The First Evolution

Chapter 239: Jack the Ripper… Is Me!

Chapter 239: Jack the Ripper… Is Me!

It wasn’t until he saw Fang Linyan controlling Finx at this moment that he realized that it wasn’t a problem in his design, but rather the controller.

In terms of fighting, Father Turks’ control style was to throw straight punches, and even the order of the punches was pre-planned.

However, Fang Linyan’s control was intermediate. His technique was still far from unleashing unlimited chain combos and one hit kill, but he could still do some minor combo moves. After all, his Basic Melee was at LV3 now.

After killing Benji, Team Jaws immediately started to panic because it was obvious that they heard Benji’s screams loud and clear in the team channel.

They assumed without a doubt that the Finx controlled by Fang Linyan was a killing move of Dark Wizard Del. This misunderstanding caused the team to fall into a state of panic and fled.

So Del got the opportunity to blast black magic at the retreating enemies and successfully killed 2 “tiny scumbags”.

Fang Linyan relied on the speed advantage to benefit from the chaos and managed to intercept Team Jaws’ attacker. He used Finx’s deformed foot knives to teach him a good lesson, then he pierced the heart of that unfortunate kid.

After the sneak attacks were done, Fang Linyan started to feel distressed and unfair in his mind. How can Finx count as a plot character when I’m the one controlling it? … Cough cough, he was distressed about the bloody keys that might drop by the 2 guys he killed.

But now Fang Linyan only selectively forgot the refreshing feeling that his attack wasn’t weakened by 50% when killing them.

After staring at Dark Wizard Del from afar for a while, Fang Linyan realized that he wasn’t sure he could kill Del, so he just gave up.

After all, Finx was still too squishy. After being shot by the Sand Eagle earlier, its bio-energy plummeted by 200 points.

Of course, the main reason was also that after eliminating Del, it would probably be considered as plot characters fighting each other. In the end, there would be no key drops. So, Fang Linyan didn’t take the risk of having his mana permanently reduced.

There was nothing worth mentioning about the incident after this. Under Father Turks’ guidance, Fang Linyan successfully located the woman and completed his task.

Immediately afterward, he withdrew back into the catacombs. Once Finx was re-immersed in the pool and entered a dormant state, the spiritual connection was disconnected successfully.

When he returned to his original body, Fang Linyan was still a little dizzy. But he soon came to realize that Victor Frankenstein and Archbishop Molegni treated him much more warmly.

Besides that, Archbishop Molegni also smiled and chatted with him for quite a while, then he finally showed his true intentions. He wanted Fang Linyan to join the church, then take over Father Turks’ position as the Finx’s controller.

The seemingly mild-mannered Archbishop Molegni spoke lightly, but in fact, he gave Fang Linyan no chance to reject him.

In the eyes of this high-status man, Fang Linyan was merely a homeless man who returned from a backcountry. He should be grateful that he reached the pinnacle of his life.

Fang Linyan expressed a very cooperative attitude toward Archbishop Molegni’s appreciation, and even humbly said “my pleasure”.

There was no doubt that Fang Linyan’s tactful attitude brought a smile to Victor Frankenstein and Archbishop Molegni’s faces, and this smile was at least 80% sincere, which was rare for these 2 sly old foxes.

After finalizing the most important thing, Fang Linyan made a request, saying that after the first connection, he had a headache and wanted to take a good sleep.

This kind of thing was not that unusual, Father Turks’ reaction was more exaggerated than Fang Linyan’s after the first connection.

Therefore, Fang Linyan’s request was quickly satisfied, and he was taken to a bedroom with a seemingly ordinary decoration, but in fact, it was very comfortable to live in. After drinking a few sips of hot water, he went straight to bed and extinguished the lamp to sleep. This made the person monitoring him secretly nod with satisfaction.

After Fang Linyan lay in bed and closed his eyes, he said silently in his mind,

“I declare that I have discovered the truth about Jack the Ripper.”

“From 3 hours ago, Jack the Ripper… is me!!”

“Before this, Jack the Ripper was supposed to be a priest named Turks. If I’m not mistaken, there is also a controller partner whose initials are: PG. I saw his signature carved with the Finx’s foot knife as I entered the pool.”

“The Jack the Ripper that appeared in front of people is a biological weapon created by a mad scientist named Victor Frankenstein. The monster is called Finx, there are 2 of them at most. “

“Finx was born 10 years ago.”

