The Extraordinary Urban God of Medicine

Chapter 16 - 16: I Will Take You to Meet a Ghost!

Chapter 16: Chapter 16: I Will Take You to Meet a Ghost!

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

“Miss, what is…” Uncle Fu looked somewhat dumbfoundedly at Cui Feiyan.

From her expression, it was obvious, Huang Xiaolong really… really hit the nail on the head with his diagnosis about her menstrual disorders, painful periods, and urine splitting!

Cui Feiyan was left utterly speechless, embarrassed and mortified, wishing she could burrow into the ground…

Everything Huang Xiaolong said was correct.

Indeed, Cui Feiyan did suffer from these embarrassing health issues. She had secretly consulted numerous doctors, both traditional Chinese and Western medicine practitioners, but none had been able to provide a permanent cure.

This was a source of great frustration for Cui Feiyan.

However, as an atheist, she outright rejected Huang Xiaolong’s claims about three fires on her body and being entangled with a fierce ghost.

“My daughter, now you understand how capable Little Long is, aren’t you?” Cui Dong said, beaming with pride. Even he was impressed by his own discernment. Huang Xiaolong was indeed a capable person!

“Little Long, I didn’t imagine you to be so proficient in traditional medicine… you’re really a profound scholar,” Cui Dong voiced his admiration sincerely. “I hope you can help my daughter Feiyan resolve all her troubles…”

“That’s no problem,” Huang Xiaolong said confidently. “Curing diseases and exorcising demons, all-in-one service, will cost you 10,000.”

Huang Xiaolong was secretly amused, business had just walked through his door!

Who said it’s hard to make money in the city?

“Wait!” Cui Feiyan’s expression grew icy again, her voice matching. “Father, I never said I wanted him to treat me… Besides… a man… treating these kinds of diseases, isn’t that perverted?”

“Feiyan, your words are inappropriate. Doctors should have a parent’s heart. From a doctor’s perspective, there’s no distinction between male or female, old or young patients…” Huang Xiaolong said casually. “It seems like you have deeply rooted misconceptions about me… but it doesn’t matter. Sooner or later, you will change your view of me…”

“Stop, stop… say less, no one will see you as a mute.” Cui Feiyan didn’t have a good first impression of Huang Xiaolong. Not to mention she didn’t believe that Huang Xiaolong could cure her diseases, even if he could, she would never accept it. The thought alone made her feel sick.

Huang Xiaolong just smiled, then turned to look at Cui Dong. “Uncle Cui, let’s take care of your problem first.”

“Alright! Little Long, please come with me.” Cui Dong quickly led the way, guiding Huang Xiaolong into the “Prosperous Imperial Dynasty” residential complex.

Cui Feiyan and Uncle Fu followed from behind.

Seeing Cui Feiyan’s frosty face, Uncle Fu whispered in a low voice. “Miss, even if you just tolerate him for now, the master truly trusts him… um… Miss, if you really have those health problems, why not… let him try treating them? Perhaps he can help?”

“Uncle Fu! Don’t mention it again!” Cui Feiyan was so annoyed that she stomped her feet.

Walking around in the residential complex, Huang Xiaolong admired the surroundings like Granny Liu entering the Grand View Garden. “What beautiful houses… So, this is where wealthy city folks live? How magnificent! Even the simplest one here is more luxurious than our village chief’s house… Houses here must be expensive, right?”

“Well…” Cui Dong chuckled, finding the competent yet naive and simple-minded Huang Xiaolong quite likable. “Yes, they are quite pricey, tens of thousands per square meter.”

“Ah? Tens of thousands? Per square meter?” Huang Xiaolong’s eyes widened.

“My God, are your city houses made of gold?”

“Hahaha, Little Long, that’s quite the jest. Given your abilities, it won’t be too long before you own one of these villas.” Cui Dong said seriously.

They walked on, and eventually reached the foot of a hill.

There was a small hill, about ten meters high, covered with lush vegetation and blooming with colorful flowers. Halfway up the hill stood a European-style villa, occupying thousands of square meters, an epitome of luxury itself.

“Little Long, here is the hillside villa where I live. It’s the only one in the entire residential area, ” Cui Dong began introducing. “This villa was sold to me by an old business friend of mine who emigrated abroad…”

As he spoke, a look of fear crossed Cui Dong’s eyes. “From the very first day I moved in, I felt strange. I felt disoriented all day, and at night, it felt like a shadow was swaying in front of my eyes. As soon as I closed my eyes, it felt as if somebody was whispering nonsense in my ear…

“Father, if you don’t like this villa, you can just sell it. Or, you don’t have to live here.” Cui Feiyan suggested.

“Feiyan, Uncle Cui is experiencing something paranormal. Ghosts are like maggots in the marrow, once a person is marked by one, no matter where he tries to escape, he cannot get rid of it. Unless, it is completely destroyed.”

Huang Xiaolong said with a smile. “The problem doesn’t lie with the villa…” “Enough! Stop spreading these superstitious beliefs!” Cui Feiyan rudely cut him off.

Huang Xiaolong didn’t get angry, he just chuckled and said to Cui Dong. “Uncle Cui, I will take a look inside your villa.”

“Alright, Little Long, please!” Cui Dong respectfully said.

Following the marble steps, Huang Xiaolong and Cui Dong arrived in front of the villa.

In front of the villa gate, there were two rows of lush, towering trees, each richly branched and leafy.

Between the two rows of large trees was a man-made swimming pool. The water in the pool shimmered with a faint glow under the cold moonlight.

