The First Evolution

Chapter 180: Common Point Consumption

Chapter 180: Common Point Consumption

After the 2 parties reached a deal, Fang Linyan didn’t bother to care about the guy who wanted to buy the Face-lift Ring with 4300 common points. He directly left his contractor number ZB419 on the booth and let anyone interested contact him, then he went back to his private room.

Then Fang Linyan chose to learn Basic Endurance LV3 immediately. As a result, a ruthless prompt came, requiring 1400 common points. But Fang Linyan didn’t think it was too bad. If leveling up from Basic Endurance LV1 to LV3, not only he had to spend more than 1400 common points, but he also needed to spend 2 potential points.

After Fang Linyan studied, he immediately obtained the Basic Endurance LV3’s explanation: The endurance of the user has been increased to a considerable extent, which is equivalent to a professional marathon runner or a triathlon athlete.

At the same time, there was also a lot of information pouring into Fang Linyan’s mind. For example, the skills to be mastered when running for a long time. Drinking water should be small sips, breathing should be 3 light breaths and 1 heavy breath, and the skills when the feet lands… And how to protect his knees to the utmost extent. These details seem to be common, but the addition of multiple details was the difference between amateur and professional.

In fact, if the human kinematics was written into a book, at least it was at several million words.

Probably because in the previous battles, there was no experience of long-distance raids or protracted battles, so Fang Linyan didn’t feel too much about the lack of endurance, but he himself knew 1 thing very well. Endurance was the foundation of all sports, seemingly insignificant, but it was actually very important. He was glad that he could learn this basic ability.

But learning Basic Endurance LV3 was just a stepping stone. What Fang Linyan really looked forward to is the Joint Lock Mastery Scroll LV2 (bloody) he will learn next. As an advanced skill, it should be stronger than basic ability and could make up for Fang Linyan’s lack in melee attack power.

Because the bloody scroll had exempted the cost for learning, Fang Linyan just learned it directly. There was a huge amount of joint lock skills surged into his mind! After Fang Linyan finished learning, he also felt dizzy and nauseous. He was only relieved a lot after he asked for a free cup of warm water and slowly drank it.

Only then did Fang Linyan understand why learning this stuff required 3 basic abilities as a prerequisite!

If an ordinary person without basic abilities was forced with such information, he would have gone crazy if his head didn’t explode.

After recovering, Fang Linyan made 2 gestures slowly on the spot, and he found that his body already had muscle memory. He could clearly grasp the basic joint lock techniques.

He also obtained the Joint Lock LV2’s explanation: enabling the user to master the joint lock techniques and reach the level of almost 1 year of practice.

After gaining the 2 abilities of Basic Endurance LV3 and Joint Lock LV2, Fang Linyan knew that he was still only a beginner and there was still some distance from applying it to actual combat, so he planned to go to the training ground and practice for another half an hour. Even if he was short of common points, he couldn’t save them.

When he came back to the square, he first read the message to himself. Unfortunately, most of them asked for a face to face talk. Only 2 people offered the price, and it was a low price. They just tried to get a cheap bargain..

At this time, Fang Linyan was also a little annoyed. He simply went to the stall to set the price to 5500 common points for the Face-lift Ring, which was about 500-1000 points lower than the market price, but he had to accept the loss since he eagerly needed common points.

If someone, who didn’t lack points, sold it slowly, he could earn 10% if he found an unfortunate buyer who desperately needed charm. This was a lucrative profit of about 2000 common points.

Next, Fang Linyan went directly to the training ground, planning to get familiar with the use of joint lock in actual combat.

As a result, the training ground directly told Fang Linyan that the fee for training the combat joint lock was 60 common points/minute, which was double the training fee for the previous basic abilities!

This was scamming at its finest, but what choice did he have? He could only accept it regretfully.

Fortunately, although the training ground in the Space was expensive, it was also worth the points. A holographic dummy was directly simulated. Its level was about the same as Fang Linyan but slightly weaker, which was a perfect target to practice.

The training time passed quickly. Half an hour passed almost in a blink of an eye. Fang Linyan felt so happy during the training. He could not wait to train for another hundred hours… But looking at the 1800 points that were deducted, his heart was bleeding. He only had 1728 points left! He was really not far away from becoming a beggar.

After leaving the training ground, Fang Linyan found that he had already received several prompts; 3 people were willing to buy the Face-life Ring with 5500 common points.

So Fang Linyan called these three people together and opened a small auction.

