The Cult Leader in the Clergy Academy

Chapter 163

Chapter 163

The demonic beast lifted its head while tidying up its feathers. Its pale eyes glared directly into mine. I stared into those white eyes and stared at Jun-Hyuk, who resided beyond those eyes. The demonic beast tapped the window twice with its large beak and then opened its mouth wide.

"Open up, please!"

"Why should I?"

"Open up, please! I can't harm you! Open up, please! I can't harm you!"

The voice of the demonic beast was grating and harsh, yet it was also pleading and whining. It definitely wasn’t a pleasant voice to listen to. Seeing that I wasn’t opening the window, the demonic beast pleaded with an even louder voice.

"Open up, please! Open up, please! Open up, please!"

"...Lower your voice."

"I can't harm you! Open up!"

Knock knock.

At that moment, I heard a knocking sound from the front door. The demonic beast stopped shouting. Instead, it tried to shove its beak into the crack in the window in an attempt to open it forcibly.

After securely locking the window, I went to the front door.

"Yes, who is it?"

—Um, I'm the dormitory supervisor. Did you bring a friend inside by any chance? You're not supposed to bring anyone in~

"No, it's not a friend."

—I keep hearing strange voices. You didn't bring your girlfriend inside, did you?

"No... I was just watching something. I'll keep the noise down. I'm sorry."

I sat on the windowsill and glanced at the demonic beast struggling to open the window. If the fact that such a grotesque creature had not only entered Florence Academy but also tried to invade my room was revealed, the school would be turned upside down. It might even create baseless suspicions that I had some sort of connection with the Satanists.

—...Something is strange. Can I come in for a moment? Or could you just open the door briefly? Just so that I can check.

The dormitory supervisor's voice was filled with suspicion toward me. If I opened the door briefly, they would probably sneak into my room. Setting aside the fact that there was a demonic beast on the windowsill, there was still a suspicious purple mist inside my room right now. It was because I had been practicing casting spells.

I locked the front door and said, "The thing is... it might be difficult to open the door at the moment.”

—Why is that?

"I just took a shower, and I'm not wearing any clothes. Seriously."

—You took a shower? Didn't you say you were watching something earlier?

"Well... I couldn't hear the sound because of the water, so I turned up the volume, but the noise ended up leaking outside."

—...I see. Please be more careful.

The dormitory supervisor seemed somewhat displeased. I placed my ear against the front door and listened carefully. I could hear the dormitory supervisor passing through the hallway and walking down the stairs.

I finally felt relieved as I returned to the window where the demonic beast was. The demonic beast was still struggling to open the window. Considering that it was a taxidermied creature sent by Jun-Hyuk, it was behaving quite unintelligently. If it really intended to come into my room, it would have been better for it to break through the window with its beak.

"Open... please open up... I can't harm... you..."

Moreover, that demonic beast kept repeating the same words. It was as if it hadn't learned anything other than the phrases “please open up” and “I can’t harm you.” Furthermore, the phrase “I can't harm you” sounded awkward.

Perhaps Jun-Hyuk really was dead, and that demonic beast was just a remnant. It was also possible that it was a taxidermied creature moving autonomously, not under Jun-Hyuk’s control. That was why it appeared to have such low intelligence.


No, that contradicted the laws of the world, because it implied that he had achieved creationism. There was no way that a hypocrite such as Jun-Hyuk had achieved creationism. The conclusion was clear: Jun-Hyuk was indeed alive. However, for some reason, he had lost the ability to control the taxidermied creatures precisely.


I opened the window. If my suspicions were correct, there was a high possibility that the words “I can't harm you” were true. If my suspicions were incorrect, I would probably die or get seriously injured. But I believed that my suspicions were most likely correct.

"I can't hurt you, I can't hurt you..."

As expected, instead of exploding or attacking me, the demonic beast cautiously lifted its feet and flapped its wings as it entered the room. As soon as the demonic beast entered, I closed the curtains. Then, I activated the replication spell, Dawn's Blade. If the demonic beast tried anything funny, I planned to plunge the sword into its forehead immediately.

