The Goblin's Leveling System!

Chapter 183: A Heroic Goblin Thief's Assistance

Chapter 183: A Heroic Goblin Thief's Assistance

Mathew's PoV:

I descended on the ground and moved the corpse of the level 79,000 boa constrictor off Alex's body.

The level 79,000 boa constrictor wasn't playing dead but instead, it was completely dead. A stab inside the level 79,000 boa constrictor's brain was all that was needed to kill the level 79,000 boa constrictor.

Even if the level 79,000 boa constrictor wasn't dead, I had already punctured its eye so it shouldn't have that much fighting capability. I would be surprised if the level 79,000 boa constrictor was alive after all the countless stabs I had inflicted on its brain and head.

I decided to leave the level 79,000 boa constrictor beside Alex as his punishment for stealing my artifacts and decided not to further damage the level 79,000 boa constrictor's corpse since Axel could become stronger if he devoured the flesh of the level 79,000 boa constrictor.

After I double-checked if the level 79,000 boa constrictor was dead or not and confirmed that it was completely dead, I checked to see what my other teammates were doing.

[Flashback- 10 minutes ago]

I woke up and the familiar ceiling was what greeted me after I woke up. I stood up from my bed and descended on the cement wall.

I examined my surroundings and saw the wooden desk with the usual lampshade being intact. The artifacts and skill scrolls on the wooden table were also there. Thank goodness!

The only problem was that the artifacts and skill scrolls that I had littered on the floor were stolen. How ironic it was for a thief to have his stolen items being stolen from him.

I didn't mind it that much since all of the artifacts and skill scrolls that were useful to me were already placed on a wooden table before I had gone to sleep.

I had anticipated that someone would intrude in my room and steal the artifacts and skill scrolls that I had stolen so I decided to place all of the things that I needed on the wooden table.

It was a habit of Axel to enter my room and take all of the things I had stolen from different countries' treasuries and sacred ruins if Axel needed some artifacts and skill scrolls for him or the other heroes to use.

Axel or any other hero who would steal from me should be able to know that the artifacts and skill scrolls that I needed were placed on the wooden table.

Just in case, I used another artifact to place a minor seal on the artifacts and skill scrolls that were placed on the table to trigger an alarm if the artifacts and skill scrolls from the table were brought out of my room.

Axel might be the only one who would be able to remove the seal that I had placed on my artifacts and skill scrolls so even if the artifacts and skill scrolls were brought out of my room without sounding the alarm, I would be able to know that Axel would be the perpetrator who stole the artifacts and skill scrolls on the wooden table.

Axel's mastery in the field of arrays wasn't something to be underestimated since he could create a durable array that could even withstand an archdemon's attack.

The seal that I had placed on my artifacts and skill scrolls with the use of a sealing artifact would only be child's play for Axel to remove.

Anyways, what's done was done so I might as well store all of the artifacts and skill scrolls inside my deity rank storage ring.

I placed my left hand slightly on top of the artifacts and skill scrolls placed on the wooden table and activated my storage ring.

The white-colored ring with a purple gem embedded on it which was worn on my middle finger glowed a little.

Afterward, all of the artifacts and skill scrolls were stored inside my deity rank storage ring.

"I wonder what the others are doing right now."

I mumbled as I walked towards the door, opened the door, and exited my room. I walked in the hallway until I reached the end of the hallway where the stairs that would lead towards the first floor were located at.

I stepped on the stairs and descended the second floor. I was now on the first floor where three priests were taking turns to preach the words of God to the followers of their religion.

The three priests and the religious followers noticed me and waved at me so I waved at them back. After that, I walked towards the entrance of the Holy Church and exited the Holy Church.

I enjoyed the gentle breeze and fresh air after I exited the Holy Church. I decided to check up on Axel and the others.

I went towards the training grounds and saw that there was no one in there. Hmmm... That's odd?

If I'm not wrong, then Axel and the others had planned on heading towards the Monster's Abode to train themselves. Axel and the others must have decided not to bring me with them because I was sound asleep in my room.

Fortunately, I had heard of their plans when I was still awake in my room and it was after Axel and the others including myself defeated the archdemons. The side effect of the [Universal Steal] cheat skill was affecting me at that time so I decided to sleep and recover my mental state.

Little did I know, Axel and the others had already started their trip towards the Monster's Abode. Even if they had trained in the Monster's Abode, shouldn't they already return here moments ago considering I had slept this long?

Something must have happened to Axel and the others!

After I thought about that possibility, I quickly took out several armors and wore them over my clothes.

After wearing all of the armors on top of my clothes, I took out several necklaces and hang the necklaces on my neck. Those necklaces provided boosts in stats.

Although it could only boost my stats by an adequate percentage, all of the percentage boosts could be stacked so I decided to wear at least 23 necklaces on my neck.

I didn't wear armor on my feet since I was planning on trying the newly stolen artifact of mine.

I took out a pair of leather boots with white wings attached on both sides, took off my worn leather boots, and equipped the pair of leather boots with white wings on my feet.

Those leather boots with white wings attached to each side were a deity rank movement artifact, also known as "Hermes' Boots".

I used the Hermes' Boots for a test flight and flew into the sky. After I got the hang of it, I quickly flew towards the direction where the Monster's Abode was located at.

Numerous trees were in my field of view yet the presence of Axel and the others weren't noticeable.

Maybe I should detect the flow of mana instead? I might be able to see the traces of mana left by Axel and the others.

I took out a potion that contained a blue liquid in my storage ring and drank it. The potion filled with blue-colored liquid grants the effect of seeing and sensing the flow of mana within the surroundings but the effects of the potion would last for 10 minutes.

I could use the [Mana Sense] skill instead of using a potion but using a skill would drain my mana and since I didn't possess a large mana pool, I decided to conserve my mana and use it when I'm activating skills that I would need to defeat my enemies.

Axel and the others might have been attacked by high-level monsters so I might as well spend my mana wisely.

After a minute worth of flying in the air and searching for Axel and the others, I saw a Zale and some of the junior heroes inside an array that must have been created by Axel.

I then descended on the ground and asked Zale about the whereabouts of Axel and the others.

"Pedonar and Aileen told me that Axel was in that direction."

Zale replied to me while pointing towards the northern part of the forest.

I thanked Zale and I flew into the sky again to head towards the northern part of the forest.

After a minute had passed, I found several destroyed trees and the flow of mana within a kilometer away from me was abundant.

I flew towards that part of the forest and saw Satomi fighting against a level 76,000 shadow ravage tiger while Pedonar, Sophie, and Aileen resting on the ground and Distere was recovering his mana by absorbing the mana in the surroundings.

I had arrived at this part of the forest because of the surge of mana occurring in this part of forest. Afterward, I saw the level 79,000 boa constrictor's mouth almost near Alex's body so to save Alex, I activated the watch of slowed time.

I then took out my weapons and beat the level 79,000 boa constrictor to death.

That's all that happened and fortunately, none of the members of the heroes' group had died.

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