The 3 B's- Beauty, Brains and Bravery

Chapter 430: Xi family's Torchbearer

Chapter 430: Xi family's Torchbearer

At this time, the girl looked at her brother, tears flowing down her cheeks endlessly. With a wry smile, the man wiped them away with his thumb, "I was thinking that... I didn't waste the second chance at the life you gave me."

The girl frowned, staring at her brother questioningly. 

The man resumed, "I was thinking that, if that was my end, it was perfect. I had five amazing brothers, four lovely sisters-in-law, and two adorable little sisters. I met and wed the woman I loved, and that I lived one hell of a life. 

"I owe my existence to you, Kiddo. And while I was lying on that floor, shot with two bullets, I was happy to have lived a life that was... worth it. I was at peace."

"But I wasn't.", the girl said, "I would've lost my brother! My Bro Mo. How could you forgive me so easily? You should be upset with me, hate me, shoulder me away from yourself. I deserve it."

"You do not.", Mo Zixuan interrupted, his tone assertive, "We knew something like this would happen someday the second you decided to become the Military Chief of Country X. When you took the oath for that position, we knew that Superfamily would've to bear the burden that came along with your work, Kid. 

"And even so, we chose to stay by your side. That's how much you matter to us, alright? You need to realize that your family might not be on the battlefield every day like you are, but we still are, all warriors. We are not unaware of the dangers lurking over our heads, but if we get to be by your side, we would all gladly chose this life. 

"That's a choice I made. We all made. And how could we be upset with you for something you had no part in?"


"Xinghe, unlike other relationships, a family doesn't get options.", the man sighed, "We all are stuck together. Ad infinitum."

"Ad infinitum.", the girl laughed weakly, hugging her brother as tightly as she could, still careful of his wounds. 


Xi Corporations Headquarters, 7:00 p.m.;

"You wanted to see me?", Xi Chongkun stepped into the man's office, unbuttoning his suit, "Is it about what happened in the live broadcast?"

Xi Yuan was looking at the blanket of spread out city lights from his floor-to-ceiling window when the old man came in. Turning around, the man nodded at his father, "Yes, Dad. That's what this is about.", he said. 

Xi Chongkun was stunned when the man addressed him as 'dad', for he'd never done that before. Not for a very, very long time, anyway. The young man had lost a lot ever since he was a child. But the loss of his grandparents was what had drifted him apart from his own parents, for better or for worse. But no matter how hard he'd or Li Jungah had tried, Xi Yuan barely looked at them since that night, let alone talk. So, watching his son speak to him, hesitantly yet progressively, Xi Chongkun felt... touched, welcomed.

It was now that Xi Yuan comprehended what he'd just said. Even he didn't know why, or how, he'd done it. All he knew was that it just felt right. 

"Coffee?", he asked, pointing at the brewer in the corner of the room. Earning a nod from Xi Chongkun, he strode towards the machine, as the old man made himself comfortable on one of the black leather couches.

"So when were you going to tell us about it?", Xi Chongkun asked, "The whole defense consultant thing?"

Xi Yuan laughed bitterly, "Well... it's not like I knew I had such a job until her interview today, myself."

Raising his brows, Xi Chongkun let out a hearty laugh, somewhat the same as that of Yuan's. Just more old, more experienced. "She is one hilarious girl, Xinghe, isn't she?", he added. Xi Chongkun and Li Jungah had met Rong Xinghe once before, and they'd loved the girl. No one had ever been more suitable for their son before. No high-class socialite family princess. No businesswoman. But her. It was as if they belonged together. 

"She is.", the young man smiled, "The point is that I need your help. Yours, and Mom's, actually."

"With what?", Xi Chongkun asked, taking one of the cups from the man. 

"Well, I am not as acquainted with our extended family as you guys are.", Xi Yuan replied, "It's your birthday two days later. Could you help me spread the word that the position of Xi Corps' CEO is and will remain, occupied for the years to be. That I am not quitting Xi empire anytime soon."

"Sure.", the man shrugged nonchalantly, "I'll handle it. Don't worry. But tell me one thing, are you intimidated by those who are eyeing your chair, Son?"

In reply, the man just shook his head, "No. I couldn't care less about them, honestly. It's just that if anyone wants to come for me, they'd better come for me with the knowledge of the truth. Not assumptions. It gets messier, in the end."

"You're smart. Like him.", Xi Chongkun said, impressed. 

"You mean... Grandfather?", the man questioned, looking at his father.

The old guy nodded, "Yeah. He too was immensely far-sighted. Always looked at the bigger picture. You know, I really looked up to him. But he was way more strict with me than he was with you. He used to always say to me, that his Yuan would grow up to surpass him one day. And you proved him right.

"Whenever people praise you in front of me, I often think of what he used to say. He was so sure you would be the torchbearer for this family, and I believe him now."

Xi Yuan inhaled shakily, swallowing, he rubbed his hands. Noticing his son's reaction, Xi Chongkun stopped speaking. He knew how those memories affected Xi Yuan; he'd seen his son push people away from himself, use work as a distraction to go through grief, live apart from his own family. And as much as it hurt him, Xi Chongkun knew that pain was a very personal thing. He could do nothing but watch his child, his own flesh and blood, suffer by himself, while he stood there helplessly.

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