The 3 B's- Beauty, Brains and Bravery

Chapter 431: Couldn't make it

Chapter 431: Couldn't make it

Military Chief Office, 21:00;

"So we have no idea how this supposed 'Maksoor Khan' looks like and apparently, he is not even Maksoor Khan. Fake identity; which means a formidable terrorist, for all we know.", the girl threw her hands up in the air defeatedly, scanning through the documents on her monitor screen, Elijah Williams standing opposite her. 

"Yep.", the man nodded, "And he has escaped the hospital, walking among thousands of millions of people in this country. We've kind of hit a dead end here."

David Florence sipped coffee as he browsed through his messages, "Well... the good news is that all the active sleeper cells, even remotely entangled into this whole terrorist attack web, were killed by our dear devil Ripper. So he doesn't have anywhere to go right now. All he should be trying to do right now is cover his @ss."

"Agreed.", Elijah smacked his lips. 

"No. Even if that guy was seriously injured, lying on a hospital bed, for who-knows-how-long, these bastards always have plans. A whole lot of them.", the girl shook her head, "He won't stop."

Before the two men could figure out what the girl meant, Shawn Florence strode into the office, "Remember the prostitute Ruby, a.k.a., the pregnant inside informer Andrea, who tipped us off about the attack on Mr. Mo's life?"

"Yeah?", Rong Xinghe turned her head to look at the man, an immensely negative feeling crawling up her chest. 

"Well, an hour ago, someone tried to kill her. She was found unconscious in her room, drugs choked down her throat.", Shawn squeezed the girl's cold hands, "The baby couldn't make it, Xinghe."


Xi Corporations Headquarters, 21:30;

Xi Yuan had, of course, other demons to combat. Unknown to whatever the girl was going through, the man had something else in mind. The questions that'd been haunting him since he was fifteen. Xi Chongkun's words earlier made him realize how important it was to let go of his past. And the only way to do so was to get all his answers. 

"We're, yet again, back to square one, brother.", Xi Fang groaned, downing the last bit of espresso in his cup, "Mr. Xi's story is still a theory. We've no way to figure out if Sister-in-law was ever aware of whatever happened to grandfather and grandma that night. And you still won't confront her. So what now? What do you want to do?"

Xi Yuan remained quiet for about five minutes, tapping his fingertips over the edge of his table. He agreed with his brother at the moment. They were, in fact, in a state of stalemate. Information, which was clearly insufficient. Unreliable theories. And a messed up office, filled up with a ton of files by now. 

"Fix a meeting with this Yang Bolin for me, will you?", the man finally stood up, his tone resolute. 

Aghast, Xi Fang almost dropped his phone. "No.", he shook his head, "I am not going to support you in such an impulsive, rash decision. I am sure we can still get something from here. With you, in safety."

"Fang.", Xi Yuan buttoned his suit up, as a smile made way to his perfectly sculpted lips, "It's happening. But before that, I need you to do something else for me, brother."


Mo Zixuan's Apartment, 22:00;

Laughing uncontrollably, Mo Zixuan shook his head, "No. She doesn't want you to fit in. Xinghe simply wants you to explore your darker side. Whilst maintaining legal boundaries, of course. But if you don't want to do it, you don't have to."

Cheng Tai passed the man his medicines, along with a glass of lukewarm water, "But I want to. He Chen once manipulated me into misjudging and insulting you and Xinghe."

"So you want revenge. I get it.", Mo Zixuan nodded understandingly. 

"And... I agree with Xinghe. She was right about embracing this family, the Superfamily, in every aspect. I have noticed that Sister Ningtao, Sister Songyan, Sister Ruo Cy, and even Sister Ching Tong, have this personality, you know?", the woman tried to explain, "That they would fight good and evil, saints and sinners if that's what it took to protect their families. I admire that. I really do. But I just don't know what or how to do it."

Mo Zixuan was about to say something when sounds of something crashing outside their apartment reached the couple's ears. A flower vase, they assumed it to be. As the couple exchanged doubtful glances among themselves and rushed towards the main door, someone knocked against it, as if intending to break it down. 

"What the hell, ladies?!", Mo Zixuan crossed his arms, when he witnessed the scene unfolding in the building corridor. It was indeed a floral ceramic stripe vase, crushed into hundreds of sharp pieces, Ruo Cy and Songyan standing next to it. On the contrary, Ningtao and Ching Tong were much closer to where the couple was.

There they were, all the ladies Cheng Tai had just mentioned, one of them too drunk to even stand straight. The drunk one, was, of course, Ruo Cy. Her alcohol tolerance was the worst, out of all the women in the Six tigers' life. 

"And where are your husbands, may I dare ask?", Mo Zixuan questioned after a few seconds passed by.

"They're busy.", Ningtao shrugged, helping Ruo Cy stand straight, "Xinghe texted us that Tai needs help with some revenge planning. Well, chop, chop, Mister! Let us in."

"Yeah.", Songyan chuckled, tossing away the broken vase's ceramic piece in her hand, "And go down and get some ice-cream tubs for us all too, hmm? This is going to be a long night, after all."

"I am not anyone's busboy.", Mo Zixuan rolled his eyes. 

"Go.", Ningtao glared at the man, "Or do I have to call Xiao and tell her my version of sob story. Then handle your, angry little sister, all by yourself."

"Going. I am going.", the man said, resigned. Thank God he'd already made plans with Zhi Bo for some drinks, else it would've been impossible to handle these five women orchestrating the revenge of the century, while he attended to their demands. He had to admit though, his sister was one unique girl. She might've had already realized that Cheng Tai was feeling left out in the family, so making her deal with He Chen, and involving the other ladies into the coterie, she'd shot two birds with one stone. How freakin' perceptive!

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