The First Dude: Dark Emperor, Come To Fight!

Chapter 84: won't be too bad

Chapter 84: won't be too bad

Hearing what the old prince said, Ning Xi's heart warmed. No matter what the emperor spoiled him for, she accepted the sincere kindness.

"Yes, I want to learn to refine war beasts." Ning Xi's evil spirits were restrained as much as possible, calm and confident.

The old prince's eyes are still picky, "Your father is the first war beast master in Yin country, you are too talented to come here to learn."

"If my father was alive, it might be like this, but unfortunately my father is no longer there." Ning Xi smiled helplessly.

The old prince swept Ningxi sharply, and saw that she was still calm and calm, and it was only a little bit better.

"I don't care what your identity is, old man, who your father used to be, since you were thrown by the emperor to this old man, everything has to be arranged by this old man. If you cheat or can't endure hardship, then leave the old man immediately, the old man is not here. A place for excessive entertainment for the children of aristocratic families."

In the past, some senior members of the family wanted to put the promising children of the family into the old prince to experience or make a profit, but no one stayed, either because they couldn't stand the old prince's oppression and temper, or they were thrown out by the old prince. .

It has been three years since the children of the noble family have come here, so Ning Xi was suddenly arranged by the emperor, and the old prince was not happy.

In the end, it was the emperor's continuous ink that brought out Ning Xi's father, and the old prince reluctantly agreed.

But whether Ning Xi can stay in the end is up to her.

"I came here to learn about war beasts. Everything should be arranged by the old prince. If you are tricky or can't bear the hardship, the old prince will let me leave." Ning Xi nodded as a matter of course.

Hearing Ning Xi's words, the old prince was a little more pleasing to the eyes of her, at least not like other children from aristocratic families who came to him, either arrogant or timid.

"Have you studied before?"

Ning Xi shook his head: "No!"

"Have you studied the classics of war beasts?" the old prince asked again.

Ning Xi continued to shake his head: "No!"

"Touch!" The old man slapped the table with a slap, "your father is the first war beast master in Yin country, you have never even read the war beast books, and now you still want to come to this old man to learn how to make war beasts? Even the usual homework. Even if you don't do it well, the old man dare not use you as a servant."

The old man was really angry.

Ning Xi smiled helplessly and said truthfully, "I also want to study the books of war beasts, but all the books of war beasts collected in the palace were taken away by my third and fourth uncles when I was a child or exchanged for them. Interested, I can't find it even if I want to see it!"

The old prince frowned. Although he didn't go to the palace banquet yesterday, he also heard about what happened at the palace banquet.

"Your two uncles are really not good things." No matter where the books of war beasts are placed, they are very precious, and the two prodigal sons actually took them as gifts.

However, the old prince is not someone who doesn't eat human fireworks. Knowing the intrigue of the aristocratic family, he also guessed that the two obviously did not want Ningxi to touch these things and become a war beast master.

"I think so too, so let them get out of the way." Ning Xi nodded bluntly.

The old prince rolled her eyes at her, "You don't even know how to make war beasts. You dare to fight with that girl from the Yue family. I really don't know what you are thinking about, whether it's a mess."

"I think that my father is so powerful, so I shouldn't be too bad. As long as the old prince will let me learn more about how to make war beasts in half a month, I will have the confidence to deal with the war beasts in half a month. Let's fight." Ning Xi said confidently.

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