The Gamer's System

Chapter 183: A Bashful Condition

Chapter 183: A Bashful Condition

"Do you have any idea what I had to go through because of you?" Allesiah began her barrage of attacks. With the hundreds of [Darkness Spheres] within her disposal, there was no room for Zeke to make any proper attacks.

Furthermore, every time he tried activating a spell, Allesiah simply jammed and cancelled them effortlessly. She didn't even need to make any movements when performing this, making it even more difficult for Zeke to counter.

"In games the main boss would at least make a movement connected to the skill. This is like cheating." He said to himself, viewing Allesiah who was standing perfectly still as the [Darkness Spheres] did their job of attacking her enemy.

He then tried hiding behind the rocks but these got shattered immediately. It only took one [Darkness Sphere] to perform this which he found weird. That's why he [Analyzed] the ominous black orbs and found a trait added to them.

[Information: The orbs contain gravitational magic that could absorb any object that is within a 3ft radius.]

"Strongest count my ass." Zeke said, remembering the fake Zeke's bold statement on how he was the strongest among the four.

Allesiah was definitely stronger than his double. In fact, she was probably twice as strong and this didn't even count the fact that she could perform the same transformation as Sylph. Yet, even against such an opponent, Zeke had everything prepared. It was Allesiah after all. An elf which he trained rigorously. Although she may have gotten stronger, there were certain core weaknesses which Zeke knew to still linger with the elf.

"Here catch!" Zeke said with a smile on his face as he saw Allesiah with a shocked expression on her face.

"That won't work!" She exclaimed, making the [Darkness Spheres] hit the objects which then exploded into clouds of gas. They were [Smoke Grenades] modified ones made by Zeke which did not contain any mana. And because they were such, Allesiah's specialty didn't work on them.

"So you're resorting to a cheap trick like this? Pathetic!" She uttered, with the [Darkness Spheres] still following Zeke.

"I can see you clear as day. Even if you block the sun and drive away all light, as long as there is mana, I'll be able to see you." She proudly stated.

"I know that quite well Allesiah." Zeke said as he continued evading through the storm of attacks.

"Aren't you going to say anything about what you did?" Allesiah continued in fury. Releasing ice that Zeke couldn't dodge. It grew within his body, making use of the mana that circulated on it to form the spell.

"Damn, that's good." He said, paralyzed in place as pillars of ice soon followed. Trapping the gamer in the middle.

"You can't win against me. And don't even think that I'd end your sorry life. I know that you have a cheap trick that allows you to resurrect." Allesiah said. Effectively catching her prey without any problems. Or so she thought.

"Why are you smiling?" She asked.

"Take a look." Allesiah followed the direction of Zeke's eyes and, she immediately realized the danger that the was in as a large explosion soon followed.

This sent Allesiah flying. Destroying all the barriers she set up around herself. With just this, she understood how powerful the attack was as, the barriers were supposed to hold up against ultimate level spells.

"You can cancel spells before they are casted. That is true. But you cannot cancel something overflowing with mana yet not containing any mana formulas. My bullets are exactly those." Zeke said, emerging out of the attack completely healed due to the effects of [Curse of the Blood King].

He then brought up his hand which held more bullets. The same ones which he used on the earlier explosion. This made Allesiah wary of her enemy and raise her guard even more. She knew that it was time to get serious so she tried activating her final form.

The air around them became denser and the air thickened. The mana naturally flowing around them were all getting attracted to Allesiah. Then, with all of this happening, her transformation was supposed to begin. Yet it didn't.

"You!" Allesiah said, knowing full well that it was something only Zeke could be capable of.

Aside from the transformation going haywire, she couldn't; see the flow of mana anymore. There were only thin lines of these remaining. Disabling the only thing that gave her the upper hand on the fight.

"What did you do to me!" She demanded.

"The gas I released earlier had small particles on it. Ones which are so minute that you won't even notice them. And do you know where they are made off?" Zeke threw a whole crystal towards Allesiah who immediately recognized what it was.