However, these 3 people seem to be very savvy, and they had discussed it in advance. They were only willing to pay the base price of 5500 common points, but they offered different items to exchange.

For example, A’s offer was 5500 common points + 2 bottles of beer. This beer was not an ordinary beer, but it could boost 10% attack. It was a special food that lasted 5 seconds…

In the end, Fang Linyan chose another person’s quotation. His offer was 5500 common points + 1 bottle of healing potions (small) + exquisite jewelry (5 pieces). The description of exquisite jewelry was ornaments. The 5 pieces could probably sell to the Space for only 100 common points.

According to that person, it was usually used to give a female plot character in a relatively backward world to gain favorability, but he also made it very clear that this may also trigger the plot character’s greed, murder for goods, etc., and it was very hard to sell at high prices.

After the transaction, looking at the balance of the common points, 7228, he was finally relieved.

Now that he had money, what Fang Linyan had to do was purchase. First of all, he had to buy 2 bottles of healing potions (small) that could directly restore HP during battle.

Then there were some items like bandages that could continue to take effect during the battle.

He also had to buy recovery food and medicine that were used in non-combat state.

To be honest, there were quite a few consumable supplies in the market. After Fang Linyan surveyed the market, the final supplies he bought were as follows.

Healing potion (small) X1

First aid kit X3. Quickly bandages the wound, remove the current bleeding effect, immediately restore HP by 30HP, and restore 10HP in the following 60 seconds.

Painkiller X2. Instantly heals by 10HP and temporarily increases maximum HP by 10. This effect will disappear after 60 minutes.

Fresh cucumber with dew X8. Must be used in a non-combat state (doesn’t get attacked or attack the others for at least 300 seconds). After use, it can increase health regen by 5 points/minute for 5 minutes. The effect will disappear after being attacked.


These consumable supplies were not cheap. They cost Fang Linyan 4,300 common points. In fact, there were better supplies and food on the market. For example, Fang Linyan liked the food on the stall beside. This guy, LZ74110, seemed to be a professional seller of supplies. He was selling a dazzling variety of foods. The first one made Fang Linyan feel very excited:

Barbecued vulture wing. This properly grilled vulture wing is charred on the outside and tender on the inside. The skin is golden yellow. After you eat it, it will increase your HP regen by 8 points/minute (duration 5 minutes). It temporarily increases your stamina by 1 point (duration 1 hour)

Mushroom with abalone juice. Plump mushroom topped with delicious abalone juice. It increases your appetite. After eating it, it will increase your HP regen and MP regen by 4 points/minute (duration 5 minutes). It temporarily increases your spirit by 1 point (duration 1 hour)


This was the first time Fang Linyan encountered food that could temporarily increase basic attribute! Especially the barbecued vulture wing, not only the HP regen was very great, but the stamina was what Fang Linyan desired the most! ! Although it was a temporary +1 stamina, for Fang Linyan, who had it seems that there is only 1 point of stamina. For Fang Linyan, who only had 5 points in stamina, it was a huge 20% buff.

If he had a choice, Fang Linyan would definitely ransack the stall and shout at the seller,

“Give me a dozen for this…!”

However, the cruel reality was that Fang Linyan also wanted to be high-profile, but… his wallet was not allowed.

The price of barbecued vulture wing was 888 common points!

The price of mushroom with abalone juice was 666 common points!

This was a supply that could only be used after the battle. If one encountered a series of battles in a row, the consumption rate of this thing was extremely astonishing. It could even be described as evaporated.

With great regret, Fang Linyan planned to find a suitable weapon. His request was very simple, just a gun.

However, he soon discovered that although there were so many guns here, there were not many that could satisfy him!


Here, because some friends were complaining that the increase in basic abilities was not intuitive, I will explain it in a unified way.

When all basic abilities had reached LV3, they had reached the level of professional players. There was a clear gap with ordinary enthusiasts.

When reaching LV4, that was a world-class ordinary professional player.

When reaching LV5, that was a seeded player in the World Series.

When reaching LV6, it was comparable to Bolt, Phillips, Zhang Yining. This was a commonplace for breaking the world record and had absolute dominance in this area.

As for LV7, it had already exceeded the human limit.

Of course, this was referring to the related sports skills. Just take running speed as an example. If there was a contractor with 100 agility and Basic Running LV1, he could still break the world record easily.

TL: What gun will he go for? Short range, mid range or long range?

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