A gust of wind swept through, stirring countless leaves into a rustling sound. Their shadows flickered on the ground like thousands of restless ghostly figures.

Cui Feiyan didn’t live together with her father Cui Dong, and she rarely visited this place. At this moment, she felt an inexplicable chilling atmosphere. A cold shiver rolled down her spine giving her the illusion that something was hidden behind these trees. But when she focused her attention on observing, she found nothing.

Huang Xiaolong didn’t hurry into the villa. After observing the surrounding environment, he nodded slightly.

“Little Master, have you noticed anything unusual?” Cui Dong quickly asked.

“When I was driving here, I noticed that there is a temple near this area.” Huang Xiaolong suddenly said.

“Yes, it’s the ‘Temple of Heavenly Light’, which was just constructed two months ago. It’s quite popular and many devotees come specifically to burn incense, pray, and draw lots.” Uncle Fu added.

“Temples and Taoist Guan are known as uniquely Yang. People love to worship and pray there. The spirits also hope to find relief there, and even enjoy various offerings. Over time, these unclean things can affect the nearby residents.” Huang Xiaolong confidently said. “Moreover, there are many locust trees planted outside this villa. The locust tree is composed of ‘wood’ and ‘ghost’, it is the ‘ghost of wood’, it can easily attract ghosts due to its heavy Yin Qi. There is an ancient saying that you should avoid locust trees at funerals. There’s also an expression that where there are locust trees in front of a house, the ghosts parade at night…ln old times, people who committed suicide by hanging often chose locust trees…”

In such an atmosphere, in such an environment, hearing Huang Xiaolong speak of these things, Cui Feiyan felt even colder and quickly moved closer to Uncle Fu.

“Also, the swimming pool outside the villa is stagnant water. Stagnant water

gathers Yin Qi, which from a Feng Shui perspective, forms a ‘moribund marsh

trap’.. ha ha, there’s a temple near the area, locust trees in front of the villa,

and the Feng Shui constitutes a ‘moribund marsh trap’… Mr. Cui, it would be

difficult for your villa not to attract ghosts!” Huang Xiaolong explained with

absolute certainty.

Cui Dong was utterly convinced and highly respected towards Huang Xiaolong, and repeatedly nodded, “Little Master, how should I resolve this ‘moribund marsh trap’ Feng Shui situation?”

“It’s pretty simple. Plant peach and willow trees in the east, green elm in the west, plum and date trees in the south, and Nagi in the north.” Huang Xiaolong casually replied.

“Alright, Mr. Cui, let’s head into the villa now. I’ll help you exorcise the ghosts and suppress the evil spirits.” Huang Xiaolong strode casually into the villa.

Cui Dong scurried after him.

“Playing tricks!” Cui Feiyan snorted coldly, but followed closely alongside Uncle

The villa was brightly lit, but no maids or servants could be seen.

Huang Xiaolong’s eyes narrowed slightly, murmuring. “Such a strong resentment, seems that the wandering souls here have already killed…”

“Uncle Cui, you don’t come here often, do you?” Huang Xiaolong asked with a smile.

“Yes, I’ve only stayed a few times. Since I found out that the villa is not clean, I dared not come back…l fear something bad would happen, so I didn’t hire a cleaner either.” Cui Dong replied.

“Your villa is too clean.” After taking a few steps in the living room, Huang Xiaolong reached out and touched a display shelf, looked at his hand, and found it completely clean, without a speck of dust.

“Generally speaking, if a place where people live has some cockroaches, rats, and insects, it’s rather a good thing, it represents life in the house. However, if the place can stay so clean without anyone cleaning, that’s…not normal!” Huang Xiaolong smiled. “Mr. Cui, think about it, no one cleans, and it’s spotless, who is cleaning it for you?”

“Is…is…it a…ghost?” Cui Dong stammered, his body starting to tremble, and his face turned pale.

“Don’t scare my dad!” Cui Feiyan looked at Huang Xiaolong’s confident posture, resentment swelling in her heart, and coldly rebuked. “My dad is old, are you not afraid of retribution for trying to deceive him for money?”

“Um–Feiyan, you always don’t believe me…and, I have a piece of advice for you, don’t regard metaphysics as superstition because of your ignorance!” Huang Xiaolong’s expression became serious, “If you dare, today, I don’t mind letting you witness—ghost!”

“Psycho!” Cui Feiyan scoffed. “Sure, if you can let me see the so-called ghost, I’ll admit defeat.

“Then you must apologize to me because you have defamed me.” Huang Xiaolong said teasingly.

“Hehe—okay, I’m willing to apologize. Hurry up and let me see a ghost. I’ve never seen a ghost from young till now.” Cui Feiyan taunted.

“Feiyan, don’t be unruly!” Cui Dong reprimanded.

Huang Xiaolong smiled faintly, took out a yellow paper charm wrinkled like pickled cabbage from his pocket, “This is called a ‘Yin-Chasing Charm’, used to trace the source of the Yin Qi.”

After saying that, Huang Xiaolong tossed it casually. The charm swirled up as if it had grown wings, and instantly ignited itself, turning into a fireball!

“This—” Cui Dong and Uncle Fu were both dumbfounded.

“Cheap conjuror’s tricks!” Cui Feiyan’s eyes were filled with disdain and mockery.

In the blink of an eye, the fireball hovered in the spot a few times before it began floating towards the upstairs of the villa.

“Come, follow me, I’ll take you to see a ghost!” Huang Xiaolong rubbed his hands with a cheerful smile, leisurely following the direction of the fireball.

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