"I can't hurt you, ugh!"

"What the—!"

Then, the demonic beast suddenly started to hurl. I aimed the sword at the demonic beast's forehead. Even without Bossou's power, I could still throw the sword and hit it from this distance.


At that moment, something came out of the demonic beast's mouth. It was a black bag that was tied up. I couldn't see what was inside, nor could I even begin to speculate. After retching a few more times, the demonic beast spread its wings in a threatening manner.

I thought it would attack me, but the demonic beast flew away through the open window instead. The flapping of its wings caused the curtains to shake violently. Soon, the room was filled with silence.


I looked at the bag that the demonic beast had spat out. I couldn’t tell what was inside.

"Ogun. Can you please check if there's anything like explosives inside?"

[I refuse. I am not a metal detector...]


[There is nothing inside that is made out of iron, but I can't guarantee that there are no explosives,] Ogun said and then disappeared.

If there was nothing made of iron inside, then there were most likely no mechanical bombs inside. If that was the case, there was no need to worry. I opened the bag.

"What the... It looks like I was unnecessarily scared."

Inside the bag was a piece of paper that was folded up multiple times and an olive branch. There didn't seem to be any black magic engraved on the items. There was no danger whatsoever.

While unfolding the piece of paper, Legba said, [It's alright for you to feel a bit scared. No, perhaps it's more accurate to say that it’s alright to be a bit cautious.]

I could sense displeasure in his voice. The reason was not hard to guess. He must be reproaching me for opening the suspicious bag of unknown origin that the demonic beast had spat out without any hesitation or caution.

"Would I really die from something like this?"

However, excessive worry would only waste time.

Legba sighed and said, [You could die. Do you really still trust that guy even after getting backstabbed by him like that?]

“The reason why I opened the bag is precisely because I don’t trust him.”

If we assumed that Jun-Hyuk was still alive, that meant he was imprisoned in the underground prison of the Holy See Headquarters or some other prison. If he was in that situation, it was unlikely that he would send bombs or black magic for the sole reason of tormenting me.

Instead, he would be desperately hoping that nothing would happen to me. It was because he knew that I was the Cult Leader of the Voodoo Cult. It seemed like Jun-Hyuk had not yet informed the Romanican Church about this fact yet. In that case, he could threaten to expose my identity to the Romanican Church if I didn’t follow his orders. It was also possible that he planned to use me to escape. The contents written on the piece of paper were probably related to that.

[How can you be so sure?] Legba asked.

"If it were me, I would have definitely done that," I replied nonchalantly and fully unfolded the piece of paper.

Lo and behold, it was a letter addressed to me from Jun-Hyuk. The handwriting was very messy, but it was still readable. I carefully unfolded the crumpled parts and started reading the piece of paper.

- I am sending you this letter using one of my beautiful taxidermied creatures. If it’s you, I trust that you will gladly open the window for it because we are absolute besties.

- I can't write too much in this letter. As time goes by, I am forgetting how to control the taxidermied creature. Electricity is melting my brain, you see. The brain regenerates after it gets melted down, but it seems like the memories that I lose do not get restored. I wanted to let you know that I am alive.

- There is that slutty rat hiding in Central. I heard that there will be a practical examination soon, and they will probably act during that time. That slut is trying to get revenge at the moment. I really hate that slut. Let’s go to the sea together later! Goodbye, goodbye!


Just like that, the letter ended. Judging by the ink stains left behind after the last sentence, it seemed like there were more words that he wanted to write, but he must not have had the opportunity to do so because the circumstances didn't allow it. Just like he had stated in the letter, it seemed like he had forgotten how to control the taxidermied creature.

"The slutty rat, he says..."

I reread the piece of paper two more times. It was because the sentences that warned of the “slutty rat hiding in Central” bothered me. There appeared to be a hidden spy within the upper echelons of the Romanican Church, but I couldn't figure out exactly what Central was referring to.

It was impossible to tell whether it was referring to the Central Paladin Order, the Central Crusader Order, or the Central Priest Order. Furthermore, it stated that the slutty rat was trying to get revenge, but I had no idea who the target of that revenge was supposed to be. Nothing was clear at the moment.

