The First Evolution

Chapter 209: A Contract of 12,500 Points!

Chapter 209: A Contract of 12,500 Points!

Having said that, Fang Linyan whistled at the girl next to him who seemed to be waiting impatiently, then he snapped his fingers,

“Beautiful lady, what can I do for you?”

The girl walked over immediately and glanced at Daniel with her guards up, not saying anything.

Fang Linyan understood immediately, stood up, and walked with the girl to a secluded place 20 meters away. Then, only she whispered,

“I’m Lina, and I want the intel that you have. How can you prove that the intel is real?”

Fang Linyan,

“We can sign a transaction contract through the Space… Of course, Miss, you will pay the contract fee.”

Lina said plainly,

“Signing a space-approved transaction contract requires at least a lieutenant’s rank in the reserve force, do you have it?”

Fang Linyan was stunned,

“No, I do not.”

Lina raised her eyebrows,

“Neither do I, so do I need to repeat my doubts?”

Fang Linyan smiled wryly,

“Then sorry, I have no way of proving it.”

Lina’s eyes gleamed with a hint of a smile, but she still said coldly,

“And thus, I don’t think your intel is worth that price. I’m willing to buy it for 1,000 common points, and I need to preview it for a minute to identify its authenticity.”

Fang Linyan shrugged and shook his head,

“I think you’ve misunderstood one thing, Miss. I do admit that I can’t prove that the intel I’m selling is true, but, the price is still 5,000 common points. Because I’m the only one selling it now, and your life is worth far more than 5,000 common points…”

“You only have 2 choices now. 1, you can just turn around and leave. 2, you can pay for this intel. Please excuse me, but that nigga with an ass bigger than you is waving at me. I think he should have a great surprise waiting for me. You can use this opportunity to carefully consider your decision on the matter.”

After saying that Fang Linyan turned and walked toward Daniel. This time, Daniel came over with 3 other people.

Daniel pointed to a man and said,

“This is our captain, Lipper the Vulture.”

Lipper was a man with a mohawk haircut (cockscomb head), and he looked a little unruly and proud.

However, after seeing the skills and weapons displayed by Fang Linyan, he quickly adjusted his attitude.

Because powerful people are worthy of respect wherever they are, especially when this person could even bring him benefits.

The other 2 were named Yell and Donov.

The 3 of them and Daniel were the core members of the team, and they were the deciding factors for any major events of the team.

The familial connection of this team was obviously much thicker than Fang Linyan imagined. They rejected the idea of inviting another team to form a larger team and decided to hire Fang Linyan with just the core of their team.

Then the 5 people gathered around and after some serious discussion, they reached a step-based agreement.

First of all, Fang Linyan could get a guaranteed price of 3500 common points in return for him to share the map of Westminster Abbey Area and the intel about the monsters in it.

Then, he had to help the people in the team to get the Poacher title before getting another 2,000 common points.

After that, help the people in the team to get the Awe title, and he would get another 3,000 common points.

Finally, successfully completing the main mission: going deep into the monastery to rescue Bishop Molegni, he would get the last 4000 common points.

This plan ensured that it would be in the interest of team “Fantasy”. After all, even in the worst case scenario that Fang Linyan was a scammer, they would only lose 3,500 common points. After equally divided, it would only cost each person a little over 700 common points, so it didn’t hurt too much.

As for Fang Linyan, he would be getting a total of 12,500 common points, which made him very satisfied.

The 2 sides only made a verbal agreement at this time. So after reaching an agreement, Lipper stared into Fang Linyan’s eyes and asked,

“So, Wrench, isn’t it time to make good on your promise?”

Fang Linyan smiled,

“Of course.”

In the end, Fang Linyan quickly went into the tent beside and brought out a man who was sloppily dressed in a grayish-yellow coat. This man was rather clumsy with his words and looked rather dull, who happened to be Robbie!

It turned out that Fang Linyan’s previous base price that he internally planned was only 10,000 common points. So the reason that he could get an extra 2,500 points was because he pulled out Robbie on a whim. He claimed that he could hire a strong plot character: Robbie, the magician, to help out.

However, Mr. Robbie had a quirky personality and didn’t like to communicate with outsiders, so it was best not to harass him.

