The First Evolution

Chapter 458: A Desperate Trial

Chapter 458: A Desperate Trial

After the prompt information on the retinas appeared here, Fang Linyan found a passage in front of him.

Although the passage was pitch black, there were dots of light in front.

He walked along the passage, then his vision brightened suddenly. He had entered a room that looked very simple and clear.

The furnishings in this room were very simple.

The walls were a warm beige color. There was only a black tea table and 2 back sofas in the room, which were quite comfortable to sit on.

The warm light cast by the light strip above the head made people feel relaxed.

Other than that, there were no decorations or amenities.

But Fang Linyan did not forget to look back at the passage he came in with, only to find that it had disappeared without a trace.

Instead, the walls were covered with beige wallpaper, solid and secure.

Fang Linyan sat on a sofa according to the prompt, then he found an old man with a big smile and gray hair suddenly appeared on the opposite side of the coffee table,

He said enthusiastically,

“Hi, Wrench, I’m Conductor John who is in charge of this Ascension Trial.”

“I think it’s too blunt to directly address your contestant number, so I choose the name that the rest of the contractors use most frequently for you, will you mind?”

Fang Linyan smiled and said,

“Of course John, nice to meet you.”

After finishing speaking, he stretched out his hand specifically to shake hand.

John smiled and also stretched out his right hand.

However, although the 2 hands overlapped each other, Fang Linyan found that he was touching the air.

John smiled apologetically and said,

“Sorry, I can only appear as a phantom here.”

Fang Linyan keenly captured the hidden meaning in his words,

“You can if it’s elsewhere?”

John smiled and said,

“Yes, if you choose the most common Ascension Trial, then when the energy supply is not so tight, I can have an artificial human body to serve you.”

Fang Linyan said,

“Then what level of Ascension Trial am I conducting now?”

John said,

“Ultimate Ascension Trial — Of course, it is also the highest level and most dangerous among Ascension Trials — so you have the authority to stop and admit defeat at any time.”

“Because, after all, this is a desperate trial!”

Fang Linyan said with a smile,

“I really like such rules that are beneficial to me. It would be even better if I could hear more similar good news from you.”

John shrugged,

“It’s a pity, the rest are all bad news. Do I need to start from the beginning?”

Fang Linyan said,

“Of course, it’s best not to miss a single word.”

John said,

“Very well, then let me first talk about the core law of the Ascension Trial, which is to challenge yourself!”

“The way to complete the Ascension Trial is very simple. You will be teleported into a field, then you have to kill the enemy.”

Fang Linyan nodded and said,

“Sounds really easy, but what about my enemy?”

John smiled and said,

“It’s you.”

Fang Linyan said in astonishment,

Huh? Me?”

John said,


“For a normal Ascension Trial, you only need to defeat a clone of yourself.”

“All the basic attributes of the clone are 1.5 times yours, and it will get exactly the same equipment and skills as when you entered the Ascension Trial field.”

Fang Linyan frowned and said,

“Wait, I seem to have just heard you say that this is a condition for a normal Ascension Trial?”

John smiled and said,

“Yes, didn’t you ask me not to miss a single word? Then I’ll go into more detail.”

Fang Linyan nodded and said,

“Okay, you continue.”

John said,

“By analogy, for an intermediate Ascension Trial, you need to defeat 2 clones of yourself.”

“And for the Ultimate Ascension Trial, you need to defeat 3 clones of yourself!”

Fang Linyan couldn’t help taking a deep breath:

“This means that I have to face 3 identical selves, and their basic attributes are 1.5 times that of my own?”

“They wear what I wear! They own the items that I own! They have the skills that I learned?”

John said,


Fang Linyan closed his eyes and pondered for a while and said,

“Wait, you don’t seem to mention talent?”

John said,

“Humans are a very strange creature that is full of a great deal of contradiction.”

“Although they are weak individually, they can burst out astonishing power when united.”

“Although their lifespan is short, the estrus period can last as long as 60 years. After sexual maturity, theoretically speaking, the fertility is surprisingly strong!”

“So, this has led to the innate talents of each human contestant being so strange that they are almost infinite. During the trials, they can only be simulated as much as possible, but cannot be fully reproduced.”

Fang Linyan said,

“Then can you tell me how will my talents simulate in my clones?”

