The Art of Chaotic Divinity

Chapter 243: A Group of Eccentric Teammates!

Chapter 243: A Group of Eccentric Teammates!

Swish, swish, swish!

Ye Nanfeng's sword danced in his hand, continuously changing. It was akin to a spirit snake—swift and cunning, and striking at Ling Feng's vital points like bolts of lightning.

Sword qi surged, dazzling and overwhelming and filling the sky with countless sword shadows.

It was evident to everyone that Ye Nanfeng had unleashed his signature skill, unwilling to lose face in front of this newcomer.

"Ye Nanfeng actually brought out his Clear Wind Thirteen Swords! That's an earth-tier sword technique!" Lin Mochen, always eager for a wager, slammed the table. "I bet Ye Nanfeng will definitely win this time!"

Yu Sixian nodded slightly. "That newcomer is indeed formidable. Even if it were me, I wouldn't dare hold back at all. But with just the last three moves of the Clear Wind Thirteen Swords, victory for the newcomer has become impossible."

Gu Tengfeng squinted his eyes, focusing on Ling Feng while thinking, “Kid, how will you deal with this? If you can't handle Ye Nanfeng's Clear Wind Thirteen Swords, how will you deal with the Five Court's Sword Team Grand Competition in six months? Don't disappoint me, kid!

Gong Cheng and Xue Xiaolin couldn't help but hold their breath. The battle hadn't even started, yet it already gripped their hearts.

"Clear Wind Shadow-Chasing!"

Ye Nanfeng's sword emitted a continuous stream of dazzling light, accompanied by terrifying sword qi. It tore apart everything in its path, completely enveloping Ling Feng in a web of blades.

However, Ling Feng still hadn't drawn his sword. Unnoticed by anyone, his right eye held a mysterious inscription that was deciphering Ye Nanfeng's swordsmanship with ease.

No matter how he changed his moves, Ling Feng would be able to counter with a single stroke!

The speed of Ye Nanfeng's sword increased rapidly, reaching a level he had never achieved before.

He had never felt such exhilaration while using the Clear Wind Thirteen Swords before. Each move seemed to flow effortlessly from his heart, as if guided by his will.

"It seems Ye Nanfeng's swordsmanship has undergone a breakthrough!"

Gu Tengfeng's eyes sparkled with anticipation. This was what he had hoped for. He wished that Ling Feng's arrival would breathe new life into this declining sword team, revitalizing them with fresh vigor.

"This kid must have ignited my fighting spirit!"

Ye Nanfeng's lips curved into a smirk as his aura reached its peak, and he ruthlessly struck out!

"Catch this!"

And to that, Ling Feng responded in kind!

In the blink of an eye, Ling Feng's sword finally thrust out!

Like lightning, his sword was swift and precise, and with no hesitation landed directly on Ye Nanfeng's blade.


A jarring sound of metal could be heard as the myriad of sword shadows vanished into nothingness and the whistling wind abruptly ceased.

Everyone witnessed a figure violently retreat, stumbling back several steps before regaining composure.

It was none other than Ye Nanfeng!

Meanwhile, Ling Feng merely trembled slightly in place, effortlessly neutralizing the force upon the blade with one hand still behind his back.

An aura of dominance swept through from where he stood, as if he were a sword god descended from the heavens.

"I've lost!" Ye Nanfeng retrieved his sword, his eyes filled with astonishment. Glancing at the damage on his blade, he found a sword-shaped gap.

With just a slight increase in force from Ling Feng, his top-grade mystical artifact would have snapped, and his life might have been taken by Ling Feng’s hand.

How could he not understand? Ling Feng had definitely shown mercy.

In just one move, this newcomer had thoroughly defeated him!

"Newcomer, you've won!"

Ye Nanfeng gritted his teeth while offering a fist-and-palm salute to Ling Feng, his voice tinged with bitterness.

"I just happened to discover the weakness in your sword technique. In a true test of strength, I might not necessarily emerge victorious," Ling Feng said with a faint smile, not pressing the issue but instead offering Ye Nanfeng a way out.