This undoubtedly greatly enhanced team Fantasy’s trust in him. Because it might be possible to deceive a contractor, but if he was able to deceive a strong plot character in a short amount of time with the currency of common points that the plot character couldn’t even use, it would be unbelievable.

Of course, the things that Fang Linyan said on Robbie’s side was definitely different.

He told Robbie that he hired a group of people to help, but due to the time constraints, he wasn’t able to screen through many people. He only realised after making the deal that there was a ferocious criminal amongst these people, and it was probably the buff black man. Therefore, it was best to reduce contact with them. He said that the 2 parties had a basic cooperative relationship where they would part ways as soon as the matter was settled.

Needless to say, a simple academic man like Robbie was moved greatly.

Not to mention that he was an introverted otaku with social phobia. Fang Linyan telling him that he didn’t need to interact much with them went straight into his heart.

After the 2 sides met, Robbie waved his wand and cast a “smell hiding” spell on everyone. At this moment, Lipper had nothing else to pick on. He directly paid Fang Linyan 3,500 common points and added the 2 of them into the team temporarily.

It was worth mentioning that both Lina and Walnut came to Fang Linyan once again, one after another, but they were both ruthlessly rejected in the end.

Fang Linyan told them that he was very busy now, so they had to wait until he returned. Walnut still wanted to cry and linger around him, and it looked like an innocent girl met a horrible man, but she was professionally mouthed off by Team Fantasy’s Daniel until she ran off in tears.


After entering the cathedral, Fang Linyan used his [Drone] ability’s perspective and shared it with everyone in the team.

It was broad daylight, so the [Drone] ability’s effect was remarkable. Although neither of them said anything, the team already felt that just on this ability alone, 3,500 common points that they paid was worth the price.

They soon encountered the first wave of enemies. Needless to say, it was the flying snakes that liked to roam about. Most of the teams encountered them as soon as they entered the Westminster Abbey Area.

Team Fantasy had some experience dealing with these flying snakes previously. Just as they were about to attack, Fang Linyan who was leading the way stopped them.

Robbie,who walked in front with Fang Linyan threw out some powder upon seeing these snakes. Then, the snakes immediately bypassed the group, treating them like pillar-like obstacles.

All of the team members were amazed, but Fang Linyan knew that since the commissioners spent their money, they’d like to know where it was spent. So he took the initiative to explain that the powder was made from grinding up Som Grass, and it was quite expensive! Added on with the “smell hiding” spell on them, they were able to walk through the monster horde.

Just as the flying snakes bypassed them, there were angry shouts, explosions and even shouts screams of anguish coming from behind them. Once Fang Linyan used his [Drone] to fly over and take a loot, everyone in the group laughed a little maliciously.

It turned out that another group in the square saw that they had more people, so they had an idea to follow Team Fantasy, thinking they would pave the way for them.

However, did they think that Fang Linyan was so easily taken advantage of? These flying snakes were only the appetizer to the feast ahead. If this group of people still decide to follow them, it would be the beginning of a nightmare for them.

After moving onwards for another 20 minutes, Team Fantasy only slew 3 monsters. Fang Linyan attracted 2 of them for the team to kill for him as some materials from those 2 monsters were very valuable.

Of course, he wouldn’t say that to them. He just told them in the team channel that these 2 monsters had a widerwarning range, so they couldn’t simply circle around them.

It was blatantly bullying Robbie who wasn’t in the team channel to expose his claims……

However, as they went deeper in the cathedral, the monster horde became denser. But under Fang Lingyan’s guidance and explanations, even if there was a battle, they were able to defeat the monsters easily.

By the time they arrived at the gate of the monastery, everyone in Team Fantasy had already slain enough monsters to reach the requirements for the Poacher. After all, they also slew some monsters when they ventured into the cathedral the first time. So according to the agreement, Fang Linyan received another 2,000 common points.

The point was that Team Fantasy was more willing to pay up the points this time as they could see that Fang Linyan wasn’t just fooling them after working for a while together. He actually had something to prove for himself.

At the same time, Fang Linyan confirmed that the number and intensity of the monster horde in the Westminster Abbey Area became significantly smaller. Scenarios such as 3 red-horned giant bulls rushing toward them plus chrysanthemum spiders burrowing through the ground to attack them all at once wasn’t likely to happen.

Not only that, but chrysanthemum spiders emerging in groups had become sparse. There were no more than 5 in an area.

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