The First Evolution

Chapter 332: Debate

Chapter 332: Debate

Lasaray stood up and said slowly,

“Agree to conduct a comprehensive search, but only 1/3 of the mobile force can be dispatched.”

The researcher said in amazement,

Ah? What?”

Lasaray shook his head and said,

“According to the comprehensive analysis of various data, the first laboratory is responsible for cultivating mechanical organs, and the second laboratory is responsible for the modulation of larvae.”

“But more resources are concentrated in the third area we have now divided. There should be a comprehensive area that integrates training, mutation, actual combat, etc.. Now we name it the Testing Field. I think we will get greater benefits there.”

At this moment, Lasaray’s words were suddenly interrupted.

A researcher began to exclaim,

“Type B Emergency! I repeat, Type B Emergency. The No. 7 scout creature we sent suddenly lost its signal. According to the analysis sent back from the scene, it was directly killed in just a few seconds. Before death, it couldn’t even make the most basic resistance.”

Hearing this man’s words, Lasaray immediately frowned and said,

“Where did the No. 7 scout creature go?”

As soon as he gave an order, someone immediately started to retrieve the relevant video, then a temporary electronic map had been projected in front of Lasaray, marking the route of the No. 7 scout creature.

At the same time, on the right screen of the electronic map, the live video projection transmitted back began to be played. This video projection was recorded by the mini camera tied to the neck of the No. 7 scout creature. The definition was very good.

At the same time, the researcher in charge of monitoring said,

“The No. 7 scout creature was dispatched an hour ago. It is one of the first scout creatures that were dispatched. It is the special infected subject: Hunter that is good at climbing and jumping.”

“According to the route, it passed through 6 forks, but it was traveling in the direction we set in advance.”

“During this period, there were 2 noteworthy things. One is that at 41 minutes and 32 seconds after dispatch, it came to a huge underground lake.”

“The second is that at 46 minutes and 17 seconds after dispatch, the Hunter sensed a movement and stayed there for 14 seconds. Because the Hunter’s sensory organs are eleven times that of humans, and the camera recorded no anomalies, it’s unable to determine what happened.”

After the researcher reported here, Lasaray waved his hand, asking him to pause the video, and pondered,

“The No. 7 scout creature is eliminated at 46 minutes after dispatch?”

The researcher said,


Lasaray said,

“Is the fact that it sensed the change necessarily related to its subsequent destruction?”

The researcher said,

“This possibility cannot be ruled out. After all, the special infected subject is a type that has never appeared before. In terms of this kind of biological technology, Duckland Company has relatively advanced technology.”

“From a logical point of view, the special infected subject stayed on the spot, indicating that it was likely to be interested in the change, then it would investigate it.”

Lasaray said,

“Very well, I got it. Continue playing the video.”

In the following video, this special infected subject came to a building complex by the lake.

However, after the researchers looked at the building complex a few times, they all felt that there was not much value here. As senior researchers, it was obvious at a glance that the building complex was used for office and daily use. The buildings of the biochemical experiment were obviously different from it in appearance.

However, when the No. 7 scout creature set foot on the street, the piles of bones still caught their attention.

Then, the No. 7 scout creature suddenly looked around vigilantly, because it sensed Fang Linyan’s [Drone], but the camera obviously did not capture the [Drone]. The video footage could not reflect its true inner thoughts too.

It was just that the sudden stillness of the image made the people who watched it feel that the atmosphere was not quite right.

Then the image froze. Because the camera was on the neck of the No. 7 scout creature, it was fixed. It couldn’t capture its movements of looking around.

All of a sudden, the entire camera screen went black. Only the audio control system could fully record all the sounds,

There was a violent explosion, the scream of the No. 7 scout creature, the low and strange roar (Goat made it on purpose), and the terrible sound of teeth tearing flesh (actually Fang Linyan pierced with a Bavarian Blood Spear into its body).

Then, in just 6 seconds, everything fell silent.

Lasaray crossed his hands, put them on the desk in front and said,

“Tell me what you think.”