“I, Victor, and PG are all Finx controllers.”

“It should have been a month ago that the dark wizards from the Death Eaters conducted a cruel experiment in the bard and dance halls near Whitechapel. They intended to infect human women to obtain the deformed Obscurial embryos”

“However, this issue was accidentally discovered by Dr. Victor Frankenstein and Archbishop Molegni of the church, so they planned to intervene in the matter. Victor Frankenstein modified a ready-made Finx and quickly began to compete with the dark wizards for these deformed Obscurial embryos.”

“Of course, externally, they claim that their purpose is for justice to stop the dark wizards and save the people from the disaster. This excuse may be true, but there is another mystery behind it.”

“Actually, according to my guess, the source of the powerful fighting power that Archbishop Molegni secretly showed is likely to have a lot to do with the deformed Obscurial embryos that they obtained one step ahead.”

“Otherwise, under normal circumstances, how could such an old man who is unable to use magic easily kill 2 Insects of Death after being injured?”

“Not only that, but I have actual evidence that Dr. Victor Frankstein should be about the same age as Archbishop Molegni. However, although his face was presented to look old, the skin on his wrist was exposed just now when he was excited.”

“The skin was firm and fair. There was no slack, no age spots, and no wrinkles. He looks just like a middle-aged man at most.”

“And then connecting the dots to how much manpower and resources these 2 people invested, you could say that they are determined to win! So I can confirm that their objective is impure!”

“This is the truth of Jack the Ripper! At this time I… am the real Jack the Ripper!”

After Fang Linyan finished saying these things, he felt that the surroundings seemed to quiet down for a while before a prompt popped up in his retinas. But this time, the prompt turned out to be dark green,

“Contestant ZB419, congratulations on your success in uncovering the ultimate truth about Jack the Ripper.”

“You used all kinds of clues to successfully break through the fog, and you even joined this incident in person.”

“Your reduction degree to this event has reached 94%. You have obtained the evaluation of S!”

“You will receive a Tier IV reward, and in the reward selection, there is a 100% chance of one rare option, a 70% chance of 2 rare options, and a 50% chance of an epic option.”

“You got 10 evaluation points.”

“Selecting the normal option will cost 4 evaluation points, selecting the rare option will cost 5 evaluation points, and selecting the epic option will cost 6 evaluation points.”

“You can also choose to give up all options and exchange all evaluation points for common points. The exchange rate is 1 evaluation point = 1000 common points.”

“Evaluation points are valid for 60 minutes and will be cleared once they expire.”

“Rewards are being generated, please be patient.”


While waiting, Fang Linyan couldn’t help but inquire,

“How is the quality of reward options graded?”

Space, “Common, Rare, Epic, Legendary.”

Fang Linyan was stunned and said,

“What’s the difference between SSS’s evaluation reward and mine?”

Space, “At least 3 rare options appear, there is a 50% chance of 2 epic options, and 1 epic option is bound to appear. You can also get 13 evaluation points.”

Fang Linyan pondered for a while, and he understood where he lost the other 6%. It should be that most of his judgments towards Archbishop Molegni and Victor Frankenstein were guesses, and there wasn’t very solid evidence.

So far, there was only one indirect evidence, which was Dr. Victor Frankenstein’s skin on his wrist.

However, this evidence wasn’t enough to hit the nail on the head. It could only provide speculation to a certain degree.

But the doctor could also find various reasons to refute:

For example, the doctor could argue that I am preparing to enter the skincare and beauty market, and it is my new makeup that works wonderfully.

The more flavorful explanation was that I saw a corpse with good skin that day, so I had a bold idea and made an immature move…

If Fang Linyan was a perfectionist, he would have probably used 4,000 common points to extend his time in this world and continue investigating until the completion is 100%.

But he also weighed the pros and cons. If you renew the fee for another day, it meant that he would have to take out 4,000 common points…

However, Fang Linyan only had 1 potential point and 4,928 common points left. Honestly, Fang Linyan wasn’t confident that he could make the completion degree 100% even if he used his remaining common points.

It was a no-brainer that this issue had some core secrets within itself. For a no-name like Fang Linyan, it would be quite difficult for him to be able to clarify certain things. Moreover, he had to face these 2 sly old foxes while also dealing with the huge and strict church organization. The difficulty for him to get rock-solid evidence was obvious.

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