The Alpha's Temptation

Chapter 155 Taiyi's Wrath (1)

Chapter 155 Taiyi's Wrath (1)

Nerina was... flabbergasted. With shaky hands she took the pearls from Taiyi as she stared with wide eyes at Eltanin and Lusitania, who were kissing like they were sucking the air out of each other. She canted her head a little to see if Eltanin was kissing the right girl, or if he was faking. She was absolutely sure that she had trapped Lusitania in the cavern after showering her with the glowing flowers that held the fragrance that induced sleep. She was certain that Lusitania would have been asleep for at least two days, then how was it possible that she was here in the temple? And what did Taiyi mean when she said that they were finally married?

Eltanin licked her lips as he pulled away from her. She was breathless and her cheeks were red. He cupped her face in his palms and said, "I had told you once that being a mate was revered over marriage, and I honestly thought that there would be no need for a formal ceremony, but I lied. I want you to share my last name, Lusitania. I want you to share the last name of our sons and daughters. I want you to be mine in every possible way." His nostrils flared as his throat bobbed with emotions. "Thank you for marrying me. I will keep you happy until the day I die or when I follow you to the Fade."

Lusitania pursed her lips as she dragged it out. She could feel his nervousness, even now that they were married, as if he was expecting her to say no. She couldn't help, but feel powerful that a man as strong as Eltanin, the mighty king of Draka that is so tender with her, could be scared of words that may pour out of her lips. "Lusitania of Draka has a nice ring to it, I think."

As Taiyi giggled, Eltanin exhaled, as if he had been holding his breath. He pulled her to his chest and gathered her close. "Those three words are the best sounding ones I have heard in a long time."

"And I love you too," she said, burying her face in his chest and inhaling his misty and brine scent. He squeezed her so tightly that she was certain the strings of pearls around her would burst. She giggled at the scraping of his cheek against hers.

"Now that you both are married, you must take the blessings of the Goddess Fury," said the priest.

Eltanin and Tania turned towards the statue of the goddess and bowed to her. Taiyi showered more pearls over them. Her eyes were misty and her throat choked with so many emotions, that she found it hard to restrain her happy tears. Despite doing her best to stop herself from crying, a tear rolled out. "I wish your father would have been here to witness this special occasion," she muttered.

Eltanin turned and pulled his mother into his embrace. He stroked her hair. "Thank you, Mother..." Taiyi smiled through her tears. She motioned for Lusitania to come to her and then Eltanin wrapped his long arms around both of them. They were the two most precious women in his life.

When they started to head back, they found a stunned Nerina standing in front of them, watching them with a gaping mouth.

"Close your mouth, Nerina," said Eltanin scoffed. "Unless you want to eat those pearls in your hands."

Nerina didn't know what to say. She nodded,  quivering, and showered the pearls on the newly wedded couple. "Is this your first time getting married?" she asked. She wanted to ask how Lusitania escaped, but how could she speak about what she did.

Eltanin winked at her as his lip curled up on one side into a mischievous smile. "What do you think?" he asked instead.

Nerina's lips quivered and she blinked, not able to understand what to even say. If they had married for the first time in Stourin, then they both made a fool out of King Izo, but they had already told King Izo that they had both married in Draka, so she couldn't even counter that claim.

Just then Fafnir came inside the temple. Along with other guards, he stood behind Nerina and her friends, blocking their way out.

Nerina whipped her head to look at him, and her face paled. She had confessed her crime to him that she had Lusitania imprisoned in an unknown location. Suddenly, she realized that Fafnir had played with her all along. He knew that Lusitania was inside the temple, yet with his actions and words, he led her to believe that she wasn't here.

"Why are you dressed as a bride, Nerina?" Taiyi asked as she walked out of the temple with Eltanin and Tania following her. "Don't tell me that you are planning to marry one of these guards right now."

Nerina swallowed hard. She appeared to be the most ridiculous person out there. She froze in her spot at Taiyi's question. The guards had roughed up her friends to walk, who were shaking uncontrollably. They were partners in crime with Princess Nerina and they knew that Taiyi was not just a queen, but a goddess. They couldn't fathom her wrath.

"I-- I--" Nerina stammered.

Taiyi interrupted her. "Had you come to attend Eltanin's marriage ceremony?"

They had all walked out of the temple by now.

"Yes! I-- I had come--" She snapped her mouth shut when she saw a guard pulling out the servant who had provided her with the information that Eltanin was getting married. The guard pushed the trembling servant to Taiyi's feet. A violent shudder surged through Nerina.

The servant started wailing. "My queen, have mercy."

Taiyi put her hands on her head and stroked it, silencing the servant with her magic. She turned her head over her shoulder and said, "What were you saying, Nerina?"

The guards behind her friends shoved them ahead of everyone, prodding them to enter the tunnel.

Nerina was dumbfounded. "Your Highness," she said after gathering her wits. "I am dressed like this to-- to marry Fafnir," she blurted. "I-- I have taken a fancy to him!"

Fafnir growled. "I wouldn't marry you in a million years. I would rather marry a cat in Draka than to marry you!"

Eltanin couldn't stop himself from bursting into a loud laugh. "Fafnir, you sly wolf!"

Taiyi didn't share her son's humor. She stopped before entering the tunnel. "I didn't expect my father to bring a girl as foolish as you to be my son's wife. I was hoping for him to find an intelligent girl rather than just a breeder."

Nerina felt insulted, but she gulped it down her throat. Had Taiyi known that she had taken away Lusitania? How could she? Lusitania was standing here in the temple, married to Eltanin.

"Guards," Taiyi roared angrily. "Bring Nerina to the throne hall."

"What?" Nerina squealed. "No. No. You can't do that. I haven't done anything!"

As soon as the guards caught hold of Nerina, Taiyi flicked her wrist. Dense smoke blasted around them and when it cleared, they were all standing in the throne hall. Nerina felt dizzy at suddenly losing her footing and then standing on the ground again. Taiyi went to sit on her throne.

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