The Angel Next Door Spoils Me Rotten

Chapter 203: The Cultural Festival Starts

Chapter 203: The Cultural Festival Starts

They were blessed with clear weather on the day of the festival.

The weather started to cool, and they were sufficiently dressed to the point that they could keep warm. Even with ties, they would not sweat much.

Were in the first shift. Im a little nervous.

Well change shift at noon, so lets work hard until then. I get the feeling itll be crowded with you and Mahiru around.

Sorry about that, but I really cant bring myself to do this. Im about to give up.

The first event was the opening ceremony for all students, so after they attended it at the gym, Amane was in the changing room with Kadowaki, who was in the same shift, and they chatted away as they got changedKadowaki however gave an enlightened smile.

He was already used to having stares upon him, and probably gave up and accepted even though he was just changing.

Handsome guys sure have it tough, Amane instinctively gave a look of pity, and Kadowaki chuckled once he saw that.

Be careful. Shiina-san will get jealous too.

Dont worry. I wont stand out much with you around.

What are you saying nowbut well, you might have more instances of getting jealous than her.

Jealous? Im in cold sweat.

Mahiru was cute, and was really suited for a maids outfit. One might worry if there would be any strange man harassing her, or even sexually.

Lots of students would swarm towards Mahiru then. As the boyfriend, Amane was peeved to imagine so, and was worried if there would be any insolent stares.

It seemed Kadowaki understood what Amane was thinking, do your best then, for he frowned slightly and made a wry smile, patting Amane on the back.

They got changed, returned to the classroom, and their classmates were already waiting for them there, appearing to be all ready. The students that were not present might be at the cooking classroom.

Itsukis shift would begin at noon, and thus he was dressed in school uniform. Once he saw his classmates here, he stood at the podium, showing the usual hearty smile.

Its the first day of the festival. Honestly, Ive no idea how many people will be here. Its not like we dont have any past references, but we have some popular people here.

Itsuki glanced aside at Kadowaki and Mahiru, who gave wry smiles, probably having steeled themselves.

Anyway, well sort it out in our way. Its not often that we get a cultural festival, and no point if we dont enjoy ourselves, even if there arent any customers here. We dont have that much time next year, so our second year will be the time well enjoy ourselves most. Well only be thinking about exams next year.

Thats a downer.

Sorry sorry, lets sweep the gloom aside! Were going to enjoy ourselves this year!

It seemed the class was gloomy for a moment, but Itsukis smile soon cheered them up. It was the right choice for him to step up and lead.

Ah right right, some business intel, or rather, a reminder. I guess everyone understands that we dont allow photos to be taken in the shop. Well remind them at the entrance that no photos can be taken. If anyone asks for it, just refuse and tell them that we dont provide such services. Otherwise, itll get really troublesome.

The specialized shops at the electronics street often provided such services, but not here, of course. It was after all a students cultural festival, and the selling point was not the appearance of the attendants.

Also, there was a notice pasted in the shop, forbidding photos. A similar notice was written in the corner of the menus.

Also, no footage was allowed to be taken during the festival. Students from another school had uploaded their activity footage onto video sites and apps, resulting in cases of girls being stalked, which was why the school had new rules forbidding this.

Times changed, resulting in these new restrictions. Amane was impressed yet bewildered thinking about it. In any case, there would be some who would not follow rules, and they had to pay attention.

Thats about all we have to pay attention to. Were starting soon.

The moment he finished, a noise blared through the speakers.

Following that was the principal declaring the start of the festival.

Lets work hard over these two days then! Were aiming for top sales for our year!

Itsuki raised his fist and boasted of something a little reckless, riling the class up. It seemed they were already riled up.

Amane straightened his back again, and Mahiru, listening next to him, let us do your best, softly muttered so.

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