The Days to Survive with Several Girls on the Uninhabited Island

Chapter 461 463 Followers

"Go and touch the rope on your feet before climbing up!"

After saying that, Gai left decisively.

The unlucky guy cursed viciously as soon as he realized what had happened.

However, no matter how vicious and obscene the curses were, Gai didn't turn his head, nor did the more than 40 savages that he brought with him.

However, a guy hiding in the dark felt that Gai was interesting.

"You are very decisive in what you do! No wonder you can become the young patriarch!"

After bushing away the leaves in front of him, Ren looked at Gai's back and commented in silence.

He sped up before and finally caught up with Gai's team.

As a result, as soon as he came here, he saw this, and a lot of fear appeared in his heart.

Among them, the most scruple was Gai's decisiveness.

"But don't worry, Master Allen. I'm here. It won't be a big deal!"

Ren gave a cruel smile.

The man, who was hung up by the rope, saw that the team was almost gone. He didn't have any strength to shout until he had shouted for a while.

"Damn it! Don't let me find a chance to kill you. Even if I can't defeat you, I will teach you a lesson!"

"Well. Let's find a way to save me first!"

He tried to get up to touch the rope under his feet.

But the result was so bad that he couldn't even reach his feet.

When he was about to be desperate, he saw a person standing upside down in a tree.

Then he quickly realized that there was something wrong with his eyes.

"Are you also a savage? Help me! Help me!"

He took Ren as his last life-saving straw.

Ren didn't say anything more. He went to the guy's tree and looked down at him.

Ren's eyes were as cold as ice.

This guy was scared and didn't know what to say.

"A shameful thing!"

He tried his best to calm himself down and was about to ask for help, but he didn't expect that Ren would say something earlier than he.


The unlucky savage didn't understand why Ren said that. Before he could figure out what was going on, he saw Ren take out a small knife and cut off the vine!

"Damn it!"

The unlucky savage had strong explosive power at this time. He stood up and grabbed the vine rope at his feet.

But what a pity! Even if he caught the vine rope, the root had broken! He could only fall into a pit full of bamboo thorns!

Ren looked at his work and nodded with satisfaction. Then he silently prepared to jump in the direction of Gai.

But just in the air, he heard a whistling sound, and his hair immediately stood up!


He cursed angrily and made a somersault in the air with all his strength. It was this movement that saved him and avoided Allen's trap deliberately set for the savages and cannibals who could climb trees.

They were a pair of terrifying wooden piles. If Gai was hit in midair, his internal organs would be broken!

Ren's body was petite, and his reaction was sensitive. So he could escape this time. However, after going through this trap, he fell to the ground. Fortunately, when he landed, he used the power of the tree closest to him to make himself free so that he did not fall to death.

But he didn't dare to walk freely in the forest anymore.

"Master Allen, you're awesome!"

Ren said as he stood up and looked at the wooden pile that was swaying back and forth in the air.

He shook his head and followed Gai's team.

"Well, I can only walk and follow them. Anyway, with them leading the way, I can also save a lot of trouble!"

Thinking of this, he walked unhurriedly.

As for the detour, it was not wise, because Allen had expected it.

Therefore, Allen cautiously set up traps in all areas around the cabin.

Gai was almost pierced through his chest by the wood thorns!

"Damn it! Is Master Allen so cruel?"

After losing eight clansmen, Gai couldn't help cursing Allen in his heart.

I lost so many people before I arrived at Allen's lair. If we found Allen's lair later, wouldn't more people die?

As soon as such an idea appeared, even the hard-hearted Gai couldn't help trembling.

Because he knew that he not only had to face the traps left by Allen, but also had to face the girls!

He had heard of it from Zack.

Whether it was Allen or these girls, they all had a special weapon made by Allen.

"We only have so many people left. If we find Allen's women later, it will be embarrassing!"

Thinking of this, Gai frowned and felt his brain was in a mess.

He had already had the idea of leaving. He would first discuss with his army and then think about a long-term plan.

However, Gai turned around and looked at his clansmen.

He found that they were not only afraid, but also angry.

If he proposed to leave here at this time, he would probably be objected to by all his clansmen.

Gai had no choice but to be trapped in a dilemma!

However, at this time, Gai hadn't realized the problem.

There was a ghost-like figure following them silently.

Moreover, when some people were left alone, he just killed those clansmen who were left alone.

Just as Gai had a headache, he seemed to see some strange buildings through the dense forest.

He stopped his steps, and so did the clansmen behind him.

"Slow down! Slow down!"

Gai asked his clansmen to squat down and follow him slowly. The rest of the clansmen did the same.

Then Ren saw what these guys were doing. Just as he wanted to mock them, he saw the scene Gai had seen before.

"Oh my God! That's it! Aren't there so many traps set up by Allen? I've only killed three people, and there are still more than 20 people left. I can't defeat so many people face to face!"

Ren had a headache, because he was only good at assassinations.

If he had a direct conflict with Gai's team, he would only be beaten to death.

"Now I can only hope that there is no one here that Allen cares about. Otherwise, if Master Allen knows that I didn't save them, I will be done!"

Thinking of this, Ren slowly bent down and followed Gai's team into Allen's cabin.

This time, Gai's eyebrows were finally opened, and at the same time, the mouths of the clansmen behind him were also opened!

"Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh!"

A group of savage men made the "Oh" sound like pheasants.

There was an undisguised shock in their eyes as they looked at everything in front of them. They were all stunned.

Especially when they saw the dining table made by Allen, the wooden house and all kinds of things. Gai and his clansmen were shocked. Their previous knowledge was destroyed, and their lives were about to change.

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