Indeed, without the ability of the Heavenly Dao Eye, he wouldn't have stood a chance against Ye Nanfeng's Clear Wind Thirteen Swords, not even in a hundred moves.

Nevertheless, the outcome was decided, and regardless, Ling Feng was the winner.

"T-That was damn impressive!" Lin Mochen struggled to swallow and then turned to Gu Tengfeng, giving him a thumbs-up. "Boss, you've really found yourself a great team member!"

"A real gem, no doubt!"

Yu Sixian had even started to sidle up to Ling Feng, beaming. "Hey there, Brother Feng. I'm Yu Sixian. Just call me Old Yu like everyone else."

These days, it was all about who had strength. Age...

Did not matter!

"Damn, Old Yu! Have you no shame?" Lin Mochen exclaimed, joining in with a grin. "Hey, Brother Feng. I'm Lin Mochen. You can call me Chen Chen!"

Ling Feng's expression darkened. No wonder Gu Tengfeng seemed so desperate about this team—a narcissist and two brown-nosers...

What a great team!

"You two, get lost!"

Gu Tengfeng shoved Lin Mochen and Yu Sixian aside with a shove and a kick. He then cleared his throat, speaking loudly, "Now that everyone has seen Ling Feng's skill, I trust there are no doubts?"

"No doubts!" Gong Cheng was the first to roar, his voice filled with excitement.

"Indeed, very impressive." Xue Xiaolin nodded repeatedly, her eyes shimmering with a glimmer of hope as she looked at Ling Feng. It was like seeing a ray of light amidst the darkness.

This kid might really be the savior of the East Court's sword team.

"Once Brother Feng's up, he's gonna crush everyone!" Lin Mochen laughed heartily.

The rest of the members nodded in agreement. Ling Feng's strength was definitely sufficient to join the team. Although there was still a gap between him and Gu Tengfeng, compared to the other members, he was only strong and not weak.

"Ling Feng, let me introduce you." Gu Tengfeng's expression turned serious as he introduced the team members to Ling Feng one by one.

"Gong Cheng, vice-captain of the East Court's sword team. You've already met him."


Gong Cheng nodded and smiled, stepping forward to pat Ling Feng's shoulder. "From now on, we're teammates. Let's work hard together!"

"Xue Xiaolin, a fellow student of mine who has always been a core member of the sword team," Gu Tengfeng continued.

"Nice to meet you, Senior Sister Xue."

"Just call me Sister Xiaolin. That's how everyone addresses me." Xue Xiaolin smiled lightly. This beauty in red had a particularly hot figure and an outstanding appearance, and gave off a mature and stable vibe.

"Sure, Senior Sister Xiaolin," Ling Feng responded softly.

"As for these guys, we have Lin Mochen, a gambling addict, Yu Sixian, a pervert, and Ye Nanfeng, no introduction needed. And these three, Lin Dong, Wang Chen, Ma Chao, are substitutes for the team."

"Why the hell do you call me a gambling addict? I'm clearly the number one gambling king of the East Court!" Lin Mochen protested immediately.

Yu Sixian also chimed in, "And what about me? You dare label my appreciation of beauty as being lecherous? Captain, you've hurt my feelings! Brother Feng, you mustn't believe the captain's words. One day, I'll take you to the neighboring women's bathhouse for an art appreciation session..."


Before Yu Sixian could finish his sentence, Gu Tengfeng knocked him to the ground with a punch.


As Lin Mochen started to chuckle at Yu Sixian's plight, he too received the same treatment from Gu Tengfeng. The two then lay stiff on the ground, occasionally twitching.

"Hmph! Shut up, both of you!" Gu Tengfeng blew on his fist, a hint of helplessness in his eyes.

The other members just shrugged, apparently used to such antics.

Ling Feng's mouth twitched slightly. On his first day of joining the East Court’s sword team, he met a bunch of eccentric teammates...

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