"That crystal serves as a jammer in itself. As an expert in [Mana Manipulation] I know that you've gotten those things memorized. But hey, how can you prepare for something you can't even see right?" Zeke finished, taking off his weapons.

"Are you pitying me right now?"

"What? No Allesiah of course not. I just want to talk." Zeke furthered.

He knew that it was impossible for them to have a decent discussion as long as Allesiah could attack. That's why he prepared such an attack in order for his plans to proceed smoothly. He then placed vines around the elf which prevented her from making unnecessary movements and, apart from this, he destroyed the [Darkness Spheres] which were still remaining.

"I know that he hasn't brainwashed you entirely. You're not the only one who's been practicing [Mana Manipulation] after all." Zeke said, looking at Allesiah again.

"What are you saying? Why would I be brainwashed?" Allesiah said in confusion.

"I'll tell you everything once I'm done. So just stay still." Zeke continued, looking intently on Allesiah as he grinned in victory.

While he was within Sylph's dream, Zeke found something odd. It was the fact that, even though they were trapped, Allesiah didn't bother doing anything. From their time together, Zeke knew that it was impossible for the elf to take this course of action. He knew that, just like Sylph, she would've stopped at nothing to get out of the place.

"The cuffs that were placed on you cancels every attempt to use mana or to see mana. Yet, in such a miniscule amount, the cuffs won't be able to detect it."

"What are you talking about? That's impossible."

"I know. And yet you've succeeded in doing it."


"You've probably kept silent because you were focusing and mediating. And the only reason why you didn't tell it to your sister is because someone else might be listening without both of you knowing. Then, when the gassing began, you knew that your memories would only be distorted from that point on. So, with the technique you've just learned you've placed locks on your brain. Ones which are made of mana and this you painstakingly performed every day."

"What the hell are you saying! I remember none of that."

"Yes. Because you are not the Allesiah I know. In fact, the real one would probably be a lot stronger than you."

"That is utter nonsense! How can a fictional character you've been deluding yourself in be stronger than me? Is that why you didn't come and save me all these years? Because of some makeshift story you crafted just to ease the guilt on your consciousness?" Allesiah said in anger, beginning to gain her powers back. Zeke noticed this so he gave her another dose of the gas.

"Just stay there. I'm still figuring out how to remove the lock you've placed." Zeke said, putting all his efforts into deciphering the mana formulas which were used.

"You've gotta teach me this trick once you're back Ali." Zeke continued.

"Shut up you traitor! Once I get out of this I'm going to place you through various methods of torture! I will put you in a situation worse than death itself! So you better prepare yourself!" She continued, with the empty threats entering Zeke's ear and exiting on the other.

"Nothis can't be." Zeke said, finally deciphering the formula.

"Don't fool around. I knew you were lying."

"It's impossible. Why would such a condition need to be met?" Zeke continued, his cheeks turning red in embarrassment.

"Hey, what are you planning to do exactly?" Allesiah said in reply, reading the expression on Zeke's face. The gamer then made one deep breath before staring at Allesiah.

"Man, those years on the labyrinth must have placed a screw lose on that head of yours. To think that you're already this bold." Zeke continued, walking towards the elf who was bound down.

"What do you mean? What are you trying to do right now?"

"Don't ask me. You're the one who wanted this." Zeke said, holding on to Allesiah's cheek and examining it.

It was only at this moment that Allesiah felt vulnerable. She couldn't put a finger on it but, her beat was racing faster and faster. Zeke was there, looking straight at her. And even without any romantic relationships with men, she instinctively knew what was to come.

Zeke then began chanting the spell on his head and, this created a glow on top of Allesiah's lips. She tried squirming but Zeke held her face with both of his hands. With this, Allesiah was sure. There was no doubt about what was to come.

"D-don't." She sheepishly said as her face also blushed red. Yet Zeke could not be stopped if it meant retrieving his ally. With the spell fully chanted all that was left was for him to fulfill the condition. And so, steeling himself for what was to come, his lips met Allesiah's.

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