The First Evolution

Chapter 207: Conducting Business

Chapter 207: Conducting Business

Facing the short-haired girl’s question, Fang Linyan shrugged and replied,

“Of course, I have been in and out at least 5 times, and I also have very detailed internal intel.”

The short-haired girl looked at him suspiciously, then she told him,

“Wait here.”

Soon, the short-haired girl walked over with a blonde-haired man. The man looked at Fang Linyan up and down before asking,

“Did you get the intel about this area in advance or have you been to this world before?”

Noticing that the man’s words were full of doubts, Fang Linyan didn’t take it personally, but he asked in return,

“What is your mission? I have to listen to your needs before deciding whether or not to make a deal with you. There are dangers everywhere inside! I am very short of money now, but I am even more afraid of death.”

The short-haired girl hesitated for a moment,

“We have 3 missions in total…”

Fang Linyan waved his hand impatiently,

“Don’t be secretive, share it with me directly. Things such as words can make a huge difference between a millimeter and a thousand miles. If you don’t describe it properly, it could cause us serious casualties!”

The short-haired girl was obviously a little lost in the face of Fang Linyan’s forcefulness, so she looked at the blonde-haired man. Instead, the blonde-haired man immediately sneered,

“I bet you’re just an outspoken liar…”

His sentence stopped abruptly because Fang Linyan had long expected that people would question him, so he simply showed the Lee Enfield Rifle and [Drone] ability.

Nothing was more convincing than facts.

Seeing the blonde-haired man’s unsightly expression, Fang Linyan simply said,

“So, you 2 should understand 1 thing. Right now, I’m the only one with the ability to sell this intel and be a guide in this world. Not to mention that there are more than 40 contractors who need it. So if I were you, I’d be more polite.”

The blonde-haired man glared at Fang Linyan for a while and snorted, then he waved toward the short-haired girl saying,

“Show him.”

Immediately, the main mission for the group of contractors was presented in front of Fang Linyan. He quickly memorized it.

“Main Mission: Go Deep into the Monastery”

“Mission Introduction: Saving Bishop Molegni.”

“Mission Hint: A change suddenly occurred in the former sacred church. Many magical creatures are attracted by the unusual energy resonance. During the emergency evacuation, Bishop Molegni was accidentally injured, so he was forced to go into hiding in a hidden room. Later, the government organized 2 consecutive rescue operations, but both ended in failure.

“Mission Explanation: Successfully rescue and escort Bishop Molegni to the square in front of the church.”

“Mission Extra Hint: The content of this main mission will change according to the condition of Bishop Molegni. If someone has rescued the bishop before you, then the main mission will be modified to find the diary that the Bishop lost in the monastery. If the diary has been taken, then the mission will continue to be modified.

“Warning: Successfully rescuing Bishop Molegni will get the highest evaluation, and the main mission reward is also the most generous. If the content of the main mission changes once, both the evaluation and the reward will drop by 1 level.”

“Side mission: King’s Stone.”

“Mission Introduction: A mysterious person has commissioned you to retrieve part of the King’s Stone.”

“Mission introduction: In the attached cemetery, there is a holy stone called “Scone“, which was used originally in the traditional coronation seat of the Scottish king. It is a symbol of power. In 1297, Edward I brought it to London. After Edward I died, he placed it in front of his cemetery as a merit.

Scottish independents have always been committed to bringing back the King’s Stone, but they have never been able to do so… In the course of hundreds of years, this stone was also broken into 5 pieces. It has been placed within the hidden room of the cemetery. “

“Mission Explanation: Bring Back the King’s Stone.”

“Mission Hint: The mysterious person doesn’t require you to obtain all parts of the King’s Stone. However, you have to at least get one part to be rewarded. Of course, if you are able to bring him the entire King’s Stone, he will not be stingy with his rewards.”


After learning about the content, Fang Linyan said simply,

“I’ll give you the entire detailed map of Westminster Abbey, including the introduction of most of the monsters in it for 5000 common points.”

“Accompanying you guys deep into Westminster Abbey and assisting you to complete the main mission will cost 10000 common points. If there is any loot, I want to be the first to pick 1.”

“Accompany you guys deep into Westminster Abbey to help you complete the King’s Stone quest will be 5000 common points. If there is any loot, I will also want to pick first.”

Fang Linyan shrugged, showing that he wasn’t in a hurry. There was a saying that people refuse to repent until they fail completely. When he himself entered, there were police officers, then came the dragon knights as cannon fodder. How would anyone else save such unique conditions? Let them run against a wall, then they would know if his price was expensive.

