The First Evolution

Chapter 78: Governor’s Roar

Chapter 78: Governor’s Roar

Within a few seconds of the initial installation of the module, the gun did not have any reaction. Soon, Fang Linyan felt that the surface of the firearm actually started to become hot, and there was a feeling of numbness like being electrocuted. The key was that the sky was already dark at this time, and people were looking over strangely from time to time. For the sake of safety, Fang Linyan could only put the mutated gun directly into his personal space and let it transform on its own.

After having a general understanding of Yangfan City at this time, Fang Linyan felt that the pattern of this settlement was somewhat similar to that of the town during the Warring States Period in Japan——— With a strong defensive castle as the core, the surrounding was a bazaar/castle town with a strong commercial atmosphere. All the prosperity was built on the basis of force. Once the protection of force was gone, everything would vanish.

Not only that, although this city built in the desert seemed rough, most of the building materials were stone, the first experience it gave people was the roughness of generosity, but some small delicate details could still be found. Such as every house had a pocket flower stand built with gravel. It was planted with tenacious cacti, sea buckthorn, zinnias, cornflowers and so on.

The walls were also engraved with wave patterns representing rebirth and fertility. Not only that, there were often special stone statues that were half a person tall at intersections in cities.

The material of these statues was very special; it was a kind of black rock. It looked rough, but it felt very delicate. The shape of the statue had a human body and the head of a vulture. It looked fierce. It was the god of the desert worshipped by the aborigines. Although the world’s technology was also very advanced, the advent of the end and the despair of mankind were mixed, making religion spread easier.

Every night, 3 white candles are lit in front of many desert gods. The white candles formed a triangle shape, then many people prayed in front of the statue. This had become a major feature of this city.

After walking on the street for a while, Fang Linyan felt a little hungry and wanted to eat some steaming food, so he came to a popular shop in the busy street. What attracted Fang Linyan was the steamer-like cooking utensils placed at the entrance of this shop. It was steaming steamed cakes called “passa”. It was made of a fermented mixture of chestnut, peanuts, rye, and flour. It had a fluffy taste and a slightly sweet and sour aftertaste.

After eating 2 passa, the roasted pigeon that Fang Linyan ordered was also served. This dish was a local specialty. It had two characteristics. The first was the pigeon was not a pigeon; it was a large rodent that was good at running. It had strong reproductive power and a delicious taste because of the large amount of exercise.

Secondly, although this dish was named roasted pigeon, it was actually a staple food. When the pigeon was slaughtered, its head was chopped off first, then a cut was made on its stomach to remove its internal organs. Lastly, its skin was stripped and the blood was rinsed.

After that, chestnut rice, cactus fruit, flour, etc. would be made into pilaf and stuffed into the pigeon’s stomach. After it was sprinkled with spices and wrapped in leaves, it was put into a special sealing soil pit to slowly roast with charcoal.

In this way, the fat of the pigeon itself and the aroma of meat would eventually be simmered into the staple food inside. After serving, the meat of the pigeon on the outside tastes generally, but the pilaf inside was fragrant. It was very delicious. The boss would also give away a cucumber and a tomato. Biting the cucumber together with the pilaf was an extraordinary experience.

Finally, Fang Linyan ordered a bowl of hot milk tea and drank it. He immediately felt sweaty on his back and felt comfortable. The milk tea looked ordinary, but it was silky smooth. No wonder this shop was so popular.

At this time, Fang Linyan was full, so he ordered another milk tea and took some rest.

At this time, he realized after paying the bill that the purchasing power of the platinum coin was quite amazing. He took out a platinum coin, and the boss even went to the next door to get some small change. If so, his 6 platinum coins could at least support him for a month.

Just as Fang Linyan was thinking about what to purchase next, he suddenly found that the Winchester M1887 Shotgun in the storage space seemed to have been transformed. It was obviously shortened. Its specific attributes could be seen now.

Governor’s Roar

Type: Shotgun: (Condition: Excellent)

Place of Origin: Yangfan City

Equipment Rarity: Black

Equipment Slot: Hand, weapon

Short-range (within 6 meters) Attack Power: 44~70

Long-range (beyond 6 meters) Attack Power: 30 ~ 50.

Material: Steel, plastic, wood

Modifier Slot 1 (Destroyed): There is a possibility of repair in the world of higher technology.

Modifier Slot 2 (used): Advanced shock enhancement module (special)

Usable Ammunition: 12mm shotgun

Weight: 3.9 kg.

The length of the gun is 522 mm.

Required Conditions: The strength value must reach 6 points.

Special Effect: The user must use the special method of spin cock to reload in order to successfully fire.

Special Passive Effect: Attacking an enemy within a close range (6 meters) has a 20% chance of knocking it back.

Special Passive Effect: Attacking an enemy at a close range (8 meters) has a 70% chance of stunning the enemy for 4 seconds and reducing its movement speed by 60%.

Special Negative Effect: {Void}, this weapon has a strong resentment. When you use it to attack, there is a certain chance that a certain piece of equipment on your body will be completely disabled (equivalent to an unworn state) until the end of the battle.

Negative Special Effect: {Short Mouth}, in order to make this special weapon exert its maximum power, its mouth is sawed in half, resulting in its effective range much shorter than ordinary shotguns which are only 8 meters away (normal shotguns range is 20-100 meters). Beyond this distance, the scattering rate of its shotgun will spread to an astonishing level that it is almost nullified.

Evaluation: It still has room for further strengthening, provided that you have to find a way to fix it.

Inscription: You can see the vague writing on the gunstock. If you can find the lucky pair of sunglasses, please put it with this gun. They are a natural pair.

Looking at the description of this weapon, Fang Linyan was finally relieved. The special effects of this weapon randomly transformed were quite good. It gave a huge surprise to Fang Linyan, and it also made him more confident in his following plan.

TL: The transformation really buffed the shotgun a lot, but the negative effects though, can’t say I like them ?

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