"Is he just intentionally messing with us to make us feel like shit?"

[That seems to be the case.] Legba agreed with my words.

I reread the piece of paper a few more times, hoping to find some hints, but there were none. I had no choice but to guess or prepare for every possible situation. Guessing was too risky, so preparing for every possible situation was better.

However, it wasn't enough to just prepare. If any problems occurred during the practical exam, the missionary trip would likely be canceled or delayed. If possible, it was important to handle all risks in a stealthy manner to ensure that there would be no problems with the future schedule. It would be troublesome if the missionary trip schedule were delayed any further than this.

"...Yes, it’s me. Are you busy?"

In preparation for that, there were things that I had to prepare.


Bread, pastries, and various Western dishes were beautifully arranged on the table. A few bottles of whiskey and wine were gathered on the edge of the table, and a few of the bottles were already empty.

Among the five men sitting there, one man with a face that was tinted red suddenly raised his head and began to speak loudly.

"That Joseph guy seems like he has never kept a time appointment. The fastest he’s ever arrived was ten minutes late, and if he intentionally comes late, it takes him thirty minutes, and sometimes even an hour."

"Indeed, that friend doesn't have a sense of time."

"Yeah, that's what I'm saying. He's already an hour and a half late!"

"He must be busy. I heard he was chasing around some kid who knows nothing."

It was a gathering of classmates who had joined the Central Paladin Order at the same time period as Joseph. Although Joseph was supposed to preside over the meeting, he was nowhere to be seen.

However, this was actually an opportunity for them. Thanks to that, they could express the grievances they hadn’t been able to say in front of Joseph. After the complaints began, there was no end in sight. The man who uttered the first complaint bowed his head and chewed on his lips grumpily.

"Just why does His Majesty favor that bastard...!"

"Oh dear, this person has started again. Don't hold onto any lingering feelings for a position that is out of your reach. You look more pathetic the more you do so.”

"If I can become an inquisitor by being pathetic, I can be as pathetic as I can be. If only I could become an inquisitor... Damn it, that son of a bitch!"

His colleagues all gave him a disapproving look as they watched him spew meaningless insults toward the absent Joseph. Everyone was well aware of the discord among the colleagues who had vied for the position of inquisitor. The inquisitor wannabes complained about the same thing every single time they met every few years. At this point, rather than feeling disapproval, everyone just felt that the inquisitor wannabes were pathetic.


At that moment, the door opened and someone entered. The faces of the colleagues, who had been gossiping and exchanging complaints with each other, tensed up.

Joseph took off his coat and neatly hung it on the coat rack in the corner before finding an empty seat and plopping down.

"I was late because I had places to go. I also had a phone call to take," Joseph said.

He then scanned the faces of his colleagues and smiled as he looked at the empty bottles piled up in the corner of the table.

"I feel sorry, so I'll cover the bill today. So, what were we talking about?"

"Well... we were just catching up on what we've been up to, you know, small talk."

The man who seemed the most sober out of the five responded to Joseph's words.

Joseph nodded and poured whiskey into his glass before quickly downing it in one gulp. Then, he slightly frowned and said, "The alcohol content is too high. Do you have any wine by any chance?"

"...Hey, Joseph."

The voice that came at that moment was filled with clear resentment. It was the same man who had started badmouthing Joseph earlier. The man's face was excessively flushed, and the visible blood vessels popping in his eyes were disturbing.

The man exclaimed, "Don't you think you're being shameless? You're not just a few minutes late, but two hours!"

"That's why I apologized. I'll pay for the drinks too. And strictly speaking, it's not two hours, but one hour and thirty-four minutes," Joseph responded nonchalantly.

The man's complexion turned red and blue, then quickly paled. His lips and eyebrows narrowed. His bloodshot eyes were staring intensely at Joseph's face. The atmosphere immediately became frigid, as if a bucket of ice water had been poured over them.

"....An apology? Do we really have to accept such a half-hearted apology?" he said as his voice trembled with anger.