A researcher said,

“I’m in charge of the environmental analysis. The site where the No. 7 scout creature was attacked is a building complex next to the underground lake. According to my research, this building complex is not used for research.”

“Considering its special location, I suspect that this underground lake may be used as a base for supply logistics in Veronica Laboratory. The lake water can be used to raise fish in cages, edible algae and so on.”

“If the water level of the underground lake fluctuates violently on a regular basis, it can also be used for power generation. Of course, it is not ruled out that special experimental projects will be carried out in the lake.”

“My conclusion is that until the investigation in the 3 laboratories is completed, there is no need to be distracted by this. It is best to avoid half-heartedness in work. For the sake of possible salads, let the fat steak on the plate be at risk is very unwise.”

Lasaray was noncommittal, then he said to another researcher,

“Ampero, tell me.”

The researcher Ampero said,

“I’m in charge of risk assessment. The No. 7 scout creature we dispatched out is weak in defense and HP, but that was not the reason why it was killed in just a few seconds. In fact, it has a keen sense of danger and will run away if there is any movement.”

“According to the feedback in the video, I suspect that it was attacked by a powerful predator. At 46 minutes and 17 seconds, the predator had already discovered the No. 7 scout creature, then it quietly followed it and launched an assault!”

“From the analysis of the audio files sent back, this predator could approach the Hunter without warning, create an explosion, can bite at close range and it didn’t care about the dying counterattack of the No.7 scout creature. The roar is very strange. According to our analysis, it does not belong to any known creature. More importantly, the attack power is very powerful.”

“So, my conclusion is to temporarily freeze the exploration of this area and concentrate on investigating the 3 laboratories.”

“In addition, I have to remind 1 thing here, that is, although the other 2 competitors cannot send strong teams in a short period of time, there are still teams whose combat purpose is purely for destruction! So our pressure is actually greater than we thought.”

Lasaray pondered for a while, then a confidant beside him said,

“Sir, I have something to say.”

Lasaray pointed at him, then nodded.

That confidant said,

“Rewind the video, put it 1 second before the No. 7 scout creature was attacked.”

His request was immediately granted.

Then, at the moment the image blackout, the confidant pressed the pause button in time.

What appeared on the screen was a blazing white light screen, but when the light appeared for less than 0.1 seconds, the camera went black, so it was ignored by them.

This confidant said,

“The camera we use is a PIUY-9 scotopic camera, which has excellent weak light sensitivity. Its lens uses the latest biotechnology, so that its photosensitive software can collect weak light like a cat’s eye.”

“So, this camera can capture excellent high-definition resolution videos even in very dark places, but this also makes it quite fragile when it encounters strong light.”

“It is clearly written in the instruction manual of this camera that pointing the camera at the sun under any circumstances may cause damage to it.”

Having said that, the confidant pointed to the blazing white light curtain on the screen and said,

“Obviously, the camera on the No. 7 scout creature suddenly turned black, not because it suffered any powerful attack. There is only one reason, it is directly illuminated by strong light!”

“According to my experience of serving on the battlefield for 8 years, this sudden strong light is very similar to the sudden explosion of a flash grenade at close range!”

“And the main target of this flash grenade is not the camera, but the No. 7 scout creature that has night vision. Its vision will suffer great damage under the flash grenade’s illumination.”

“So, my conclusion is that the one who attacked the No. 7 scout creature may not be a predator, but the remaining combatants of Duckland Company or Fincher Company!”

“So, we should pay attention to this and immediately send someone to kill these damn rats before these guys make a bigger mess!”

Obviously, the conclusion drawn by this confidant was completely opposite to that of researcher Ampero, which undoubtedly gave a slap on his face. Apparently, Ampero was not a person who could accept opinions with an open mind. He immediately frowned and said,

“You also said that it is possible, right? Since it is an uncertain thing, do we have to gamble with our little defensive strength? If there is a huge danger there, we can’t afford such a big loss now!”

TL: This confidant seems like a contractor…

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