The First Evolution

Chapter 96: Undercurrent

Chapter 96: Undercurrent

Type B Items (the cost of contribution points was between 100-200 points) was as follows:

Herbal tea egg (half): This is an extremely precious food. It is said that many people have never tasted half of it in their lives.

2 pieces of Kevlar fiber combat suits: This is a piece of clothing with a very excellent defense. It can greatly increase your chances of surviving, but it may not be a lucky thing to fall into the hands of mechanical creatures alive. (1 piece had been exchanged)

3 black EMP shock grenades (2 have been exchanged). This grenade can release powerful electromagnetic shock waves, paralyzing mechanical creatures in the surrounding 60 square meters (2-7 seconds), but the effect was very poor for models above Reaper. It may even be ineffective.

1 Jetpack: This is a powerful auxiliary tool that can provide you with amazing mobility. After you carry it on your back, it can provide a powerful boost to achieve the effect of low-altitude flight. However, it must be noted that once the continuous use time exceeds 20 minutes, there will be a certain probability of failure.

High-frequency alloy gun (20), refreshed daily: This is a new weapon developed for mechanical creatures. Once the gun is pierced into the body of the mechanical creature, a current of up to 10,000 volts will be released instantly, causing a strong internal damage. But this weapon can only be used with high-frequency harpoon guns and “Raven” charging system to achieve the most perfect effect. (11 have been exchanged)

The “porcupine” depleted uranium armor-piercing ammunition (1000 rounds). It is regularly refreshed every day and is sold at 200 rounds per unit. This is ammunition made with the latest technology and has a powerful lethality to mechanical creatures. (400 rounds have been exchanged)

Maguey deluxe wine (5). A specialty of this city. It can give the drinker an excellent taste experience, and the effect will be better after frozen.

The contribution points needed are as follows…


Looking at these dazzling products, the first thing Fang Linyan discovered was the all-terrain armored motorcycle 500CC. The exchange price of this thing was astonishingly low, and it was only 50 points! Such a cheap price really gave him an urge to buy immediately.

But after Fang Linyan thought clearly, he immediately noticed the scam in it!

For a motorcycle with a displacement of 500cc, the fuel consumption is just like drinking water. Does this cost of replenishment worth it?

When this thing encounters a malfunction during driving or it is damaged in the middle of a battle. Will you fix it?

Vehicles, that operate in harsh environments, require maintenance every once in a while. Can you do it yourself?

If I buy it due to its cheap price, I will find that I need to spend money everywhere to make it work properly.

Iron Fist Brotherhood may be selling motorcycles at a loss, but needless to say, the money lost can be earned back from the rest in minutes.

Next, Fang Linyan saw the description of the jetpack, and he was immediately shocked…

There will be a certain probability of failure! Dear! Daddy opened it and saw it personally. This chance is 100%!


Therefore, after Fang Linyan pondered for a while, he directly chose 10 tons of diesel, Kevlar fiber combat suit, jetpack, and “porcupine” depleted uranium armor-piercing ammunition(200 rounds). Among them, both diesel and “porcupine” depleted uranium armor-piercing ammunition required a total of 100 contribution points. The price of the Kevlar fiber combat suit was 150 points, and the jetpack only needed 100 points. The total was 450 contribution points.

For him, diesel and “porcupine” depleted uranium armor-piercing ammunitions were just a smokescreen. What he really wanted was the jetpack and the Kevlar fiber combat suit. After thinking about it in his mind, he finalized the following plan. He walked out of the coffee shop and walked over to the maintenance base again.

When Fang Linyan went out, Colonel Gundom here had already received a report saying that the target had left the coffee shop. It seemed that he had negotiated with Lieutenant Lucan, but intelligence showed that no trace of Lieutenant Lucan was found! No suspicious person even had contact with Fang Linyan.

Hearing this news, Colonel Gundom was also very shocked. Of course, he had sent someone to monitor Fang Linyan’s whereabouts, but he ordered that it must not be discovered. They just had to watch from a distance. In fact, Colonel Gundom was very confident in his own people and felt that he would be able to find Lieutenant Lucan’s whereabouts.

