The 3 B's- Beauty, Brains and Bravery

Chapter 427: All up to you

Chapter 427: All up to you

"Wait--", Xi Wei wasn't really able to come to terms with what his Sister-in-law had just declared, so he turned to the man behind him, "Is it true?!"

Xi Yuan was obviously not as bowled over as his brother. He was stunned by how her slick little brain functioned though, of course. But somewhere deep down, he had seen this coming. He just hadn't realized she'd do something so radical. 

His brother's silence was even more terrifying to Xi Wei. Even he had no idea! The man could feel the veins in his head bursting by now. How would they handle the Xi family elders? Did her brothers know about it already? Had she thought this through or was it just impulsive? Hundreds of questions popping up in his mind, and no one there to answer them. He felt that it was barely a matter of time before he'd go crazy because of this couple. 

Xi Wei's concerns weren't wrong. The Xi family had a reputation for staying away from the country's politics. That was a principle their grandfather firmly believed in. He hated it when people mixed business with governance. It wasn't for Rong Xinghe to make such decisions, without discussing them with Xi Yuan, all on her own. God knew how the Xi family would react? And most importantly, what if this incident had the strength to draw swords between Xi Yuan and Rong Xinghe?

"Oh-", Jacob Andrews cleared his throat, silently downing the glass of water in front of him. It'd all gotten too intense suddenly. Such a colossal announcement was set to undermine the rankings of other news channels in seconds. Normally, he would extort the truth from his guests. But this woman, she wasn't giving him any opening. She was literally confessing to everything herself, making him look like a general reporter. It was as if she'd seen through his astute conduct the moment her eyes had landed onto him. 

"So Military Chief...", he resumed after a while, "Was this decision not at all, a result of spontaneity?"

"No.", Rong Xinghe shook her head, "I mean the idea came to me, yes. But I am not the one passing bills in parliament, am I? It takes a lot more than an idea to form a post in the Military.

"More than fifty bureaucrats and seventy Army higher-ups hailing from different corners of this very country seconded my suggestion. Not to mention, each one of our respected Judicial heads too. It was a proper eighty-day procedure carried out by the Prime Minister's team. Nothing about this entire thing was spontaneous, I assure you. I am stating facts here."

"Alright.", Jacob maintained his tone this time, "So what happened last night? Inside St. Mary Hospital.", he questioned.

"It was a Standard Military Operation.", the girl replied, "One of the Special Force Officers informed that three sleeper cells were actively terrorizing the hospital staff. It was an assassination job. Plain and simple. President Xi was with me when I received the call. Later, he strongly insisted on joining me, and you know the rest of the story."

"Uh-huh.", the man smiled, "It must've been quite testing for Mr. Xi, provided he isn't a professional."

"He did kill off two of the three guys.", Rong Xinghe laughed lightly, "He isn't a stranger to violence, Mr. Andrews. He was a soldier once, too. And he still owns a licensed firearm. Trust me, he is better than the most."

"Wow. I apologize, Officer.", the journalist laughed nervously, "Also, I'd like to know if there's any danger lurking over Country X. You just mentioned the presence of a few enemies. Does that mean-"

"Country X is safe.", the girl shook her head, "There's nothing to worry about. My deepest condolences to all the doctors, and nurses, and other hospital staff, who couldn't make it last night though. Justice will be served to them, definitely. But yes. Country X is well-protected at the moment."

"If it's coming from you, we believe it.", the man nodded, "One more, the Xi family has been known for their low-key approach. They've never even shaken hands with the government before. Not like this, at least. How come President Xi agreed to be a Defence Consultant then?"

"Why don't you ask him?", Rong Xinghe raised her brows, pulling her phone out of her pocket. Dialing her darling's number, she brought the phone closer to her microphone. 

At the third ring, a deep compelling voice came through the other end, "Yes, Ma Jolie?", he said softly. 

"Were you busy?", the girl asked, as her lips curled up at the realization of how he'd just addressed her. 

"Not for you.", Xi Yuan answered, his eyes never leaving the elated girl on his TV screen, "What is it?" 

"I am in an interview right now.", she told him, "About last night, Mr. Andrews here, refuses to believe that you would get involved with the Military consensually."

"What's there to not believe?", Xi Yuan laughed, breezily, "You're going to be my Queen one day. What I do, here onwards, is all up to you, Baby.

"Besides, I get to spend more time with you because of it, right?"

Jacob Andrews: "..."

Unknown to how much their conversation was affecting the ones watching them, Xinguan were just being their usual selves. Him flirting, and her laughing. If Rong Xinghe's announcement earlier was a tornado, Xi Yuan's words were akin to a piquant tartare sauce. Tangy. Hot. Delish and flavorsome. Spicy, sweet, altogether. 

As the heat rose up to her cheeks and ears, the girl laughed nervously, "That's one way to put it.", she added. 

"Can I talk to President, Military Chief?", Jacob glanced at the girl, neurotically. With a nod, the girl passed the phone to the man. 

"Thank you so much for entertaining us, Mr. Xi.", he said formally, with a pinch of twitchiness in his tone. 

"Hmm.", the man replied, blas. 

", am I at the liberty to ask a totally disparate topic?", the reporter questioned warily. 

"Go on.", Xi Yuan agreed.

"When do we hear the wedding bells between the Xi family and Superfamily?", Jacob Andrews wasn't uninformed of how much of a trendy issue the Xinguan wedding was, among the public. And it was rare to get in contact with both, Xi Yuan and Rong Xinghe. It seemed such a waste not to utilize the opportunity while he had it right in front of him, after all.

"I have no idea either.", Xi Yuan said after some time, "Ask her. She's the boss."

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