The First Evolution

Chapter 244: Ancient Remains

Chapter 244: Ancient Remains

Fang Linyan’s face turned grim. Fortunately, he suddenly realized that there was an almost indiscernible symbol engraved on the withered tree. This symbol was composed of upper and lower parts. The upper part was a ◇, and the lower part was a + number,

And he was almost certain that this symbol did not exist before, and it should be related to the new buds on the big tree. After the buds emerged, the symbol also appeared.

After seeing this symbol, Fang Linyan searched again, and then he was stunned,

This symbol, the dead tree, the dead bones of eagles,

Is it her?

After having a rough idea in his mind, Fang Linyan asked for a blanket and slowly closed his eyes.

At this time, he had learned to rest at any time to accumulate energy.

After the plane landed, the first-class cabin finally showed its advantages. Fang Linyan carried his backpack and rushed out of the cabin first through the dedicated lane. After completing the necessary procedures, Fang Linyan went to wait for a taxi.

At this time, his left hand was holding the “Ancient God’s Gaze Scroll” in his pocket. He could already sense that the thing he was looking for was only about 40 kilometers away. After checking the map, he knew the answer. He got into the taxi and said directly to the driver,


As a result, after he said this, he found that the driver was still looking at him with a confused expression. Fang Linyan was suddenly a little awkward. He thought he said it too fast, so he said slowly.

As a result, the driver was still confused. Fang Linyan recalled at this time that the local people in Athens should speak Greek, but as a major country in the European Union, English is also accepted by most people here.

Now it looks like, ahem, this eldest driver should be one of that small group of people,

As a result, at this time, it was the driver who opened the deadlock. He skillfully took out his mobile phone and opened an APP, and then said in a blunt voice:

“Cha la (China)? Jiao Pen (Japan)? Ka Rui (Korean)?”

Fang Linyan listened carefully and hurriedly said,

“Cha la, Cha la! I’m from Cha la!”

The driver clicked again on the app, which should be selecting the language, then he said a lot to the mobile phone, clicked it and handed it to Fang Linyan. The blunt and monotonous translation voice came from the mobile phone, but it was still Mandarin.

Fang Linyan breathed a long sigh of relief, then he quickly said where he was going and asked for the name of the app. When the car moved slowly, the big stone in his heart finally fell to the ground.

The driver was also enthusiastic. While waiting for the traffic light, he used the translation app to chat with Fang Linyan non-stop. He probably told him that the Parthenon would be closed at 5 pm every day, so it was better for him to go to the hotel and go there early in the morning.

When the morning sun was rising and the first ray of sunlight shone on the Parthenon, the scenery was so magnificent that it could not describe it in words.

However, the following words of the driver made Fang Linyan understand that even though he traveled tens of thousands of kilometers today, he still couldn’t compare with the drill of the taxi driver.

Because the driver changed the conversation and said that he knew a private hotel only a few hundred meters away from the Parthenon. It was clean, hygienic and cheap. It was similar to a homestay. If Fang Linyan wanted to go, he could give him a 20% discount and a breakfast worth 158 euros.

Fang Linyan’s wallet was now emptied… As long as it was touched slightly, it would bleed, so when he heard about the free breakfast worth 158 euros, he felt moved — Is the boss doing charity work? Surely the wool comes from the sheep.

So in the face of the brother driver’s endless sales, Fang Linyan chose to pretend to be asleep… Didn’t Master Lu Xun say that no one could wake up a person who pretended to be asleep.

However, in the face of Fang Linyan’s unsympathetic cancer, the driver showed that he had a hundred ways to recover the previous cost of saliva, so he chose to charge an extra 100 euros when reaching the place — this was also the rebate Fang Linyan after getting to the inn.

Faced with such unfair treatment, Fang Linyan said that he had no time to waste his saliva. After getting out of the car, he picked up his backpack and ran. Brother driver widened his eyes unwillingly and chased.

As a result, Fang Linyan showed him the power of his Basic Endurance LV3. He brought the driver fir 3 streets like walking a dog, steadily keeping brother driver in the position of “a little hope to catch up”.