John said,

“{Lightning Reflexe} can be simulated perfectly.”

“But {Metal Touch} is hard to simulate.”

Having said that, John smiled wryly,

“In fact, it is difficult to truly restore this kind of perceptual talent.”

“Because it feels different from person to person, and it’s hard to describe.”

Hearing this, Fang Linyan smiled and said,

“Yes, to describe it in one sentence, only the person drinking the water knows how warm or cold the water is.”

John sighed. He seemingly couldn’t refrain from saying,

“For example, the same human woman, some human men feel good after seeing her.”

“During our tests, the pupils were slightly dilated, shortness of breath occurred, and brain wave activity increased.”

“But some men were indifferent after seeing the woman. They even started to focus on putting together some squares on the electronic screen.”

“The most confusing thing is that when you ask the former type of men how they feel, the answer is there is feeling, but when you ask the latter type of men how they feel, the most common answer is no feeling…”

Despite the great pressure, facing John’s criticisms, Fang Linyan still smiled and said,

“Well, we seem to be getting far away from the main topic.”

“I want to know the specific properties of {Metal Touch} simulated by you on my clones.”

John said,

“When using/wearing any metal weapon or armor, the attack power/defense of the weapon and armor is increased by 28%.”

Fang Linyan nodded,

“The purpose of the Ascension Trial is to ascend the strength of the contestant instead of killing me directly, right?”

John said,

“Yes, the purpose is to uncover your potential.”

Fang Linyan said,

“Then you probably won’t directly throw me into a beast cage and let me face 3 of my clones. Worse still, my enhanced clones.”

John said,

“No, we won’t. In fact, you can have multiple choices before fighting.”

“First, you can freely choose the skills you bring into the battlefield.”

“Second, you can freely choose the equipment/items you bring into the battlefield.”

“Third, you can choose a battlefield with restrictions.”

After finishing speaking, John waved his hand.

Fang Linyan immediately saw a holographic figure appearing on the coffee table in front of him. It was spinning slowly.

This holographic figure was about one foot tall and looked exactly like Fang Linyan.

There were descriptions of Fang Linyan’s basic attributes, equipment, and skills.

He could tap and check the specific attributes.

Next to equipment and skills, he could choose to equip and unequip.

In other words, as long as Fang Linyan was willing, he could unequip himself into an ordinary person who knows nothing and enter the battlefield.

However, Fang Linyan noticed that basic abilities could be removed, but the value of basic attributes was retained.

Not only that, Fang Linyan also saw some other spare skills next to the figure.

He took a closer look and was shocked, because among the spare skills, he actually saw Tier C Class Ability: {Combat Technology Support}, and the names of [Drone] and [Machine Gun Turret].

“Aren’t, aren’t these skills deleted? Why do they still appear in the option column?”

Fang Linyan couldn’t help asking curiously.

John said,

“As long as they are the skills you once had, they will all appear in it.”

Fang Linyan joked,

“And what about [Before The Golden Wind Moves, The Cicadas Sense It First] and [The Connection Between Two Capitals Is Unmatched]?”

John actually said,

“If you insist, it can be added to the list.”

“However, this is a special treatment for the Ultimate Ascension Trial.”

John then said meaningfully,

“But you also have to understand that the more powerful the skill, the more it is a double-edged sword.”

His meaning was also very clear. It was a good thing that he had a powerful skill, but it also meant that the 3 clones he was facing also had this powerful skill.

It was a 1vs3, and the basic attributes were 1.5 times that of his!

Fang Linyan nodded. He suddenly said,

“I have one more question.”

John said,

“Say it.”

Fang Linyan said:

“You should be able to see that I still have 10 potential points and more than 20,000 common points.”

“What will happen if I bring these potential points and common points into the battlefield of Ascension Trial?”

John said:

“You can bring them in, then your clones will also have exactly the same resources. They will immediately enhance themselves according to the current situation.”

“Of course, the settings you set for yourself in the Ascension Trial will not affect your state after you successfully leave.”

“Once you successfully leave the Ascension Trial, you will return to your current state.”

After hearing this sentence, Fang Linyan’s gloomy face finally relieved a bit, then he smiled,

“Okay, Mr. John, I think my questions are almost done. I only need to clarify a few details.”

TL: To make full use of his talent, will he choose the field full of machinery or the like?

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