The 3 B's- Beauty, Brains and Bravery

Chapter 414: The extent and the limits

Chapter 414: The extent and the limits

Diablos, or Yang Bolin. The rejected son. Born in Country N, deemed unworthy by his father, Yang Hai when it came to his huge Textile empire. Taken in by Feng Ching. The founder and the leader of the 'Werewolf Crew'. And after the death of his only biological brother, the only heir to the throne of Yang business empire. Well-educated. Intellectual in Stock marketing. About 27 years old. Cold, ruthless, barbaric. 

It was pretty much the man's life summed up in words.

Oh! And one more. A crucial one, actually. His obsession with Rong Xinghe, the highest Military authority of country X. 

Neither Xi Yuan nor Zhi Xi could make sense of how and when the two might've had met. But by now, they were sure it'd happened during those five years, of her training for the position of Military Chief. 

"You want to get a drink?", Zhi Xi asked the man as they stepped out of the Xi family mansion, "I believe you're in dire need of it."

"I... um, I don't know.", the man mumbled absent-mindedly.

"Okay.", Zhi Xi shook his head, turning to the driver, "To the Resonance club." As the car drove out of the mansion and onto the highway, Zhi Xi looked out of the window, then down at the cars beneath them, "Do you doubt her?", he finally asked the man beside him after some time. 

"No. I don't.", the man replied. Irrespective of all the theories, this was something he was certain of. He didn't even felt the need to think it through. It was just instinct. He knew that, intentionally, or unintentionally, she would never hurt him. 

"Hmm. Just talk to her about this.", Zhi Xi suggested, "It's a sensitive matter, Yuan."

"Not yet.", Xi Yuan sighed, "It's too soon. When the time is right, I will tell her about all of this. But right now, I don't want her to feel as if she's failing me. I know she won't be able to help me through it. She has got work. I can't bring myself to hold her back from that. And if I tell her about it now, she will just feel horrible for prioritizing work over me. So it's just better to keep things to ourselves for now."

"You really see through her, don't you?", Zhi XI looked at the man, amused, gaining a tired smile from him. Xi Yuan closed his eyes next and rested his head against the headrest. He had to look into this Feng Ching guy more. Exactly what had happened between his grandfather and Feng Ching then, and that night, in particular. He had to know. Otherwise, he knew he'd never be able to move on from that and, that the questions, haunting him for years, would just remain unanswered. 


City N, Southside, 10:30 p.m. ;

"For the love of God, Xinghe! Leave him. He is dead.", David Florence rolled his eyes, "You've killed all of them. Will you calm down now?" 

More than a hundred bodies, piled up in a mountain. That too, in an hour or so. Someone's arm ripped off, while someone had their head crushed, and some even had faces ruined beyond recognition. A glance at these bodies and one could tell no one had died an instant death. Each one of these deaths had been brutal. Barbaric. But that wasn't what was scary. It was her. This mountain of bodies was the Ripper's art. Her masterpiece, painted by the colors of fear and cries and screams. 

This was the very definition of mercilessness. The scene that'd unfolded tonight, in the southside streets of City N was pure naked horror. Something one might have witnessed in movies or read in books. People running for their lives, none of their rifles or revolvers, grenades or guns, working against the devil, who'd unleashed hellfire onto them. 

All of them had their fingers wrapped around the trigger of their firearms, and yet, none of them had the guts to lift up their arms and aim at her. Even if any of them did, she was just too swift, too strong, too ruthless. Her senses were extraordinarily active. She could listen to the sounds of even the reloading of guns and the falling of bullets. Hiding was of no use too. She'd just follow the smell of perfumes. She wasn't anything like what they'd ever seen. She was a monster, a fiend. 

It didn't matter who was in her way- men, women; everyone shared the same destiny. Death. Not even serious injuries. End. After all, no one had ever escaped the claws of the Ripper. She couldn't be controlled, stopped, persuaded, whatsoever. Until and unless she was sure that no enemy of hers, was left alive, there was no way she would go back to her normal self. The Hybrids knew that pretty well.

Her last victim was Rahim. The guy who was going to lead an attack on her bro Lu tonight. She'd ripped the heart off of his chest after she'd stabbed him with her dagger innumerable times. That, was the extent, of her brutality. And still, not her limit. As she gazed at the blood exuding out of the ripped-off heart, flowing down her fist and forearm, she felt a strange satisfaction run through her veins. An adrenaline rush, a thrill. 

"Let me handle this.", Shawn Florence approached the girl and the body and leaned down to heave the huge deceased towards the heap of dead, "We've to destroy the evidence."

The girl nodded simply, launching the key body organ at the same pile. Inhaling a deep breath, the girl closed her eyes shut, relaxing. It was now that phone pinged with a text. It was him. Her Yuan. 'Don't forget the medications.', the text read, 'Would've called, but busy. Love you.' And there they were. Her hazel brown eyes, and a sincere, sweet smile. 

Tucking the phone back in, the girl strode towards the three Hybrids. The men were pouring cask whiskey as well as kerosene oil over the bodies. The easiest way to destroy the evidence was to destroy the source altogether, which meant these degenerates of humans. 

"Are you okay?", Elijah asked finally. 

"There's a throbbing pain in my head.", the girl frowned, massaging her temple lightly, with her index finger and thumb.

"Is it the Migraine?", David Florence questioned, worried. 

"Nope. It's Ripper-ness.", Shawn Florence smiled at his brother, "Xinghe, it's okay. We understand why you'd flip. Don't worry."


"We did swear to protect you until our last breath, didn't we?", David nodded, "You have our backs. Moreover, it was your family on the line. It was your love on the line. You were just being you. Hybrids would never judge you for that."

"Thanks... guys.", the girl's lips curled up. 

"So do you want to drink one of these?", Shawn held out the bottle of Spirytus Stawski Whiskey in his hand, "Alcohol is the hangover drink to rage, after all. Your head will hurt less after this. But be forewarned, it had 96% alcohol."

"Give it to me.", the girl chuckled.

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