The Geared Immortal

1297 Heavenly Samsara: Chapter 47

Chapter 1297

Inside the dark and cold four-cornered prison cell lays an unconscious person. The trainee uniform he is wearing is already in tatters and patches of dried blood could be seen everywhere.

With one look, one could tell that the person has just suffered from a severe beating.

This special prison cell is for those that have violated the law of the training camp.

Xin Ja was sent here after he was beaten black and blue by the D-rank female instructor.

He suddenly groaned as he carefully opens his eyes.

In truth, he is actually not that heavy wounded and just pretended to faint because if he did not, he would be beaten badly and would be a waste of his time.

So he pretended to faint while healing the wounds on his body.

He knew that he fell into a trap and knew that it was his mistake for being a bit arrogant. And because of this slight mistake, he could not help but shake his head and chuckled a bit.

"That guy… I'll make sure to make him pay…" Xin Ja could not help but mutter as he slowly sits.

He looks around the cell and noticed that there are no observation tools in it, so he takes out some ore from his ring and began to busy himself inside the cell.

Since he did not have anything to do and the place looks quiet and is located underground, he decide to spend his time preparing for the outside world.

From the training, he discovered the danger of the world outside it and how it could be fatal for him if he is not prepared. So with that in mind, he decide to create a stockpile of his weapons as he had spent most of them while fighting the Ki Master... especially ammunition.

But this time, he found a far more superior ore which he took away from that cave… a black ore of unknown origin.

From what he has learned from Shin Jiao's exploits and records, he has learned that the black ore is actually one of the strongest materials he could use.

With that in mind, he gathered his Ki at the tips of his hand and sliced off a thin piece of that ore.

He then decides to craft a revolver-like weapon from that thin slice of black ore. The reason for this is that it is easier to craft the barrel, the cylinder, and the frame.

Although it only has six shots, it could still be considered an easy-to-use weapon.

After he finished crafting the basic form, Xin Ja covered it with arrays of runes.

p He had seen the beast buster weapon and had felt how powerful it could be that even a D-rank would be in danger if they are reckless.

So he already has an idea on how to create a weapon that is more fatal and accurate than the beast buster.

It was already morning when he finished crafting the revolver that looks like a magnum revolver.

The next day in the union office building

As of this moment, the Union higher-ups have already requested the information about Adam Summers from Ae city Awakened Union base.

It did not take long before the Union in Dee city received a long-distance telegraph.

An employee runs to the upper floors where the room of the President of the union is located.

Knock! Knock!

"Sir, we have received a classified encoded message from Ae city…" the employee said from outside the door.

"Come in…" the person inside called.

When the employee enters he saw two more people inside the office. These two people are the bandaged Drake Carbin and a handsome young man named Leo Carbin, Drake's older brother.

The employee stole a glance at the two as he enters the room and handed the piece of paper to the Union President.

The Dee city Awakened Union President is a middle-aged man with black and white hair. He is wearing a well-trimmed suit and a pair of gold-framed glasses.

The President's name is Burges Grim, a C-rank awakened.

He showed a frown while reading the telegraph.

The message is not that long, but the content is a bit… doubtful.

'Adam Summers, F-rank, field doctor, can hunt…'

After reading the shortened message, he contemplated for a bit before looking at the two figures before him. The one with the bandage is one of the new trainees but has suffered in the hands of an F-rank like himself.

He loathes the character of the young man because he likes to abuse his authority as if the law is none existent anymore. Meanwhile, his brother is a D-rank awakened with a promising future. So when he looks at the two figures he could not help but shake his head inside and lament the future of Adam Summers.

The skills written in the telegraph are not that unique in Dee city. Maybe if he is in another city, then being a field doctor and can hunt is something useful for them, but here, those things are trivial and common.

As he crumpled the paper to dust, he heaved a deep sigh.

"Everything in here is governed by laws… I hope that you... two... can follow this law. Especially you… Drake Carbin. We already have him in custody, no one can touch him until he finishes the 3-day training…" Burges Grim said.

When the two heard his words, they frowned but did not say anything. They just nodded their head.

Feeling a bit suspicious of the calm reaction from the two, the President carefully looks at them but then dismisses them after.

As the two walks out of the room, an evil grin appears on Drake's face.

"Big Brother… why don't we visit that guy? Hehe…" he suggested in a low voice.

"For now we cannot, let us wait after the trials…" Leo Carbin, who is calmer than his little brother, just smiles.

That afternoon…

Xin Ja was taken to a small hall where there are many people gathered.

As he enters the room, he could feel people giving him their judgmental gazes. The women especially are showing angry and hateful expressions on their faces.

How could they not despise someone who resolves themselves in raping women?

But those that saw his handsome face and a well-built body under the prisoner's dark blue clothing felt a bit attracted to him.

"Why would he resolve to rape a woman? If he would but ask there would be many who would be willing to sleep with him…" a woman muttered while throwing Xin Ja furtive glances.

"I think there is something fishy going on…" someone also said.

They have seen Xin Ja and just now learned that he was actually the one who was accused. In the piece of news posted on the bulletin board, it did not say who the accused is, but just requested some of the women to be present in the trials.

Now that they saw that it was Adam Summers, most of them immediately have doubts.

Many of them knew that Adam is close to a beauty named Lea Osmond who is among the crowd. The two are basically almost always together and have already been recognized in the training camp as a couple.

So why would he do such a thing?

This seed of doubt has begun spreading in the room.

But some women who did not know Xin Ja just sneered at those people who has doubts.

"If he is receiving a trial, that means he was caught. Why would the instructors lie about this?"

"You guys should not trust what you see… People could sometimes be evil inside…"

Some said snarky comments while sneering at the crowd of women.

The mixed reaction of the crowd stopped when the door at the other side of the hall opened and a few people emerges from inside.

Everyone quietly took their seats as the instructors enter the hall along with some of the leaders of the Union branch.

After they got inside, Xin Ja was dragged to the middle platform where would face his trial.

The President of the Dee city Union branch walked to the head of the hall and takes his seat in the highest chair.

Looks at the documents in front of him and then looks at the accused.

He then took a glance at the two women, who are glaring at the accused, and then at the instructors that are showing serious expressions on their faces.

Although he felt that something is wrong with the case after reviewing it, he decides to listen and see what would happen next. He would give his verdict after hearing the full recount of the story.

He then hit the gavel to gain the attention of everyone and signal for the hearing to start.

In the union training, it is common for this type of thing to happen where there are trainees being accused of doing misconduct. Except for murder, the case of rape is very serious for them because half of the instructors in the union training are women.

And so the start of the case where Xin Ja is accused begins.

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