In the end, after 2km, the untrained brother felt like he was going to faint. He could only stop and pant frantically. After stopping, he even felt nausea and vomited his dinner.

In the end, when he returned to the taxi weakly, he was even more dreadful to find that because he was in a hurry to leave, the door was not closed. The mobile phone and cash he put in the car were all gone…

The driver was of course infuriated. He finally drove to a friend and borrowed a mobile phone to call the police. As a result, he called the police 5 times before getting through. When the police heard that it was fleeing without paying, he immediately lacked interest. After brushing him off with a few words, the police hung up directly.

What a joke! The efficiency of the police in China was already very high, but if one called to report a fleeing without paying, the police also wouldn’t do anything.

What’s more, the police in Greece were 10 times lazier. It went without saying that they would leave work on time and never work overtime. There were many people who insisted on sitting if they could. If it wasn’t any major case, they wouldn’t attach importance to it.

In fact, the driver should be really glad that he met Fang Linyan today. If he had a chance to meet someone like Gai Qiushan or Doctor, then he wouldn’t just vomit after running 2km, lose his phone and cash…


After staying on the plane for more than 10 hours, Fang Linyan took the driver to trot for a few kilometers, and he felt much more comfortable. He was sweating slightly on his back. The feeling of stagnant blood all over his body was swept away. He took out the map and looked at it, and found that he was in the central area of ​​Athens. He was just 1-2km away from his destination, so he put up some disguise and walked over according to the navigation.

After walking for about 1km, Fang Linyan figured out the terrain.

When no one lived there, it showed a unique situation. It had a bay with abundant fish, a deep-water port, and was surrounded by large fertile plains, which were suitable for planting wheat. The hills were suitable for olive trees and figs to grow.

European civilization liked to build castles and other things on the cliffs. In 580 BC, some people began to build city-states on a hill near the coastline. This hill was 156 meters above sea level, but if it was compared to general mountains or peaks, this height was really nothing.

However, it was only 4km away from the sea, so it was amazing compared with the absolute height difference of the nearby terrain. The data on the Internet showed that there were 2 data on the absolute height difference, one was 122 meters and the other was 107 meters. Taking the smallest data, it was also equivalent to a high-rise building with more than 30 floors.

It could be said that for a long, long period of time, it was overseeing everything below. Even until now, as long as one looked up in the urban area of ​​Athens, he could almost see these ancient remains.

In the ancient times when only cold weapons were used, such a city-state built on a steep terrain was also a nightmare for invaders.

Because the east, south, and north of the city-state, without exception, were all extremely steep cliffs. If the invaders wanted to climb, it was almost a sure death according to the technology at the time. They could only slowly attack from the west. The difficulty of sieging the city could be imagined.

The ruler who first built the Acropolis, after the completion of the construction, overlooked the Aegean Sea of ​​Falilon Bay, owned the Attica Plain, and dominated the Balkan Peninsula. He must be thinking: This is a great work of an emperor!

In the next few thousand years, and even now, the entire city of Athens was built around the Acropolis.

At this moment, Fang Linyan came to the gate of this legendary Acropolis.

Undoubtedly, at this time, there must be no way to enter through the regular route, and it seemed that the guard on the west side was also quite strong. Not only were there many guards, but there was also a German Shepard.

Not only that, after Fang Linyan released [Drone], he also saw a clear sign on the gate, which clearly stated that the Acropolis was temporarily closed in multiple languages.

In fact, to be honest, if Fang Linyan wanted to breakthrough, it was no problem, but this was his real world. Since this place was his foundation, he had to lay low. After thinking about it, he simply went to the store on the street to buy a pair of gloves and tried to climb up from the nearby cliff.

If it was a few months ago, it was difficult for him to do this.

His current basic attributes were very high now. Attributes like strength, agility and stamina related to climbing were basically equivalent to professional athletes, as well as the stable performance of the digitalized body, so the hardware was definitely qualified.

The light pollution in Athens was actually quite serious. After Fang Linyan used the [Drone] to fly around the Acropolis, he felt that climbing the mountain next to the Acropolis was not particularly difficult. The difficulty belonged to the kind of level that beginners could challenge.

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