However, Fang Linyan just sat in the coffee shop for half an hour, and he was able to contact Lieutenant Lucan successfully. He also seemed to have the root of the Blood Orchid flower when returning. Such an anti-reconnaissance ability made Colonel Gundom vigilant. He even considered the possibility of a huge force behind Fang Linyan.

He didn’t know that Lieutenant Lucan was dead. His corpse was probably taken back by Reaper long ago to extract minerals. Fang Linyan put all the valuables in his private space, so they of course couldn’t find anything.

When the 2 sides met for the second time, Colonel Gundom was still very careful. He let people search Fang Linyan before letting him in. However, this time Fang Linyan simply grabbed the box and refused to let go, and he told Colonel Gundom that he would smash the box with a squeeze. The special liquid inside would completely destroy the Blood Orchid flower root inside.

Colonel Gundom must trade it with items!

Colonel Gundom faced Fang Linyan’s determination and felt a headache. This old treacherous fox used both soft and hard tactics, but Fang Linyan insisted that this time he must follow his own rules, otherwise both parties would get nothing.

In this case, Colonel Gundom finally gave in because he really couldn’t resist the temptation of greed in his heart! He could only grit his teeth and said,

“What do you want?”

Fang Linyan immediately stated the list of what he needed, and he finally added 800 grams of titanium silver powder. This thing was an expensive additive that could be used in many aspects of metal forging. In this apocalypse, it was a hard currency similar to gold that could be easily traded. This was in line with Lieutenant Lucan’s motive of getting a fortune and running away.

Colonel Gundom snorted coldly after listening to Fang Linyan’s condition,

“Boy, do you think that a mere Blood Orchid flower can be exchanged for the entire world?”

Beginning with this sentence, the 2 began a fierce quarrel. The intensity of the process during this period was exactly like mars hitting the earth, Kardashian met Hilton, etc. The debate was full of the essence of guerrilla warfare. Finally, they reached an agreement with difficulty.

Colonel Gundom bought with his own contribution points:

8 tons of diesel fuel, Kevlar fiber combat suit, jetpack, “porcupine” depleted uranium armor-piercing ammunition (200 rounds), and 500 grams of titanium silver powder.

Fang Linyan was responsible for bringing the remaining 5 Blood Orchid leaves to exchange.

The trade was divided into 2.

The trade location was the cafe at the door, and the only person who came to the trade was Markwen.

In the first trade, Fang Linyan took out 2 Blood Orchid leaves for the Kevlar fiber combat suit and the jetpack.

In the second trade, Fang Linyan took out the remaining 3 leaves + roots for the remaining “porcupine” depleted uranium armor-piercing ammunition (200 rounds), 500 grams of titanium silver powder, and a fuel ticket that can extract 8 tons of diesel at any time.

Strictly speaking, Colonel Gundom would make a lot of money if this trade was successful. Based on the market price, he only needed 2 Blood Orchid leaves to exchange for the contribution points he spent. The remaining 4 Blood Orchid leaves and root were pure profits!

Colonel Gundom couldn’t help but feel his heart throbbing. After taking a deep breath, he felt that his heart was palpitating quickly, then he looked at the charming female secretary beside, wishing to push her down right now

However, Colonel Gundom quickly regained his insanity. He quickly whispered a few words to the confidant next to him, instructing him to arrange manpower to closely monitor Fang Linyan!

It was just that Fang Linyan mentioned that once he noticed something was wrong, he would immediately destroy the Blood Orchid leaves he was carrying.

At this time, Gundom already regarded the Blood Orchid leaves as his own. To be honest, his intention to scam Fang Linyan was long gone. At present, he was even more worried than Fang Linyan about what went wrong in the trade process. Sending people to monitor was just out of his old fox’s instinct, and it was of course to prevent accidents from happening.

However, when Colonel Gundom sent people there, he also strictly ordered that covering himself was the first priority, so the person monitoring did not dare to follow too closely.

This was quite difficult for the person who monitored. If he was a professional, it was fine; but the problem was that although Colonel Gundom’s position could gain a lot of profit, what kind of department was he in actually? It was just a car repair shop. No matter how badass the car repair shop’s boss was, what kind of good spy could he send?

Things such as intelligence and surveillance actually required a lot of knowledge and skills. It must be handled by the professional.

Because of so many behind-the-scenes factors, Fang Linyan’s first trade was very smooth.

