The First Evolution

Chapter 377: Peculiar Gesture

Chapter 377: Peculiar Gesture

Under the condition that the cameras were intact, the hacker of Evil Zen Team could monitor the internal condition at any time, then he could stop Mike’s action in time according to the situation.

Because he could remotely control the collar on Mike’s neck, perform electric discharges, inject anesthetics, and even pop out multiple steel needles from the inside and penetrate deep into the spine, causing severe pain to stop it!!!

But now, the hacker of Evil Zen Team knew nothing about the situation inside. He suddenly felt a little at a loss, so he couldn’t help saying,

“Hey, Shania, we’d better put that monster to sleep. Anyway, that damned Wrench is already locked inside. Didn’t the boss say he’ll be down in 5 minutes?”

Shania bit her lower lip tightly, and she said hysterically,

“No!! I feel that something bad will happen. I want that bastard to die, now, immediately!!!”

After speaking, he directly put the saber on the hacker’s neck and said sharply,

“Don’t do anything. I want that damn Wrench to be eaten by this monster!!”

Feeling the coolness from the saber on his neck, the hacker raised his hands helplessly and showed a smile uglier than crying,

“Shania, easy. My hands are already up in the air.”

Shania snorted. It was not that the team didn’t intend to kill Mike before, because killing it would definitely bring a lot of money.

Therefore, someone conducted [Reconnaissance] on that ferocious mutant Mike. They found that only a few attributes of it could be scanned. The rest were ???.

Such data surprised Evil Zen. This showed that its strength was far above theirs. The attributes revealed were also jaw-dropping. It had 68 strength and 39 agility. This wasn’t the kind of ordinary leader level monster at all. It could only be described as a legendary creature!

At that time, Evil Zen Team considered the possibility of detonating the collar and severely injuring Mike, but they gave up on this in the end. Because the severely injured beast would unleash terrifying destructive power, and no one in their team could tank the unleash, so they gave up on it.

So, Shania’s inference was not wrong at all.

If there were no accidents, after a dozen seconds, Wrench would most likely be torn apart and eaten by this ferocious legendary beast… probably only a few drops of his blood would be left in this world


However, accidents were the most common in this world…

Since Fang Linyan dared to rush inside when he clearly knew that the other party was luring him into a trap, he of course had his own means.

That was to spend 1000 common points to return.

This was the special reward he got after completing the hidden main mission with A+ Evaluation. Shania and the others wouldn’t know about it!

So, seeing this white silver-backed mutated gorilla looking this way, although Fang Linyan was a little flustered, he was absolutely calm.

But in the next second, the white mutated gorilla charged toward him with knuckles. This was the unique way of walking for a gorilla. Its eyes were full of cruelty and bloodthirsty!!

Viscous saliva also flowed from its mouth as if it was eager to taste delicious flesh and blood.

But at this time, Fang Linyan’s eyes suddenly lit up!!

Because he saw that on the neck of this white mutated gorilla, there was actually a small area with black hair growing on it, which looked like half a scarf.

Such a feature immediately reminded him of 1 thing.

A thing that he almost forgot.

Therefore, Fang Linyan immediately moved forward instead of retreating and said loudly,

“Mike, are you okay?”

After Fang Linyan went up to meet him, the white mutated gorilla stopped moving forward. Hearing Fang Linyan’s words, it shook its head and seemed a little confused.

But its eyes were immediately overtaken by violent and bloodthirsty. It bared its fang, roared, and beat its chest. The thumping sounded like a beating drum, very impactful!

When Shania outside heard this sound, she knew the mutated gorilla had gone furious. He let out a long sigh, stepped back a few steps as if she was exhausted, and leaned against the wall. The tears of relief flowed down her cheeks. This damn Wrench, which was her mental obstacle, finally died.

Now that her mental obstacle was dead, she could finally come out of that nightmare experience.

However, what Shania didn’t know was that although Mike, the mutated white gorilla, seemed to become furious, Fang Linyan showed a smile.

Because this guy actually hesitated and responded to his call!!

