The Geared Immortal

1320 Heavenly Samsara: Chapter 70

Chapter 1320

Inside the refining hall, Xin Ja is sitting in front of a refining cauldron with many medicinal herbs at his side. As of this moment, he is going to be handling 2nd level medicinal herbs which are a notch above the common 1st level herbs that he could easily refine.

As he focused his mind, he began by refining the cauldron and then putting the first herb inside. His other hand controls the flame while his other hand began to move above the cauldron slowly refining the herbs inside.

Soon, black smoke began to arise and this made Xin Ja frown for a bit.

Without his Absolute Sense, he is unable to time everything perfectly. His Absolute Sense is being used to control the gem in his hands, so he is unable to extend toward the cauldron. He could only rely on his sharp senses to judge and balance the herb inside the cauldron.

But it seems that his normal senses have not reached the highest point so that he could advance his Absolute Sense to Divine Sense as what he has known.

As Xin Ja removes the dregs, he did not stop but instead began another batch of refining.

Not long later, a frown emerges on his face as he could sense another failure coming. And true to his expectation, black smoke began to arise from the cauldron making the refining a failure.

Xin Ja did not give up and prepares another batch of refining, this time he adjusted his mentality and then began. Soon, he quickly removes it when the feeling of failure arises from his senses.

As soon as he did a strange medicinal smell wafted in the air which dulls his senses. But he did not stop the flame as he continuously refines it whether the result is good or bad.

Then he suddenly stopped.

The refining stopped and he checked the refined medicine. However, he suddenly frowned as he judges from the smell that the refinement is only at 80%.

"What an utter failure…" he muttered with a deep frown.

If those people refining outside this room could hear his words, they would be really angry with him. For them, 80% is already their refining threshold. So telling it a failure means that they have failed with only a 1st level herb.

But Xin Ja did not know this as he continuously did as he did before, slowly raising the refinement level from 80 to 90%.

But as soon as he reaches 95%, he suddenly stopped.

This is because he has no 2nd level herb to refine anymore.

This has truly flabbergasted him and then looks at the pile of dregs he discarded on the side. He could not help but scratch his nose in awkwardness as he felt a bit sorry for being too immersed in refining.

He could take out some herbs from his ring, but he has no lower-level herbs inside his ring. Most of them are either mid-tier to high-tier medicinal herbs and with his condition right now, how could he refine those things?

He slowly stood up and then walked to the door. When he opens it, two gloomy-looking women are staring at him.

He was tasked here to refine 2nd-level herbs, and the old lady and An Xensu are actually watching him in secret. However, they were both dejected to see him fail one after another.

They could not help but frown and then regretted a part of their decision to trust this young man.

They were amazed at him being able to refine 1st-level herbs to a high degree of refinement. But seeing him fail at only the 2nd level, how could they trust him to refine higher level herbs.

At this juncture, they two have decided to stop relying on Xin Ja and try to find a better refiner.

"Sigh… I guess we cannot take you with us…" the old lady heave a heavy sigh.

Xin Ja was feeling a bit confused but just nodded his head and followed the two.

A week later…

The old lady and An Xensu along with his brother left the manor. It is said that they are going to the capital of Radong kingdom for the Alchemist Meet. It is a prestigious meeting of alchemists in the entire kingdom to share their knowledge and help each other grow.

Of course, that is the pretext of it on the surface. But in truth… this Alchemist Meet is a battle between alchemists to show their prowess and skill for all to see.

Those who could excel would gain fame and fortune for themselves and their clan… and of course the support of the alchemist association in the kingdom.

Their purpose is to create another Rou Chenchen within the kingdom of Radong.

But for many years, now those that have won this contest have not had any improvement significantly. But this year everyone is expecting something good. This is because… a new pill recipe came to the hands of the alchemist association.

This is because… this pill recipe was bought at an exorbitant price when a down-of-his-luck alchemist from a town in the Jimal kingdom sold it in an auction.

This made the hopeful alchemist want to win this contest so that they could get their hands on that recipe. Maybe if they could, they might be able to become another Medicine Saint, and would this time represent the kingdom of Radong.

What an honor that would be…

Xin Ja who is oblivious to this just heard such stories from the other servants.

While gardening, Go Manjong walked beside him and then leaned on his side.

"Little Ja, be wary of that old caretaker Yu. I think he is planning another sinister plot." He suddenly whispered.

Xin Ja was a bit taken aback but then nodded his head.

He did not know what kind of sinister plot that man is thinking of, but he did not care. But of course, he did not want his friend to be involved with this, so he heaved a deep sigh and decided to help Go Manjong this time.

"Come with me for a bit…" Xin Ja gestured for Go Manjong to follow.

The two enter Xin Ja's small room.

Once inside, Xin Ja takes out a small pouch. He then gave Go Manjong the pouch.

"This is a small space pouch… There are some pills in there. Use it to fix your dantian…" he explained.

Then he walked out of the room.

As soon as Xin Ja walked out, he suddenly felt that something is wrong. He was about to spread his Absolute Sense around him, but he suddenly felt a strong pressure bearing on him.

Without the ability to resist, Xin Ja could only watch as an old man captured him with that devious caretaker Yu standing beside him.

"Hehe… With this guy now caught and the young miss now gone, we can regain our control in this place without worry Elder Ping." Caretaker Yu fawningly said.

That old man called Elder Ping is the same man whom caretaker Yu was talking to at the party a week ago.

They have been planning this for a while, and now that they noticed that Xin Ja has fallen out of grace with the mistress, they could not wait to get rid of him.

"Let's kill him!" caretaker Yu suggested as killing intent appears in his eyes.

"Hahaha… The reason why you could not gain any foothold is that you are impertinent and rash… This guy has knowledge in refining. A bit ambitious and dumb, as he wasted a lot of 2nd level herbs, but his 1st level refinement is actually very good… With that, we can sell him at a higher price. Hehe…" Elder Ping chuckled.

"But… What if…," caretaker Yu wanted to rebut.

And this caused Elder Ping to frown and feel a bit displeased.

Seeing this, caretaker Yu could only grit his teeth.

He wanted to kill Xin Ja to vent his anger and frustration at the death of his two underlings and the amendment of the law in the manor.

But he could only glare at Xin Ja in helplessness.

Xin Ja helplessly fell into their hands but also feel relieved that they have no desire to kill him. In truth, he could try to break free and escape, but that would worsen his situation. Without his power in the Ki-Master realm and with only his strength, he would become a punching bag for the strong.

As he helplessly lies in the carriage, he could feel something hitting him every now and then. As he expanded his Absolute Sense, he saw caretaker Yu kicking him secretly as if venting his frustration little by little.

Xin Ja could not help but shake his head. He could not feel the pain of that kick, so he could only act like he is pained.

Ugh… cough! Cough!

Upon hearing this, a smile crept on caretaker Yu's face.

He did this a couple of times until the carriage arrives at the marketplace of the town.

Xin Ja was shoved into a small cell and when his sackcloth was removed, he is now facing an ugly and fat middle-aged man who began to scrutinize him attentively.

"Hmm… Very good… very good… We can fetch a good price with this one… That caretaker Yu is truly a fool… Hehehe…" that middle-aged man said with a grin.

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