The First Evolution

Chapter 185: The Need for Being Lawful

Chapter 185: The Need for Being Lawful

Fang Linyan emphasized the words “come to your senses”!

Captain Jaden was infuriated after listening to Fang Linyan’s words,

“What, after giving each of us a few shots, this damn guy still intends to ask us for compensation? And he also wants us to come to our senses? What the hell is this bastard talking about!”

Of course, Captain Jaden, the old rascal, definitely didn’t say his own thoughts, but his angry eyes and twisted expression explained everything.

Fang Linyan sighed. Through the dim light, he noticed that there was a bottle in the trash dump beside. It was a big green stick, so he pulled it out and smashed it at the old guy’s thumb.

He didn’t mean to hold back at all. If he had no self-defense ability, his nose might be feeding fish at the bottom of the river now.

Captain Jaden’s piercing scream immediately sounded again, and Fang Linyan said lightly,

“I solemnly suggest that you reconsider my proposal carefully. If you don’t want your right finger to swell into a ball… 2 minutes later, I will come back to listen to your answer.”

Then Fang Linyan went to First Officer Gordon. This villain who claimed to cut off a few fingers of Fang Linyan was clearly aware of the current situation. Of course, it could also be the old rascal Jaden’s scream that made him realize his situation.

So Gordon simply pulled down a silver cross on his neck. When he saw Fang Linyan looking over with a blank face, he gritted his teeth and took out a silver lighter reluctantly.

Fang Linyan turned around and went to find Jaden again. The old man immediately became honest. He took out a silver pocket watch, but Fang Linyan was staring directly at the fire opal ring in his hand. In fact, if Fang Linyan hadn’t taken a fancy to this ring and thought it might be worth 10 pounds, then he would run at maximum speed after getting out. He wouldn’t set a trap against them.

Seeing that Fang Linyan was about to raise the big green stick in his hand again, Jaden could only take off the ring in despair and passed it over.

Fang Linyan expressed his appreciation for his knowledge of current affairs. After he got the things he wanted, he quickly left and disappeared into the night. Of course, his next goal was the shop; a place that could exchange these enthusiastic gifts from friends into something else.


In the process of searching for the shop, Fang Linyan showed a triumphant smile.

Yes, he had been committed to legitimizing his actions, or more appropriately, more lawful.

In the joint trial, the situation was special, so Fang Linyan did not deliberately pursue this. But at this time, in the ordinary adventure world, due to his previous experience in the 811 World, he felt that he still needed to pay attention to it.

Fang Linyan was convinced that something like a personal log was recording and analyzing his behavior somewhere he couldn’t see in the Space.

For example, after he lured these rascals into the dead-end, he actually had 2 choices.

The first option was to directly hurt them with the [Machine Gun Turret], loot their valuables and leave.

Then maybe the personal log would record: Contestant ZB419 arbitrarily wounded a group of unsympathetic gangsters and left, and he took away their valuables before leaving. He did evil things to the evil guys, his camp will shift toward Chaos and Neutral.

Fang Linyan did this deliberately because he wanted First Officer Gordon to give him a slap and ask for compensation, then the personal log would record:

Contestant ZB419 was forced to fight back after being directly attacked by a gangster, then he wounded a group of gangsters who were not worthy of sympathy and left. Before he left, he claimed that he had suffered a huge loss, so these evil guys could only take out their valuables to compensate.

Although Contestant ZB419 was not kind to these evil guys, he didn’t go beyond the reasonable range, so his camp would still be Justice Protector.

Soon, Fang Linyan sold the compensation items he had just received. In view of the relatively chaotic order in the city at this time, as long as there was enough profit, these items could be disposed of in a corner shop. The income was about 8 pounds. Plus the 16 pounds that he earned before, his current money had reached 24 pounds.

Then he went to the next place that he inquired from the boss of the corner shop. This was a “reindeer” hunting goods dealership. In fact, this store was just across the street 50 meters away.

Here, Fang Linyan successfully purchased a Martini-Henry rifle in good condition. It used 0.450-inch ammunition. This ammunition was a soft hollow-based lead bullet and wrapped in a paple patch. It could shoot 10 times in a minute.