In fact, strictly speaking, the reason why Fang Linyan was able to sell intel here would be thanks to the Mobius Mark on his chest.

During the draft previously, this mark used Bisca data stream to cover up part of Fang Linyan’s abilities at the time. This caused the 3 major spaces to have an error when evaluating his information. Therefore, in the internal records of the 3 major spaces, his internal score was very low.

How low was it?

Of all the people who participated in the draft at that time, please note that this was participating in the draft and not about being selected… His evaluation on paper was the top 3, starting from the bottom of course.

The event that Fang Linyan could get first place in the ghost face dog tag was concluded as a small probability.

Then Noah Space R300 also had its own evaluation formula. After simulating with this formula, it felt that with Fang Linyan’s low strength was a stretch to let him complete the mission of exploring the Westminster Abbey Area. So, it just let him be.

In the end, when Fang Linyan submitted the mission, it seemed to confirm the initial prediction. The mere 64% of the exploration completion rate could be said to be barely reaching the passing line.

As for Fang Linyan’s ability to complete the extra mission of the unusual energy resonance, it could be calculated as a small probability event too.

In this case, Noah Space R300 was even more disdainful of Fang Linyan, but it didn’t expect Fang Linyan to not take the usual path at all. Instead of doing the main mission he was assigned to, he went directly to carry out his personal matters.

When exploring, he relies on the [Drone skill] while he stayed behind the plot characters throughout the whole process. His main focus was to collect all sorts of intel and just reached the passing line of the main mission. In the end, his main idea was to be an intel dealer.


After the blonde-haired man left, a few groups of people came one after another.

But after seeing Fang Linyan’s offer, almost all of them ridiculed him for being crazy.

Fang Linyan wasn’t bothered by it. Once they have experienced the harsh realities inside Westminster Abbey, they will learn the hard way why my fees are so expensive……

Once he thought about it, he didn’t bother waiting around here. He was an old acquaintance with the dragon knights by now, so he went to find a tent to sleep for an hour. Not to mention that since he became a contestant, he formed the ability to sleep whenever he wished. He could be snoring soundly in under 2 minutes.

However, Fang Linyan didn’t sleep for an hour at all. He was woken up after more than 40 minutes, and it was Robbie who woke him up.

Robbie’s face was extremely anxious at the time. He was very embarrassed when he saw the sleepy Fang Linyan. He apologized,

“I’m so sorry, but I just, just received the news that Natalya will come to see me after getting off work!!”

He could see that Robbie was so flustered at the moment that his speech was a little incoherent.

Fang Linyan was stunned for a moment before asking,

“What time does she get off work?”

Robbie then replied,

“6 pm, then she should go straight to the neighborhood with floo powder.”

Fang Linyan calculated the time and said,

“No problem, there are still 3 and a half hours more. That’s enough.”

Speaking about this, Fang Linyan pointed to the square and said,

“Did you notice that there are a lot more people in the square now? They’re all bounty hunters and monster hunters that I’ve invited. To get your chest back, we need their help. Don’t worry, I’ll arrange it now. We will leave in half an hour.”

After listening to Fang Linyan, Robbie replied gratefully,

“Mr. Wrench, you are such a noble gentleman!”

Fang Linyan heard the words and laughed toward the sky,

“Wait for me here, I’ll go find someone now.”

Robbie agreed,


Next, Fang Linyan naturally went back to the square. This time, before even lifting up his wooden sign, he saw the short-haired girl from before limping toward him. She had injuries on her face. She knelt down and said in a sobbing tone,

“Please… please, save them, our people are trapped inside! It’s terrifying, there are so many flying snakes.”

Fang Linyan replied lightly,

“Calm down my friend, my name is Wrench, what’s your name?”

The short-haired girl said,

“Nit, my friends call me Walnut too.”

Fang Linyan nodded,

“Alright Ms. Walnut, I must know a few things now, such as which area you guys are in now. How many people are left in your party, and how did you manage to escape.”

Walnut said with some lingering fear,

“There is a druid in our team. His animal companion is a German black-backed. With this dog leading the way, we first went to the attached cemetery. But after entering, we saw a room and went to explore it. The dog seemed to pick up something with its sense of smell, which attracted a large group of flying snakes. I happened to be outside at the time, so I escaped…”

TL: For some reason, these contractors don’t have the powerful vibe…

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