The Billion-Value Lands Are Just For Farming

Chapter 457

Chapter 457 - The Crystal Onions Have Matured

Su Ming woke up later than usual.

He stretched leisurely, feeling the comfort spread through his body.

The previous day had been packed with activities, which is why it took him half the night to finally drift off to sleep.

But this restful slumber had rejuvenated him completely.

He felt utterly refreshed.

Glancing at the clock, Su Ming had a sudden realization—if his memory served him right, the crystal onion should be ripe by now.

It was time to harvest the crystal onion!

In a rush, Su Ming scrambled out of bed and headed straight for the plot where the crystal onion was planted.

He noticed that the Dangerous Sweet Potato and the Top Grade orchids were still growing and would be ready to harvest the next day.

But the crystal onion was ripe for the picking.

Typically, onions have a purple-red skin.

Half of them grow beneath the soil, while the other half sprout green leaves that poke through to the air.

However, Su Ming's onion was crystalline.

It wasn't supposed to sprout leaves.

Su Ming walked over to the plot and crouched down for a closer inspection, only to find that the crystal onion had somehow produced a small, square paper box.

This box, roughly the size of a standard router, was mostly buried, with only one side visible above the soil.

It was completely unmarked.

What could it be?

Su Ming was curious.

He gently cleared the dirt around the box and gave it a firm tug, successfully extracting the crystal onion.

Upon closer examination, he realized that the small box was actually a radio!

The crystal onion's planting density was quite low, with only three per acre.

Clearly, Su Ming hadn't anticipated that a radio would emerge from the crystal onion.

“Ding! Congratulations, Host, you've acquired a noise-proof radio. Don't be fooled by its small size; it's packed with immense energy. Just press play, and it can emit a massive 200-decibel sound, targeted at specific individuals or groups, while remaining inaudible to others. This is the perfect tool to manage disruptive square dancing seniors!”

Hearing this description, Su Ming's eyebrows lifted in intrigue.

He found the radio quite fascinating.

In the past, square dancing was a beneficial activity for one's health.

But nowadays, many dancers were inconsiderate of the time and place, focusing solely on their own enjoyment. Take, for instance, students preparing for crucial exams, forced to endure the relentless din of square dancing beneath their windows at night. The elderly dancers, brimming with joy, seemed utterly oblivious to anyone else's discomfort. If you tried to reason with them, they'd argue that it was a public space and they were entitled to dance if they wished, claiming that no one had the right to disrupt their leisure. To them, any attempt to stop their dancing was akin to age discrimination.

Some elderly folks have taken things to an extreme. There was a news report about a group of seniors who took to dancing in a hotel lobby, leaving the manager no choice but to crank up the heat in an attempt to drive them out. The seniors were forced to beat a hasty retreat.

With the radio, Su Ming could pinpoint the crowd and unleash a sonic assault. It was a classic case of fighting fire with fire!

Yet, the results weren't quite as extraordinary as one might think.

A single acre could only yield three crystal onions, each producing a radio. Su Ming couldn't help but feel a sense of loss.

He shook his head.

“Let it go. It's pretty good as it is. The System can't always hand out incredible items, right?” Su Ming mused before bending down to gather his harvest.

In total, two acres yielded just six crystal onions.

Truth be told, the walk took longer than the harvest itself.

With three crystal onions in his pocket and two more tucked under his arm, Su Ming approached the final radio.

As he prepared to harvest the last crystal onion, he noticed that this box was different from the others.

While the rest were wrapped in black, this one was encased in gold!

“Could it be a golden box? It's likely! Very likely!” Su Ming whispered excitedly.

He was beyond thrilled.

Forgetting the other five radios, he quickly grabbed the last one and examined it.

“Ding! Congratulations, Host, you've obtained a Prophetical Radio. This radio will broadcast news every Monday at midnight, specific to your city, detailing events that will unfold over the coming week. You may choose to intervene and alter these events, or simply ignore them.”

“Note: If you miss the broadcast on Monday night, you can open the radio at any time before the following Monday to hear a repeat of the news!”

“Note: The events foretold by the Prophetical Radio will occur. It simply offers you a choice. Your participation, or lack thereof, will not be problematic.”

Upon hearing the mental prompt, Su Ming paused, momentarily taken aback.


The Prophetical Radio! It was truly remarkable!

Though the System's instructions were somewhat complex, Su Ming got the gist of it.

At midnight on Monday, the Prophetical Radio would air a news segment predicting an event that would occur on one of the following seven days.

The event might be significant or trivial. Su Ming had the option to get involved or not.

Su Ming marveled at the Prophetical Radio's capabilities, musing, “Perhaps the duty of transforming the world and rescuing humanity rests on my shoulders!”

While he was lost in his daydreams about the future, he suddenly remembered the System had informed him that the Prophetical Radio only broadcast news from Eastsea.

It seemed unlikely that this would have anything to do with altering the fate of the world or saving humanity.

It made sense why the previous radios seemed so mundane; the most extraordinary one had been revealed to Su Ming at last.

Su Ming chuckled heartily.

He glanced at the other five radios and decided to recycle them, as they served no purpose for him.

While square dancing might be a nuisance to some, it didn't bother Su Ming in the least, given that his location was in the city center, far from any such activity.

“Ding! You have successfully harvested crops, earning 200,000 experience points! Bonus reward: 40,000!”

“Ding! Congratulations, Host, on successfully exchanging points. You have earned 5,000 credit points!”

“Ding! Recycled. Congratulations, Host, you have gained 50,000 experience points! Bonus reward: 10,000!”

After disposing of the radios, a succession of notifications echoed in Su Ming's mind.

He checked his experience panel; he needed another five million experience points to advance to the next level.

Currently, he had approximately 1.36 million experience points, but he wasn't worried. He planned to progress gradually.

Moreover, his planting points now totaled 9,201.

He reviewed the upgrade requirements.

Upgrading one acre of Level Two land to Level Three required 5,000 points.

Su Ming scratched his head, pondering whether to upgrade one acre of land to Level Three first.

He also contemplated whether to plant additional Level Two crops before upgrading all the Level Two land to Level Three in one go.

After careful consideration, Su Ming decided there was no need to rush and opted for the latter strategy.

Su Ming pulled out his phone and accessed the phone warehouse.

After searching, he spotted a Level Two seed.

Su Ming tapped his phone screen and discovered that the Level Two seed was a sweet luffa.

He immediately redeemed a few seeds.

Walking over to the warehouse beside the thatched hut, he took a look and, as expected, found several small boxes.

These boxes were neatly square, roughly the size of a Rubik's cube, each containing a bean seed.

The bean was strikingly attractive, resembling something crafted from chocolate.

Cream adorned the seed's surface. Su Ming took a careful whiff and noticed the seed exuded a delicate fragrance.

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