The attack power of this gun was quite impressive, even without the blessing of special ammunition, it could reach about 45 points. After all, its shooting interval was as high as 6 seconds.

Of course, its biggest problem – of course, it was also the problem of all gunpowder weapons at this stage – that was easy to jam.

However, Fang Linyan believed that this problem would be solved after he bought the right tools. For him with Lv8 benchwork skills, it was really overkill to maintain such a gun in the middle and late eighteenth century.

Next, Fang Linyan bought a lot of supplies, liquors, bread, ropes, dagger and so on.

The purchasing power of the gold pound was really powerful. After Fang Linyan bought so many things, he still had about 16 pounds left.

At this time, the countdown on the retinas had reached 3 hours and 38 minutes, and Fang Linyan did not dare to delay. He glanced at the Westminster Abbey Church, that was 2 kilometers away, and hurried over quickly.

This cathedral looked quite historic and magnificent in appearance. Because of this, the royal coronation ceremony was routinely carried out here. So far, a total of 14 kings had been crowned and enthroned here, even hundreds of years later, they were all buried here.

Of course, there was also a legend. That was Oliver Cromwell who turned Britain into a republican. His head was cut off and displayed on a pole outside of Westminster Hall for 61 years!

During the run, a series of messages suddenly popped up on Fang Linyan’s retinas:

“Time: November 10, 1888 AD, 8 pm.”

“Location: London, Europe (51°30’28.0″N 00°07’41.0″E)”

“Scenario: Europe in the First Industrial Revolution/Possessing supernatural power (creature)”

“There are three 3 conditions for this scenario to happen.”

“1. James Watt/Isaac Newton and other time-space node characters die normally follow the historical trajectory.

“2. Since the 14th century, the rate of spirit exhaustion has been lower than 7.4 pals per year (spirit exhaustion rate of most planes is 177.21 pals/year)

“3. The witch trials in the Middle Ages (1484-1782) did not happen,”

“Difficulty: Easy (Level D)”

“Pain reduction: 60%”

“Additional Enhancement of Personal Ability: 0.”

“Current scene exploration degree: 0.00”

“Additional Explanation: This world is a free scenario: contractor can only get the relevant battle log point-to-point (that is dealing damage/suffering damage between 2 parties). When you fight the other contractors, if your perception exceeds the opponent, then you can suppress your opponent’s perception and make it impossible to obtain detailed battle log.”

This scenario is a free scenario: There is a 33% chance of gaining a certain income from killing the contractor (only limited to the case where the contractor kills the contractor). If the contractors attack each other, then all damage will be reduced by 50% (the free scenario has an obvious warning hint)

Prompt: When you are attacked by the contractor, once a certain attack causes a fatal effect on you (0HP), then you will not die immediately but enter the dying state. In the dying state, you can only keep 10% of HP. Your movement speed is reduced by 80%, all attack power is reduced by 80%, and all attributes are reduced by 50%. When you join a team, certain team-specific abilities can only be activated in a dying state. Once life returns to 0 in the dying state, you will die completely.

“Warning: Anyone who participates in killing a contractor will increase your own kill score by 10 points. Having a kill score will increase the chance of your own bloody key falling and become the hunting target of others.”

“The contractor with no kill score can attack/kill the contractor with the kill score, and he will not get the kill score.”

“Completing Each Main Mission: 1 kill score will be removed.”

“Every time you experience a world: eliminate 10 kill points.”

“The contractor that has obtained the kill score cannot hide his kill score. It can be seen by any contractor.”

“The kill score will affect the perception of certain characters in the plot.”

“You will automatically master the relevant language, and you can interact fluently with the characters in this world. You will forget it after you leave this world.”

“Number of Accepted Missions: 1”

“If you have any questions, you can silently read related questions in your mind through Nightmare Mark, and you can get answers if you have the authority.”

After seeing this series of explanations, Fang Linyan, who just got out from the joint trial, only felt that this place was a paradise. The cruel intrigue elimination mode made him suffocate just to think about it.


It turned out that Fang Linyan heard a series of hoarse screams coming from the front when he was following the arrows to the Westminster Abbey Area.

He immediately thought of the milestone “Jack the Ripper”.

TL: Jack or the mysterious creature?

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