The Days to Survive with Several Girls on the Uninhabited Island

Chapter 474 476 Expression

However, when Ren saw the person who appeared, he put down all the things in his hands!

Because it was Allen and the beautiful woman he had met before.

Ren immediately rushed up as if he had met his master.

"Master Allen!"

He greeted Allen excitedly. Allen was in a good mood at this time, so he gave him a good look.


Allen's smile cheered Ren up.

"Master Allen, I've almost packed up. Please wait a little longer and I'll be able to leave. At that time, let's go to find Ming and Zack!"

It was not until Allen heard this that he noticed that the previously bloody venue had been cleaned up by Ren.

He nodded with satisfaction, which made Ren happier.

At the same time, Allen thought it was time to speed up his progress. It would be best if he could handle everything well before the rescue team went to the uninhabited island.

If not, let's see what we can do!

Allen told Ren directly.

"Well, you can continue to pack up here. I will come to you after I finish something!"

"No problem, Master Allen. Don't worry."

Ren nodded and bowed, indicating that he would wait for Allen. Allen took Jessica back to the watchtower.

"Emily, come here! Allen has brought Jessica back!"

"Yeah, come here, Emily!"

"What? Jessica is finally back!"

Emily, who had been worried and autistic all the time, had stayed in the corner.

But just after her friends told her that Jessica had come back, she suddenly jumped up!

She immediately came to the side of the watchtower and looked out. Emily's sad expression suddenly became strange.

Because she just saw Jessica, who never liked men, holding Allen's hand!

"What the hell! I must have been so sad that my eyes were blurred!"

"Yes, it must be. How could Allen be with Jessica?"

The smile at the corners of Emily's mouth became forced, but she still managed to restrain her emotions and prepared to teach Jessica a lesson.

But Emily didn't know why, when Allen brought Jessica upstairs, Emily just felt that she couldn't say a word at this time.

"Allen! You are here!"

"Allen, what's going on outside? It seems that some cannibals came here just now, but they were attracted away again!"

"Yes! Allen, is that you? Are you protecting our house?"

Several girls asked curiously.

However, Allen just gave them an awkward and polite smile and didn't answer.

"Calm down, all of you! I'll explain it to you all now!"

Allen's words made the girls quiet down and stop talking nonsense.

But when Allen was about to say something, Emily also spoke first.

"Wait a minute, Allen! I have something to tell you!"

As Emily spoke, she was about to walk behind Allen and scold Jessica.

But to her surprise, Jessica didn't look worried at all. She just stood there quietly without any movement.

This made Emily feel strange. But since she had said that, she must criticize Jessica at this time.

But at this moment, Allen stopped Emily.

"What's the matter? Let's talk about it after I finish, okay?"

Emily's actions and expression suddenly became stiff and stopped because of Allen's actions.

She didn't expect that Allen would stand out to help Jessica at this time.

"Didn't I see anything wrong before? Was everything I saw true?"

A terrible thought came to Emily's mind. During the period when Jessica disappeared, Jessica had already gotten Allen!

Was that possible?

Looking at the way Allen protected Jessica, Emily suddenly felt that it might be true!

She immediately felt that her brain capacity seemed to be insufficient, but Emily's instinct told her to calm down, and it was not a good time to disobey Allen!

So Emily looked into Allen's eyes and nodded slowly! She let Allen speak first.

"Okay, here is the thing!"

Allen nodded with satisfaction when he saw that Emily was convinced. Then he began to speak out about what he had said to Jessica.

In addition, he also told them some details of the battle, to let them know how hard his battle was.

As for why he didn't tell Jessica before, it was because Jessica had witnessed everything. It was unnecessary to say anything.

"Anyway, that's the way it is now. Then I'll talk about my plan and the choices we might have to face!"

Allen talked about Ren to the girls.

Although Jessica had heard about it once, she still stood there with her girl group sisters in admiration. Hearing what Allen said, she looked at Allen with admiration.

Then Allen told all the girls the information he got from Ren and the plan he had made.

"All in all, this is the case now. If there is no accident, the head of the cannibals and the head of the savages on this uninhabited island will disappear in the future, and I will also kill those cannibals who eat people!"

"It can be said that this uninhabited island will be under my control. Ren also knows some resources in the back mountains. At that time, I will develop all these resources! Here is not worse than a civilized society!"

When Allen said these words, he clearly saw the envious expressions in the eyes of the girls.

However, he didn't know how long it would take to realize his plan!

And no one could tell what would happen.

It seemed to be the biggest problem Allen had to face now.

It was the rescue team's ship on the sea!

Allen had to consider the whereabouts of the girls.

So after Allen finished his words.

Allen felt that he couldn't force the girls to stay on the island with some uncertain things.

Otherwise, what's the difference between Allen and a hooligan?

Allen didn't want to be killed by the woman beside him when he was asleep!

So Allen decided to give the girls a chance to make a choice.

Of course, when Allen was about to say something, he looked at Jessica first.

Allen and Jessica exchanged looks.

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