"This friend seems to be really drunk. Joseph, please bear with him. We'll send him home soon."

"Let go! Do you think that I’m the only one who thinks like this? Everyone here doesn’t look at you favorably!"

"Hey, calm down...."

It was an atmosphere that felt like a fight could break out at any moment. One of the colleagues quickly tried to calm the situation, but they were powerless in front of the anger that had inflated beyond control.

Joseph poured himself a drink and smirked.

"I don't know what more you want. Do you want me to confess my sins in front of you or something? Just for something like this?"

"Just? Did you just say just?"

"Yeah, just," Joseph said with a smile.

"By the way, didn't you mention that you were working as a priest at a local cathedral these days? Instead of someone else, I guess I should just confess my sins to you!"


"Right, I should start by drawing a cross, right? Please tell me how it’s done. It's been so long that I can't remember," Joseph said with a chuckle.

Joseph's eerie laughter was the only thing that echoed out in the silence. The face of the man whom he had mocked turned pale. His fist was trembling, but his eyes were fixed on Joseph without any movement.

At that moment, he picked up an empty bottle. There was no time for anyone to stop him.


The bottle dangerously flew across the table, but Joseph easily dodged it. Avoiding a bottle thrown by an angry drunkard was a walk in the park for him. The bottle shattered, and the glass fragments sparkled on the floor under the lighting.

Joseph casually poured himself another drink and said, "Drinking such strong liquor, no wonder you're getting drunk like that. Someone, please take this friend home. An incident might occur if this continues.”

"Thanks. I have no idea why this guy is acting so strange today...”

“Let go of me. Joseph, you faggot! You son of a bitch!”

He continued to curse while getting dragged out by his colleagues. Joseph pretended not to hear as he continued to drink more alcohol. No matter how much he drank, he didn't get drunk. Instead, only bitterness remained on his tongue. Since the atmosphere was already ruined, there was no point in staying any longer.

Joseph got up from his seat and went out. He put a cigarette in his mouth and lit it.

Another man followed Joseph out and said, "Thanks for holding back earlier, really."

He was still a member of the Central Paladin Order, and because of that, he didn’t even touch alcohol due to his principle of abstinence. The fact that he was willing to smoke despite that felt strange to Joseph, but he didn’t bother mentioning it and simply nodded instead.

“There was no need for me to hold back at all. I was never angry in the first place.”

"It’s hard to say that your personality is good, but rather, there's something peculiar about it."

"Just say that my personality is good," Joseph said with a smile. "I didn't know that guy hated me this much.”

"No, he doesn't hate you. It's just..."

"No need to say empty words. It’s completely fine if he hates me. I have a personality that easily sows hatred after all," Joseph said indifferently.

The man stopped smoking his cigarette momentarily and lowered his head with a troubled expression.

"He’s a good person at heart. I hope you don't hate him too much."

"No, on the contrary, I like how he was honest. If I got angry at everything, it would get tiring. Instead..."

There was no need to be wary of people who openly expressed their emotions and showed their dislike. Rather, he needed to be wary of those who didn’t drink alcohol and faked their laughter. Alcohol made people honest, so there was a high possibility that those who didn’t even touch alcohol were trying to hide their true selves. For that reason, Joseph was suspicious of the colleague smoking next to him.

"Please check whether any suspicious individuals are in the Central Paladin Order." Sun-Woo had previously said this to him.

There was no way he would have said such things without reason. He most likely had something that he was suspecting. Although he had no idea what information he had or where it came from, he believed it wouldn't hurt to be cautious.

"I have a lot on my mind these days, so I’m quite troubled.” Joseph nonchalantly baited the man.

The man raised an eyebrow, seemingly curious or perhaps interested.

"Why, what's going on?"

"Florence Academy is conducting a practical exam, and someone asked me for advice. It seems like there's a problem with setting the location and time," Joseph explained.


"Don't you know as well? There was a major incident that occurred last time. Because of that, the teachers are very concerned," Joseph added.

First, Joseph planned to narrow down the number of suspects.

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