The First Evolution

Chapter 205: Book that Delivered to Your Doorstep?

Chapter 205: Book that Delivered to Your Doorstep?

Note: Sorry for the delay in chapters. Chapters for releasing patreon are building up, then the release will follow a normal schedule.

It was actually quite common to have small wooden boxes in bedrooms. However, the problem was Ms. Fredtanya was an one-eyed giant who had high affinity in earth elements. As such, almost all of the furniture that she built in this attic was made of stone.

Looking around, one could see the stone, benches, cabinets, and bed. In this case, the small wooden box was of course as eye-catching as the fireflies in the summer night.

When Fang Linyan approached closer, he realized that the wooden box seemed small because the other objects around it were all larger in comparison.

In fact, to Fang Linyan, this wooden box was completely normal-sized, which should be made by normal human beings.

When he laid his hand on it, he immediately noticed that the material of the wooden box was rather odd… It felt cold and hard as if it was more like jade to the touch. Not only that, the box was rather heavy. This made Fang Linyan’s mind wander to a more gloomy type of wood, somewhere in between fossil and timber. There were also a few words on the wooden box,

“The Box of Misfortune and Luck.”

It was a pity that since these words were written in ancient Latin, Fang Linyan didn’t recognize them…

Fang Linyan took a deep breath after opening the wooden box. It turned out that the inside of the box was filled with rolling white mist. It was impossible to see what was inside. He wasn’t an indecisive person. As the corner of his lips twitched, he gritted his teeth, plunged his hand into the mist, and searched around.

As a result, Fang Linyan immediately discovered something shocking!

As soon as his hand reached into the white mist inside the box, his HP dropped rapidly! The speed was terrifying. It only took 10 seconds at most for the HP to drop to 0.

Not only that, space expansion technology was used inside this box. It seemed as though he could easily touch the bottom with one hand, but that wasn’t the case. Fang Linyan felt as if the space within the box was as wide as the sea when he reached in to sway his hand from side to side. If he jumped into the box, he might not even be able to fill it up.

Seeing his HP drop rapidly, Fang Linyan could only helplessly pull his hand out. Unexpectedly, while he didn’t touch anything on the inside, he felt something vigorously rush out from below when he pulled out his hand. It bit his finger hard!

However, Fang Linyan was still in the form of a skeleton now, and his finger was still bones. Even though he wouldn’t feel pain, he instinctively sped up pulling out his hand.

After he quickly pulled his hand out from the mist, he immediately saw something being fished out. It drew a parabola in the air and fell to the ground with a thud.

“What… What is this?”

Fang Linyan was obviously a little surprised.

He actually fished out a book with his bony finger from within the box!

The book was about the size of a brick and had a typical seventeenth-century tome style. Its cover and spine were rather thick. It had a dark undertone, bronzing texture and ivy flowers as decorations on the side. The book looked luxurious. Moreover, there was a monstrous face on the cover of the book.

The skin on this face had an abnormal dark green color. One of its ears was cut off, while the other only had half of it left. Even the white bone on the inside was exposed. It seemed as if it was bitten by some kind of ferocious beast.

Both its eyes were shut tightly, but with closer inspection, he could see that its eyes were cruelly stitched together with thick linen thread. There was also a faint hint of fresh blood oozing out around the ends of the threads.

Its mouth looked even more terrifying as both upper and lower gums were obviously swollen. It couldn’t close its mouth even in peaceful moments. The upper and lower teeth were as white as a file, looking more like the teeth of blood-sucking bats.

Suddenly, the face on the cover of this book spoke, and its voice was stiff and abyss,

“I was imprisoned for 10,000 years! Finally, I got a touch of the death aura and broke out of that damn prison!”

“Kneel down! Offer your loyalty and worship me, humble soul of the dead! I will fulfill all your wishes!”

Fang Linyan,

“…What the hell is this?”

The reason that Fang Linyan fled so quickly was because the Doctor’s screams outside had faded, and he estimated that it should be almost over.


In fact, Fang Linyan’s speculation was wrong.

Doctor was indeed a strong and healthy man, but in the presence of a strong female giant, it was still difficult to satisfy her in such a short time.

So in reality, it took Doctor 6 hours to escape from this nightmare. The female giant finally regained her original body shape and fell asleep with a satisfied smile, snoring thunderously.

Doctor looked withered as he stood up with difficulty. There were tears in his eyes. He looked like he aged 20 years. Breaking off a branch, he used it as a crutch, barely supporting himself and walking with a limp. His walking posture was also very strange with his legs spread out widely. He even accidentally fell down, then he managed to climbed up again and continued to walk while his legs trembled….

It was about half an hour later when Ms. Fredtanya opened her one eye and stretched comfortably as she woke up. It was rare for her to feel so refreshing.

However, Ms. Fredtanya was instantly shocked when she realized that the warning mark on her body was triggered. She anxiously rushed into her cave.

When she found that the magic hiding the attic had been breached, she rushed up in a frenzy and punched the stone table that she made herself. The stone table immediately split in the middle, then an unremarkable khaki bead rolled out of the table.

Ms. Fredtanya immediately hugged it and laughed heartily. After playing with it for a while, she placed the bead back into the broken part in the stone table. With a snap of her fingers, the table that was originally split in half stuck back together seamlessly.

Next, Ms. Fredtanya checked through her collection to find that she was only missing some spell casting materials and one or two items that were looted from other monsters’ lairs, so she laughed without taking it to her heart.

As for the wooden box that Fang Linyan touched previously, it was a gift from her friend for her 63-year-old rite of passage. It was for her to cast a magic shield to her finger and put it into the box so that the corrosive magic of the box would keep attacking the shield, and Ms. Fredtanya had to focus on maintaining the shield. This was a way for her to train her magic power.

In fact, Ms. Fredtanya had been losing interest in the toy for several years, for the simple reason that it hurt to stick her fingers in.

The reason why this wooden box was on her bed was that Ms. Fredtanya thought it would be better to be used as a pillow, that’s all.

Fang Linyan canceled his skeleton form when he was still hundreds of meters away from Caithness Town, then he fell into the awkward negative state where both his HP and mana dropped by half… Fortunately, the negative effect only lasts about an hour. Otherwise, he could consider ending this adventure.

At this moment, he would have wanted to use floo powder to return directly. But now he only had 500 common points left and he couldn’t do anything after returning, so he simply went to the station to inquire about the time for the next train. He was told that the train back to London will arrived in 10 minutes, but this train will take 2 hours to get back to London, so he chose to take the train.

Fang Linyan could take the opportunity to rest while waiting for the train and in the tain. After all, he had been continuously running around since entering this world. Not even someone made of steel could bear it.

Soon, a white steam train rumbled over. Although the train looked like an outdated model, the entire train was cleaned thoroughly. One could even say it was spotless.

After Fang Linyan got on the train, he found that there wasn’t a soul in sight in the cabin he was on, so he yawned freely and laid on the table in front of him to catch some sleep. He pulled his hoodie over his head and fell asleep soon enough.

When Fang Linyan awoke from his sleep, the train had reached the London and the originally already slow speed became even slower.

He went to the bathroom to wash his face with cold water, then he greeted the cook in the dining cabin and asked her to make him a strong cup of black coffee. After that, he got back into his seat.

Taking this opportunity, Fang Linyan checked the strange magic book he had placed in his storage space. After the book entered the storage space, he seemed to have entered a state of hibernation and stopped talking.

Fang Linyan looked at his remaining 500 common points, gritted his teeth, and used [Reconnaissance] on it. He immediately got a series of prompts.

TL: This book looks like a cheap stuff…

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