The First Evolution

Chapter 290: Chaos

Chapter 290: Chaos

After being shot, Stephen felt a tingling in his chest. With that point as the center, a tragic pain spread like a spider web.

The bulletproof vest exploded, and the shattered man-made fibers burst out one after another. He wanted to scream, but only blood came out of his mouth, then he collapsed to the ground.

Not only that, after the bullet was fired, it also dragged a long light blue tracer in the air, which looked very gorgeous.

Even though Stephen was wearing the latest standard waffle fiber composite bulletproof vest, he was knocked down directly by 1 shoot. There was also a light blue tracer when shooting, which was the most typical feature of enchanted ammunition!

Because this bullet used the U-337 depleted uranium bullet, and more importantly, a precision magic array was engraved on the bottom of the bullet. As long as a magician injected a certain amount of magic power, the array could be activated to obtain 2 attributes of “penetration” and “armor piercing”.

After being infused with magic, the magic special effect on this ammo could last for several years, even ordinary people could use it! Of course, its price was certainly not cheap, and it was not easy to craft.

Fang Linyan was shocked by this scene,

Only a contractor could make this shot!

He originally thought that this secret mission was for him alone, but he didn’t expect that there would be a contractor following Delto. More importantly, this person was alert. Even Fang Linyan didn’t notice his existence.

He just didn’t know if the contractor was Delto’s subordinate or sent directly by the Duckland Company.

When Stephen was sent flying, his companion was not spared either. He got aimed at his head and got shot back for 5 meters before collapsing.

The bulletproof helmet was full of cracks, but it still looked intact. Unfortunately, the huge concussion brought by the bullets had broken his cervical vertebrae.

Seeing that the situation was very good, the enemy’s armed forces seemed to be either injured or dead. The 2 Licker were still running around and killing. The enemies were all split up and couldn’t fight back. Delto’s side had an absolute advantage.


Delto and the others arrived shortly after Fang Linyan mixed into the casino.

Ishida first randomly found 2 addicted gamblers, then he gave them $50,000 to play in the casino. These 2 people thought they were lucky, but they didn’t know that they had been injected with a terrifying virus. A few minutes later, they would turn into Licker!

In these few minutes, Delto also arranged a plan for his subordinates to assault the casino. Now it seemed that this plan was quite perfect.

Therefore, after seeing this scene, Delto, who was commanding at the rear, waved his hand,


He felt that this scene was normal. Under the suppression of the company’s powerful biological weapons, wasn’t it natural that the enemy would be defeated?

After he gave the order, his subordinates charged forward!

However, his decision had just been made in less than 10 seconds, and the situation changed again.

The Licker, that had severely injured Roth, suddenly swelled up and exploded, turning into a rain of blood. It was eliminated by an astonishingly powerful attack.

Immediately afterward, a burly man rushed out holding a shield with simple patterns on one side. There was a gust of wind behind. He slammed into the other Licker, knocking it out effortlessly.

The ferocious Licker, without resistance, was knocked flying out of the window for a dozen meters and fell to the street.

Even a biological weapon like Licker couldn’t keep its balance after landing. It struggled miserably and helplessly on the ground, vomiting a large amount of bloody liquid from its mouth. It took 6 seconds to get up, then it disappeared into the darkness.

The most unfortunate ones were those who followed Delto’s orders and rushed forward.

They had just rushed to the entrance of the casino, and there was a white light. It was a terrifying lightning bolt. The person at the front was hit.

Immediately afterward, the terrifying lightning began to jump between them, making terrifying crackling sounds. Their high-tech equipment made soft explosions and emitted green smoke, then 2 people collapsed immediately.

“[Chain Lightning]!”

Fortunately, the remaining 2 people were also elites. Knowing that they were now in the open space, once they were suppressed by the attack and stopped there, there would only be dead, so they gritted their teeth and continued to charge forward.

They fired 2 grenades inside, causing a violent explosion! Finally, the other party’s follow-up actions were interrupted, and they took the opportunity to rush behind the cover.

