The Days to Survive with Several Girls on the Uninhabited Island

Chapter 485 487 Smoke

"Allen... When will you come back?"

Emily thought to herself, 'If Allen were here, Natalie wouldn't have acted so strange and excessive, let alone risked everyone's life.'.

At the thought of this, Emily suddenly thought of a question.

"Without Allen, although we can return to the civilized world, can we still eat such delicious food?"

Emily took out her dried meat and sighed.

"Allen, where are you now? Why don't you go back with us?"

Allen felt his nose itchy and sneezed.

The flame on the torch in his hand began to sway.

"Damn it! It's so cold in this cave. Maybe I caught a cold."

He wiped his nose. He felt that after this period, he might get sick.

And he might have caught a serious cold.

There was only one thing bothering Allen now. That was, there was no special trace in the cave he was facing now!

"That's impossible. Why is there no trace of opening the door here?"

"Logically speaking, there must be traces after passing by. But now, what's going on? I don't know if it was Ming or Zack who directly disappeared. This is impossible!"

The more Allen thought about it, the more headache he felt!

He had been wandering in this place for a long time, but he hadn't found anything.

This made Allen anxious.

"You like to cause trouble. Why don't you tell me the truth earlier? Then I can play a game with you!"

"Everybody could be happy. Why do you have to do this? One is trapped here by me and doesn't dare to come out, and the other is dead!"

Allen searched again, but there was still no clue. He finally realized the problem.

So Allen needed to have a good rest and think about it.

But when Allen sat down and kept talking about the corpse on the ground, Allen was suddenly stunned.

He thought of a possibility.

"I've already searched the area here. If Ming and Zack can't fly into the sky or hide underground, then there's only one place that I haven't investigated..."

Allen looked at the corpse on the ground.

After two or three seconds of silence, Allen stood up and pushed the corpse away. Then he put the torch on it and observed it for a while.

But after a while, Allen didn't seem to notice it at all.

"I've read so many suspense novels. How could I think that the most dangerous place is the safest place?"

"It seems that the coward had escaped through the blind area of sight before I came in!"

"Damn it. But it's a pity that I lost this opportunity. Well. Let's go back as soon as possible. I don't know if the girls are waiting for me anxiously!"

Allen intentionally raised his voice and deliberately trampled on the ground with loud footsteps. He walked towards the door silently.

But as soon as he walked out of the second door, Allen stood on tiptoe silently and returned to his original position.

He silently put his torch on the ground. The blood that flowed out from the corpse seeped down from the ground.

Allen found that the third door was on the ground and buried by a corpse.

No wonder he had searched for a long time but did not find anything!

That's why Allen acted like that!

Because he felt that blood could seep down, which meant that the crack in the third door was big, which meant that the sound insulation effect was not good.

If Allen played a play on purpose, he could draw a snake out of its hole!

Allen put out the fire and found a corner to wait.

After a long time, when Allen felt impatient, he finally heard a click.

"Finally you are here! Fortunately, I didn't give up!"

Allen's eyes lit up!

"How dare you waste my time here? Damn it! I've already got another 10000 experience points!"

With resentment, Allen silently prepared his pistol.

He didn't know if this fellow who came out from the third door was Ming or Zack. Allen was afraid that he might have some hot weapon in his hand! So Allen had to strike first!

Allen silently listened to the sound of the door opening in the darkness, but after waiting for a while, Allen didn't feel anyone coming out of the third door.

Allen was confused.

"Is it because my previous acting skills are too exaggerated? I don't know if it's because Ming or Zack doesn't dare to come up."

Allen scratched his head and felt strange.

But in the darkness, he suddenly heard a strange sound.


Allen felt familiar and strange about it. It seemed that something had opened.

"It's like a bomb!"

Allen's eyes began to shine with a strong desire to survive!

He rolled over and grabbed the corpse on the ground to block it in front of him, hoping to escape.

But... The next second, the explosion Allen had imagined didn't happen. Instead, a strong smell of stimulation appeared in Allen's nose.

"Is this the smell of smoke? Smoke bomb? Shit!"

Allen looked confused. He didn't expect he would be frightened by the smoke bomb.

He didn't expect there was a hot weapon on the uninhabited island.

Even if this hot weapon was only auxiliary equipment!

But Allen was shocked by what he saw!

"I can't stand it anymore!"

At the same time, Allen also realized that the person hiding behind the third door might not have known the effect of his weapon.

Allen didn't dare to bet on what other hot weapons he had!

Therefore, he could only enter the third door and kill or subdue the fellow who had just dropped the smoke bomb!

Otherwise, if he found the bomb and threw it on the ground, Allen would be doomed!

Allen would be wronged to death! It was a loss of blood!

So Allen had no choice but to give it a try!

"Go to hell!"

Allen quickly stepped into the third door, but the sudden staircase scared Allen.

He almost sprained his ankle.

However, Allen's physical fitness and balance were strong!

Even if he didn't figure out the structure of the ground, he immediately stabilized his body.

In addition, there was a faint light on the wall behind the third door.

Allen jumped to a safe place. He didn't take out his pistol this time, because he was afraid that if he shot at will, it would cause a big explosion! At that time, he would have to die with this fellow!

Allen didn't want such a tragedy to happen!

He didn't want to die so early, so the weapon he took out was the crossbow he made.

Allen also accurately found the figure in the dark and aimed the crossbow at him!

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