The Days to Survive with Several Girls on the Uninhabited Island

Chapter 452 454 Fly Out

However, Allen's wooden arrow did not shoot toward the cannibals and savages in the vine.

Because Allen knew that he couldn't kill all the enemies in the vine with a single shot!

It was a waste to kill a cannibal or savage with a single shot of a wooden arrow, so Allen's plan had been fixed from the very beginning.

That was, let this wooden arrow cut off one of the vines that were glancing around the large vine net!

Then, those savages and cannibals who had originally wanted to save their compatriots.

The vines fell immediately, but because of their fast speed and inertia, several intelligent cannibals and savages let out a scream!

"Help! Help!"

"It's too big!"

The savages and cannibals, who had rushed over, saw the three clansmen crushed by the vines!

A cannibal or savage usually weighed about 120 pounds, and some of them could even weigh about 180 pounds!

Allen's trap was its first time showing up. The team of Ming and Zack had never seen it, nor had they thought of taking precautions against it.

As a result, Allen arrested more than 20 cannibals or savages who ran the fastest and had the worst brains!

With such a large number of people, the three savages or the cannibals fell to the ground with three terrifying sounds of fracture under the watchful eyes of the public!

With the cries and screams of the cannibals and savages, the vines fell to the ground. The sound lasted less than a second.

Allen knew that if there were some smart guys in the cannibals, they should know that the second they stopped was very precious because of the inertia.

If dozens of normal cannibals and savages used their weight to suppress this vine.

Then Allen's first trap would lose its effect. At that time, Allen could only open the second form of the huge trap.

However, Allen just took the second method as a useless trick.

Allen had planned to light up the vines mixed with some dry grass!

At that time, the cannibals and savages would also be ignited!

However, only the people outside would be hurt or killed by the burning flames!

"At that time, even if the vines are burnt, it doesn't matter! After all, it's worth it to kill some cannibals and savages!"

Allen thought clearly and thought of this possibility. Then he smiled sarcastically.

"How could this be possible? If they were so smart, then these fellows wouldn't have rushed so crazy!"

"They will know that they can't waste time. But now, I'm sorry. Let's watch them take off!"

Allen was sure that the so-called elites of Zack and Ming were not as smart and terrible as he had imagined.

Just like now, the vine was wrapped around more than 20 cannibals and savages. After pausing on the ground for a second, it shot away with terrible force!

When Allen was sure that they would die, he turned his head and continued to load his wooden arrows!

"Ah! I'm flying!"

"What's the use of flying? You should learn to land!"

"Help! Help! If we fall to the ground, we will be thrown to death! I don't want to die!"

Some of the elites from Ming and Zack even thought that they were flying and were even happy.

Allen was speechless.

But fortunately, there were not many idiots who thought flying was a good thing.

Some of the smarter ones among them had discovered the problem, which was that they were doomed now!

Therefore, Allen let all the more than 20 savages and cannibals who had never experienced a roller coaster take off.

Then, they were like broken watermelons, which were thrown to the ground by angry farmers! They would be smashed to pieces.

Allen's crossbow was loaded again with the continuous and crisp sound of falling.

However, Allen didn't expose his whereabouts in a hurry this time. He didn't attack the team organized by Ming and Zack!

Because Allen closed his eyes behind the tree, silently counting the muffled groan and the explosion sound of a savage falling on the ground. Of course, there were also some cannibals.

They were lucky! They were not thrown to death.

So that they could continue to live in this beautiful world and not die quickly.

However, from the time they flew into the sky to the time they fell to the ground, some cannibals and savages quickly ended their lives.

The impact and fear brought to the savages and cannibals, who had been kept in captivity and had never experienced much real battle were great.

Now, there was another miserable cry after this shock!

This made them more afraid. Some savages and cannibals even wanted to escape at this time!

Allen had predicted the thoughts and judgments of these cannibals and savages.

Therefore, he did not make a move at once!

Instead, he hid behind his tree for a while.

"Keep the necessary mystery and give these guys who have never experienced such things a different experience!"

"Let your fear fly for a while! Fly longer!"

Allen thought so, but soon Allen realized his mistake!

Because before they set out, Ming and Zack had divided the 500 people team into 10 parts!

They were led by 10 successors of the savage tribe and Shamans.

Therefore, the cannibals and savages only listened to their leaders.

Although there was a master of words who had gathered the 10 leaders before!

But in the end, he was killed by Allen.

Gai only subdued some confused cannibals and savages.

Therefore, he didn't have much say in the successors and Shamans who had chased after Allen.

Therefore, when the first group of people saw Allen's horrible trap, they stopped chasing Allen.

But when the second group of Shamans and successors arrived.

They wondered why not only did their clansmen not rush out to attack Allen!

They even quietly stayed behind the tree!

"Fuck! What are you doing here? Are you wasting our time?"

"Why are you so timid? Are you worthy of my trust in you?"

"You don't want to live, do you? When I become the patriarch, all of you will die!"

"Stop talking. Let me kill Allen!"

"I thought you guys are good at running. You know how to hide you, don't you?"

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