Obviously, there were numerous powerful characters in this casino. There was already a contractor team lurking in it. The mission should be to guard or something. Now that the casino’s forces were about to be wiped, they started the counterattack.

Seeing that the confidants he brought were killed and injured in an instant, Delto was also furious!

Their progress before was quite smooth. Fang Linyan occupied the loosely defended signal control room. It was almost impossible to contact the armed personnel at the military camp, which was equivalent to cutting off their backup.

In Delto’s mind, no matter how powerful a casino owner was, the men under his command were just mobs. He used 2 biological weapons and a dozen of his subordinates here, which really gave the boss face.

But what Delto didn’t expect was that there were several imperial soldiers in this casino. These imperial soldiers were just gamblers, so there was no way to know about them beforehand.

Not only that, but there was a contractor team among them, which immediately made Delto hit the wall!

The 2 sides suddenly fell into a stalemate and started a long-range shootout. Delto and the others showed a downward trend, and they began to be pushed out bit by bit!


When they were scrambling, Fang Linyan got up under the cover of the grenade explosion, rushed into the bar, and then opened the back door and entered the alley behind the casino.

It seemed like a dead end with high walls on both sides, but Fang Linyan noticed that the building next door was 5 stories high, while the casino building was only 4 stories high.

So, after he released [Drone] to scout, he jumped up under the cover of night, easily grabbed the wall next to him, and climbed to the second floor of the building next door.

At this time, the building inside was completely dark, and no one could be seen at all. If it was someone else, he would definitely investigate it.

However, Fang Linyan had already taken out the company’s standard night vision device and put it on, so he could easily tell that no one was inside. He took out a spray and sprayed the glass, making a slight hiss.

After the white mist of the spray condensed on the glass, it rapidly spread outward. There were a lot of weird white textures like spider webs on the glass.

After Fang Linyan waited for another 10 seconds, with a slight push, he heard a screeching sound, then the glass slowly slid down like a broken car windshield.

Fang Linyan reached out and opened the window, then he jumped in skillfully. It was a warehouse, which had a strong smell of leather and even a faint stench.

Fang Linyan stretched out his hand and felt that the surface of the leather was smooth and had a thorny touch. If he felt it carefully, he could find that there were countless fine and soft bristles on it. It was a very special touch.

“Strange, what is this?”

Fang Linyan didn’t have time to identify it, and he heard voices coming from outside,

“What the hell happened in the casino…”

“Yeah, it’s more violent this time!”

“No matter how bad the next door is, don’t worry about it. Our task is to take care of the ore!”



Fang Linyan’s heart moved. He immediately uncovered the leather, and he found that there were wooden boxes underneath, which were full of ores. He immediately took out his mobile phone and took 2 detailed photos of the ores and uploaded them through the phone app. He also got a fist-sized sample.

Although there is no signal here, the small program made by this company would automatically upload the photos when there was a signal, which was quite simple and trouble-free.

After slipping out of the other window, Fang Linyan went straight to the top of the building. Soon, he came to the fifth floor. As expected, he could overlook the entire casino. With the [Drone], he could fully grasp the overall situation of the entire battlefield.

For example, Fang Linyan could clearly see that the defender condition inside was not as optimistic as it seemed. Several people had fallen to the ground and were moaning. Under the effect of infrared night vision devices, there were large shadows under these people, which were obviously their blood.

It was just that the defender occupying the building had a favorable geographical position. They must have an advantage over the attacker. Delto had a lot of plans but limited manpower. It was necessary to preserve the combat power in his hands as much as possible, so the stalemate continued.

But Fang Linyan was also very clear that such a stalemate would not last long. After all, time must be in the casino’s favor.

Once it dragged on for an hour or two, there was no guarantee that Scimitar would be notified. Once this group of people was dispatched, Delto couldn’t fight against the local forces. He couldn’t even smell the Veronica Laboratory before returning.

Therefore, Fang Linyan knew very well in his heart that Delto would make a move in a short time, and that would be a great opportunity for him.

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