The Conquerors bloodline

Chapter 147: Broken Summer

Chapter 147: Broken Summer

Parc's little adventure out into the docks had left him tired, the twice usage of his wings having drained him of his mana and general mental acuity. Though not as much as his initial usages of it, it was still a draining ability.

"Glad I've got a lifetime supply of this crap," popping open the cork to a bright blue mana potion, he downed it once again, relishing in the faint blueberry taste he'd added in to coat that horrible mushroomy taste that came from using literal glowing mushrooms to make the potion.

The relief was immediate as the throb of a mana expended headache receded into the depths of his mind and would allow him to fall into sleep. He'd opted to send Kurome and Chelsea back into their token forms, planning to summon Kurome again in the morning but not wanting to do so now as he truly just wanted to sleep off the lingering mental fatigue of flight.

Before he did fall into sleep, his mind wandered over to the thought of Summer, a tinkling of concern for the woman filling him. Had she learned of Taiyang's apparent engagement just yet? He was certainly thinking so as those two looked like they had just spent the evening out and Tai had gotten on one knee and handed the purple haired lady the ring that night.

His answer soon came in the form of a single thud coming from his door. Which while not particularly loud was enough to draw his attention to it and think of how it sounded exactly like something that would come from someone unable to knock, but able to bang their head into the door not knowing what else to do.

Letting out a long breath, Parc rose from his bed, his shirt hung loosely around his body, billowing as he made large stride towards the door and opened it inwards. Finding stood outside Summer, her newly cleaned white cloak hung from her shoulders, her dress neat having bought it earlier in the day not wanting to greet her family like a hobo.

But most noticeably was the glassy, bloodshot tone of her eyes and tear trails trickling down her cheeks. She looked lost, like her worst fears had suddenly become reality.

Powering through the lump in his throat, Parc's voice rose, "hey Summe-"

Not letting him even finish his sentence, Summer burst off the ground, throwing herself up to wrap her arms around Parc's neck and force her lips to meet with his. He could feel her tongue pressing through her lips and onto his, forcing its way between his and into his mouth.

He was in shock initially, but quickly came to accept the sudden mouth to mouth and dropped both hand to her lower hip and eventually digging beneath her skirt to grip into her plump asscheeks giving her a bit of support as she was literally hanging off Parc's shoulders due to their height difference.

Letting Summer's tongue snake into his mouth, Parc returned the act in kind and began to explore the slimy and sweet interiors of her oral cavity. Lightly stumbling away from his door as he did and used what part of his spatial awareness he could to hook his hand around his door and fling it shut with one hand.

As he began wandering his way to his bed, Summer finally retracted her comfort seeking tongue and parted from him. Moaning as she felt his hands clasping into her buttocks and his lips locking onto her neck, sucking at her pale flesh leaving behind a large pink hickey.

"Haaa. Mmm" she whined with every step he took. Eventually upon arriving by his bed, Parc lessened his grip and her and lowered her onto her feet. Her arms unhooking from his neck as they both moved into frantic stripping of themselves. Parc throwing both his shirt and pants to the side unveiling to Summer his throbbing erection. A sight that gave her pause whilst undoing the lacing of her dress. Though not for long before she continued loosening and eventually letting the one-piece fall to her feet.

Parc wasn't content with just standing by while she went to unclasp her bra and strip her pale pink panties off. Instead he gripped both of her shoulders and inched her onto the bed, pushing her down into a seated position atop it while also himself dropping to his knees on the floor before her.

Ently guiding her legs open, Parc was greeted to the pleasant sight of her pinkish panties turn a shade darker right along her slit. Dampening the fabric of her undergarments with the fluids of her lust.

Faintly he could hear Summer gulp and sniffle as she looked down at his face on a slow approach to her dampened crotch. Her mind was an addled mess at the moment, a portion not so deep within her knew what she was doing-letting Parc do, was wrong and rash and wrong. But her mind didn't care, it didn't want to care. She just wanted to feel comfort, to just let her mind go, to wander away from her horrible circumstances.

But to think she would go to a boy half her age to do this for her. It was ridiculous but he was still the only man around who knew she was even still alive and he had been so good to her, though the odd sexual innuendo and lusting looks he gave her were just a bit unnerving, they also made her feel womanly. And that was something she tried to bury away, storing her 'womanly' self for Tai. Now though that was no longer an option.

Leaning her head back, Summer stared with watery eyes at the ceiling. Letting Parc lift her bare, smooth legs onto his shoulder and bury his face into her crotch. Sniffing, licking and sucking at her panty covered snatch.

He was slow at first, simply letting his tongue snake out and dash across the fabric often stopping to linger on her clit eliciting soft moans from her as the sensitive button was pressed. Surely, his tonguing grew quicker and pushed her panties deeper into her honeypot.

"Haa, ahh, mmm-"

She moaned and soon Parc pulled away, one hand hooking beneath one side of the crotch portion of the garment and slid it to the side before once again locking his lips around the darkly furred pussy. His tongue now actively driving deeper into her, lapping up her excreted sexual fluids and relishing in her faint saccharin rose water.

"Hooo, ohmygodohmygod," Summer shivered as one of her hands gripped the back of Parc's head, shoving him in deeper while a hand of his own rose to her chest, forcefully digging beneath her bra to latch his hands across her breast and tease the soft C-cup mammary.

Rapidly the thought of the night was disappearing, her coming to focus purely on the powerful shockwaves Parc's cunnilingus was sending through her. Was it wrong what was happening to her? That those memories of her and Tai holding hands on their dates were fading away to be set upon the shelves of forlorn, forgotten things?

She certainly thought so, she didn't want to put them there but what choice did she have? Tai had moved on, found someone new. She was already nothing but a sorrowful memory to him. So why shouldn't he be that for her? The one who got away.

It was this thought, this faint feeling that grew stronger and stronger until it could overpower even the feeling of Parc nibbling and sucking of her rosebud finally burst out. Her lip trembled and her throat vibrated as a mournful wail escaped her, tears trickling down her cheeks like the bullets she once shot at grimm. Her cry heard throughout the hotel though muffled by the soundproofing of the suite room.

Hearing her pained cries Parc parted from her crotch and arched his neck to look up at her. She no longer felt any pleasure from his actions, the welling fear of abandonment that had been building up ever since her entrapment on the island having finally burst free like a dam broken unleashing its built-up waters in a tide. Merciless and harsh.

Moving from his knees to his feet, Parc rose up to Summer and leaned towards her, both his arms wrapping around her while she did the same as if by instinct. Still bellowing her banshee-esque cries even as Parc held her tightly and gently pushed her down onto the bed from the loss of support keeping them up.

His right hand delicately stroking across her collar bone letting her feel the comforting pat.

Gradually Summer's cries lessened, turning to sniffles and eventually into languid snores. The mental pain of the last few hours having ruined her will to even remain awake. Feeling her grip on him lessen, Parc knew this but remained holding her for moments longer.

Sighing to himself Parc lifted Summer from the bed so he could pull open the duvet and set her down with her head on the pillow before pulling it back over her nude form. Stroking a lock of her long black and red tipped hair over her ear he leaned forwards and placed a long kiss on her forehead. "I am so sorry Summer."

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