After the 2 Blood Orchid leaves were handed over to Markwen, Markwen verified the authenticity with the test strips he carried, then he gave the Kevlar fiber combat suit and jetpack to Fang Linyan.

Fang Linyan only told Markwen that Lieutenant Lucan was very careful and thought that the trade with Colonel Gundom was actually fraudulent. After he inquired about it, he found that Colonel Gundom had a bad reputation and was very cunning, so he had taken the rest for security. The Leaf of Blood Orchid hid outside Yangfan City.

He had to send the items back smoothly before he could get the other 3 leaves and roots for the second trade.

Therefore, the next trade would be held in the same place in 4 hours.

Fang Linyan got up and left after speaking. After Markwen got the news at this time, he was dumbfounded for a while, trying to stop Fang Linyan, but he found that he had no excuses.

Because this time he clearly completed the trade honestly, and he had no reason to blame.

Secondly, the other party did not say cancelling the trade, but he only said that the trade would be done in four hours. This was not a violation of the rules, right!?

Markwen was originally not a decisive person, let alone such a big event. After he hesitated for a while, Fang Linyan was already 30 meters away.

At this moment, he shuddered again. It was because he thought of his uncle’s stern scolding before leaving, that was to let him get the fuck back quickly after completing the trade. He shouldn’t stay for a second longer, otherwise he would have to taste the whip.

So Markwen shuddered, and he immediately grasped the box containing the Blood Orchid flower leaves while walking quickly toward the maintenance base. He thought in his mind that he should not think much and just report the truth.


2 hours later,

It was still the grayish-yellow circular building. Compared with the low and deserted slum houses around, this building seemed to stand out from the crowd.

But at this time there were a lot more people inside. They were busy going in and out like ants.

Fortunately, the courtyard wall of the building was very high, and the surrounding buildings were also very low, successfully blocking the sight of passers-by.

Blood Slave stood behind the curtains on the third floor, frowning and watching these people.

Behind him, the slightly fat woman wearing grey frame glasses was still busy. Her expression was indifferent; her fingers tapping on the typewriter in front like a piano player. The speed was so fast that there were illusions near her index fingers and middle fingers.

However, even under such circumstances, she could tilt her head from time to time to look at some data and analyze it at the same time.

After the analysis was done properly, while typing with 1 hand, the other hand wrote and drew on the blank note next to her for instructions. When she finished writing, someone next to her would naturally take the note down.

One mind and 3 tasks!

Such a person could only be described as a workaholic; a human CPU!!

Immediately afterward, Canvis, wearing a long robe and cap, slowly walked upstairs, then she said to the woman in gray frame glasses,

“Omni, since entering the second phase, the whereabouts of the rest of the contestants are much easier to grasp. I am so bored that my bones are going to rust.”

“Like the last time, we used the Iron Fist Brotherhood to kill the Mad Dog’s people, that feeling was great. They hide in the leather warehouse and think it’s safe… You all didn’t see their expression when the soldiers of the Iron Fist Brotherhood rushed in. That was really gratifying. When will we set up another round to eliminate some people?”

Blood Slave suddenly sneered at this moment,

“Canvis, I let you to complete the main mission first this time, so that you can get third place on the racing list. You must remember to return this favor to me in the next phase!”

Canvis curled her lips and said,

“Got it! You’re really stingy… Omni, try to consider my suggestion?”

Omni, the woman with gray frame glasses, was still typing and reading the file next to her as if multitasking was piece of cake to her. Simultaneously, she said slowly,

“According to Gai Qiushan’s orders, after the second phase begins, our first goal is to complete the main mission and milestones; all other things should be left behind!”

“Have you seen the list listed by Gai Qiushan? Hurry up and collect it. Although he is not low in the Iron Fist Brotherhood, the rules and regulations of this organization are quite strict. There is no loophole to cheat for contribution points at all!”

“If we can let Gai Qiushan exchange the type A item before the third phase comes, we will win in this joint trial for sure! Canvis, you have 2 more tasks. Blood Slave, you still have a task on you. Why are you 2 still here? Hurry up and work on it. Do you want me to let Geert urge you?”

TL: This group of people seems organized, maybe someone among them isn’t in the joint trial for the first time? Can Fang Linyan complete the second trade?

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