The Daily Love Life Of The Immoral God And His Invisible Wife

Chapter 138: I Am A Bad Woman

Chapter 138: I Am A Bad Woman

I-I, I really didnt look!

The more Sui Lier tried to explain, the redder her face became.

Seeing her reaction, Chen Ling couldnt help but laugh and said, Hmm, hmm, hmm, you didnt look.

Really Sui Lier blushed all over and weakly defended herself. Although she said that, an image of a huge something appeared in her mind.

Ding~ Targets emotions are abnormal, points +1 billion!

Chen Ling: ?? Whats she thinking about?

Wu~ She looked at him with teary eyes, looking pitiful and helpless. It seemed as if she had just been ruthlessly bullied by little Chen Ling.

Seeing her like this, Chen Lings heart trembled! Immediately, a Still Mind Spell drifted past, suppressing the excited little Chen. He couldnt bear to see Sui Lier like this and quickly coughed awkwardly, saying, Alright, I believe you

Mmm Sui Lier softly replied and then turned her head with a blush, continuing to eat her meal, chewing slowly.

Ding~ Targets emotions are abnormal! Points -1 billion!

Chen Ling: ?? Was it me who was too fierce just now?

Was it?

Right now, instead of wondering whats wrong with Sui Lier, Chen Ling was more concerned if he had done something wrong or said something hurtful to make her upset

Mind Reading!

Ding~ Mind Reading activated.

At this moment, several bullet comments immediately appeared above Sui Liers head.

( What should I do, I lied)

( Lord God treats me so well, and I actually deceived him sob, Im a bad person, a bad woman )

( Can I still tell the truth now )

Chen Ling: ???

When did she see it? Why didnt I know?

After reading Sui Liers inner thoughts, Chen Ling couldnt help but doubt his memory. Did she see it? Didnt she?

No wonder her points just dropped by 1 billion. Probably because she thought about little Chen Ling.

Now Chen Ling understood, and he even felt a little proud of himself: Haha~ big right? Scared you to death! CoughCalm, Still Mind Spell!

At this moment, several bullet comments appeared above Sui Liers head again:

( I should tell him the truth, between pure pure friends, there shouldnt be any hiding )

( We are pure)

Chen Ling couldnt help but cry and laugh at the same time.

Ding~ Target Sui Lier feeling shy, points +1 billion

Um Chen Ling. Sui Lier blushed and stammered while looking at him. I

Chen Ling instantly felt awkward, is she really going to say it?

Actually I I actually

Seeing her blushing and stammering, Chen Ling didnt know why, but he also became nervous.

I-I-I, I really havent seen anything!

Im full! Im going back!

After saying that, she quickly ran two steps to her own room, and a few bullet comments appeared above her head.

( Im sorry! Lord God I just lied to you this once! )

( Besides, there was pants blocking)

Seeing her thoughts, Chen Ling understood. Sui Lier had seen him a few times through the pants, so its as if she didnt see anything. But this little girl is too easily embarrassed.

After a couple of sarcastic comments in his heart, Chen Ling directly used his invisibility and appeared behind Sui Lier in her room. He wanted to see what weird thoughts this little girl had today.

Todays diary content:

Sob, sob, I lied to Lord God today. If he finds out, will he punish me

He would be angry if he knew

Sob, sob, he definitely will Im a bad girl wuwu..

No, I cant, maybe I should tell him? What should I do How do I say it?

It seemed that in Sui Liers mind, deceiving Chen Ling was a very serious matter. This resulted in the occasional appearance of a -1 billion points bullet comment.

But seeing her blushing and looking upset, Chen Ling had thought it was just shyness and annoyance. So he didnt bother with it, thinking it was a normal emotion.

Then Sui Lier stopped writing and pouted, looking unhappily at her diary.

Ding~ Target Sui Lier, emotional disturbance, points -1 billion!

( I cant lie! )

( Oh hes not a person )

Chen Ling: ???

( Hes a god, Lord God said If I dont treat him like a person, it doesnt count as lying Cough! Not caught! )

( Lord God is not a person, hes a god! )

Chen Ling: Im speechless

( Sob, no, I cant. )

Unfortunately, Sui Lier still couldnt untangle the knot in her heart. The more she thought about it, the more upset she felt. She put down her diary and was about to go find him. She even forgot to close it.

Seeing this, Chen Ling quickly hid under the blanket on the sofa, pretending to be asleep.

Sui Lier pouted, looking upset, and ran to Chen Lings side, gazing at him with her beautiful silver-like eyes.

Before she could say anything, Chen Ling already knew through mind reading, but he still pretended to be calm and asked, Whats wrong?

Sui Lier looked like a child who had done something wrong and said softly, Lord God Im sorry, I lied to you, sob


At this moment, Chen Ling reached out from under the blanket and gently placed his hand on her little head, speaking softly, Its okay, even if you lied to me, I wont be angry with you. You dont have to rush to tell me, just let me know when youre ready.

Rest assured, I will never leave you, so you can tell me anything at any time.


With just a few words, Chen Ling resolved all of Sui Liers concerns. She had been too cautious while staying by his side. He hoped that when she was with him, she could be more carefree and at ease. Thats why he emphasized that he would never leave her.

Sui Lier stood there, stunned by Chen Lings gentleness. The bullet comments above her head suddenly flooded:

( So gentle! )

( Lord God is so gentle! )

( I I cant take it! )

Ding~ Target Sui Lier feels happy, points +10 billion~

Chen Ling cleared his throat, However, you have to recite the password before I can forgive you.


Sui Lier bit her lips, and her mouth couldnt help but curl up, H Hubby, forgive me, okay~

Seeing her smile so happily, there was not even a hint of seeking forgiveness.

But of course, Chen Ling chose to forgive her. Mmm.

With that, he smiled and closed his eyes, ready to sleep.

Seeing this, Sui Lier, like a little rabbit, bit her small lips with her two tiny front teeth. Hehe~ How can I be left out when it comes to sleeping!

Then she gently climbed onto the sofa.

Hei-xiu~ She lightly stepped over Chen Ling and climbed inside, then crawled forward, wanting to burrow into his blanket.

At this moment, Chen Ling suddenly held onto his blanket.

Sob? Sui Lier pulled on it but found that she couldnt move the blanket at all, feeling a bit wronged as she said, No, I cant go in?

Chen Ling held back a smile and said, Whats the password?


Chen Lings mouth twitched, and he cleared his throat, What do you want?

Sob~ Can I come in?

Chen Ling couldnt help but laugh.

Sui Lier blushed and kneeled by his side, waiting obediently. Seeing he didnt say anything, she tried again, Hubby

Before she could finish her sentence, Chen Ling chuckled and let go of the blanket.

Ding~ Sui Lier points +10 billion~

Like an agile little puppy, she crawled into Chen Lings blanket. Hehe~ Thank you, Lord Hubby~

After speaking, she felt like she said the wrong thing and wanted to say Thank you, Lord God!

Her mouth got jumbled, but when she looked up at Chen Ling, she found that he had already closed his eyes, and his face showed no expression.

Relieved, she couldnt help repeating to herself: Hehe, thank you, Lord Hubby~

Ding~ +10 billion points~

Then she quietly curled up next to Chen Ling, burying her little head in the blanket, greedily breathing in the scent inside.

Chen Ling looked down at the little Sui Lier, who seemed like a ball under the blanket, and couldnt help but think: If I fart, how many points will I /FanTranslations

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