This was enough to show that the things in his memory were useful.

Since the name could only cause it a mild stimulus, Fang Linyan decided to give it some serious stimulation next…

Next, facing this berserk beast that was close at hand, he actually made a very strange, even obscene gesture!!

Fang Linyan shouted again,

Hey! Look here, Mike!!”

Then he raised his left hand and pressed the tips of his thumb and forefinger to form a circle.

Immediately afterward, he made a fist with his right hand, stretched out his middle finger, poke in the circle, and the middle finger was moving in and out of that circle in a wretched way…

Seeing this scene, the huge beast in front froze in place. Its eyes widened, and its fat lips became an “O”. It obviously remembered something!

The rampant aura that was about to rush over and tear people apart in the next second disappeared instantly.

Next, Fang Linyan winked at it and made that obscene gesture.

The irritability and fury on Mike’s face disappeared little by little, then it seemed to be enchanted and stretched out its big left palm hesitantly. It imitated Fang Linyan’s gestures stiffly and slowly.

As the giant gorilla was imitating, its face became more and more obscene, then it also winked at Fang Linyan. Finally, it started laughing. It touched its crotch, sat cross-legged, and slapped the ground fiercely with its palm, looking overjoyed.

It turned out that this giant gorilla Mike was abandoned since it was a child, then it was raised by a zoologist in the National Forest Park. So, it could actually do a lot of humanized movements and even use sign language to have simple conversations with humans.

But the zoologist Davis who raised it was a healthy man, so watching AV and flirting with girls were indispensable.

This guy had been very smart since it was a child. When it saw Davis chatting with his friends, he made this obscene adult gesture. After they chatted happily, this little guy learned this gesture.

Of course, it didn’t know what it meant at the beginning. It just knew that after making this gesture, Davis was very embarrassed, and the black female researcher with huge buttocks next to him was covering her mouth and laughing happily. It became more and more mischievous, and it was more and more skillful in this gesture.

Later, when Mike began to mature, because it was small and thin among the male gorillas at that time, it basically had no right to mate and was very depressed.

When encountering such event, Daddy Davis would definitely not sit idly by. He would always find a way to lure some female gorillas with food and the like, then Mike could pounce on them very happily and complete puberty sprouting.

When it met some female gorillas that were stronger than Mike, Daddy Davis would simply drug them…

Then, Mike knew the meaning of this gesture logically, so when it had the need, it would rush to its father to make gestures.

Therefore, this seemingly obscene gesture, for Mike, was an indelible gesture engraved in the depths of its soul. It represented not only the joy of childhood but also the sexual happiness of its prime…

Because of this, even though in this underground laboratory where there was no sun, it was extremely painful and irritable due to the torture, and it even suffered from depression, but after seeing this gesture, Mike still couldn’t help being calm. It even became excited.

So here comes the crux of the problem, how did Fang Linyan know about such a secret?

Remember the mechanical gorilla dropped by the carrier pod outside the Veronica Laboratory?

Although this mechanical gorilla was developed by the Gumball Company, its genetic samples were still obtained from the wreckage of the crashed Vulture heavy launch vehicle.

Because this gene sample was the most stable and perfect, the other gene samples developed by Gumball Company had all disintegrated and couldn’t be put into use.

This stable genetic sample actually came from Mike.

So, fundamentally speaking, the mechanical gorilla was actually just a copy of Mike.

After killing the mechanical giant gorilla, Fang Linyan actually received a prompt, saying that he also made contribution points during the battle and got an item called Core Fragment of the Mechanical Giant Gorilla.

After using this item, he could read some incomplete memories inside. There were fragments of Mike’s daily life memories in it!

He even remembered Davis the big zoologist who adopted Mike.

When Mike recalled the past and laughed so hard, Fang Linyan stepped forward and tried to touch Mike. The big guy who was caught in the memory had no intention of resisting, so Fang Linyan picked up the huge iron rake on the side and groomed it.

Apparently, this was one of Mike’s favorite enjoyment, second only to having sex with a female gorilla.

TL: Is it possible that he can tame this gorilla?

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