used by whores to seduce men, look through the mist husband."

Narrowing his eyes after listening to their words, Jian Shen managed to barely look past the mist on one spot, but that was enough to prove their words true.

It seemed like the mist wasn't there to turn them more beautiful, instead, it was there to act as a distraction and not let others see what was below the mist.

The real body of the woman, who was most likely the Sect Mistress was different than what it looked like with the mist.

Having peeked through the mist, Jian Shen could tell that the woman was a mortal woman in all aspects from cultivation to beauty.

Sure she looked more seductive than the other woman's, but it wasn't the bewitch and turn men into stupid pawns kind of beauty the mist made her look like.

As for the man, seeing his eyes made Jian Shen remember those Desolate Beasts he saw in the Endless Forest.

Just as Jian Shen was observing the two, they also turned towards Jian Shen.

The woman licked her lips and seductively winked towards Jian Shen, while man glared towards Jian Shen with murderous intent.

Not flinching or showing any emotion towards either of them, Jian Shen observed them for a while longer before he closed his eyes and rested with his back against the chair.

Seeing this, the woman had an interesting smile on her face, while the man, however, gritted his teeth and snorted.

"Since all the Elders and Core Disciples have gathered here, let's get started with the meeting immediately."

"Wait a second, Wencheng. It's been so long since I've met them all, and there are a lot of unfamiliar yet interesting faces as well, let's take some time to get to know each other."

"Shut up Yin Fan. We've already wasted a lot of time since you were in seclusion. Any longer, and the war will have started."

"Humph! You're so petty for a man. Is it because of what I said about your small peni.... "

"SHUT UP!!!"

Chuckling and not saying anything, Yin Fan looked towards Jian Shen who still had his eyes closed, but a subtle smile was there on his lips.

"Cough! Back to the business!"

"As you all already know, the huge Wu Yun continent other than the various small Kingdoms that are in the outermost edges, has the Five Great Sects, and two Empires that stand at the peak of the continent in terms of strength."

"While all of the sects and empires have more or less the same power, the sects don't repeatedly get into skirmishes like the two empires do, due to which we are a little stronger than them. But, that is only if all the five sects band together against the empires."

"In a one vs one situation, none of the sects are able to compete against an empire on their own."

"Also, each of the empires possess a wealth which is equal to what two of the Five Great Sects possess."

Pausing for a while to allow the information to sink in, Wencheng continued speaking.

"Now, regardless of what the reason that made them come this far, the two Empires have decided to go against each other in an all-out war."

"And, while we the Sect Leaders, and Elders of all the Five Great Sects have decided to not support either side, you the Core Disciples can."

"I suggest choosing an Empire of your liking, and fight for it! Experience the cruelty of a war, and the rewards that you obtain by winning! I want you all to come back stronger!"

"Not to mention, due to how rich both the sides are, you will be able to obtain a lot of cultivation resources which will be very useful to you."

"Also, I don't want to hear about any disciple from my sect killing a fellow disciple even if they are supporting the opposite Empire."

Listening to all of this, Jian Shen wasn't motivated in joining either Empire, and just wanted to go back and continue his cultivation.

"You should take part in the war, Jian Shen."

"If possible, choose the weaker Empire and increase your combat skills, husband."


"Hmmm... You do have a lot of strength, and combat awareness, but growing strong is not just about cultivating, Jian Shen. Your cultivation has undergone a rapid growth in the past year, but you haven't used your body in a proper fight until now, have you?"

"If you don't fight and keep your mind and body in sync, it wouldn't matter how high your cultivation is, husband. All you'll be able to show is the raw brute strength which can oppress those who are weaker than you."

Nodding his head on the inside, Jian Shen opened his eyes and looked towards Yin Fan who was looking at him all the time.

"Which Empire is the weaker one?"

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