The 3 B's- Beauty, Brains and Bravery

Chapter 406: A little Xinghe, or a little Yuan

Chapter 406: A little Xinghe, or a little Yuan

2:05 p.m.

Elite Multi-Speciality Hospital, VIP Ward 1325 ;

Xi Yuan stared at the woman in front of him, taken aback by her sudden unforeseen question. He didn't know what to say. Moreover, what could you possibly say to Ningtao, while Xi Fang was standing right beside him? Why did she have to put him in such a difficult position? 

Xi Fang, was certainly, no less shocked. No wonder his Sister-in-law was so sassy. She was brought up by such staunch and devil-may-care kind of people. Straight to the point! As he glanced at the man beside him being rendered speechless, Xi Fang could only suppress his laughter. The man was right. Jiang family was no trouble when compared to the Superfamily. These lot of individuals were the real deal. 'Such an ironic moment', he chuckled to himself. 

"Did they do it?! What did he say?", Ching Tong's voice resounded from behind the woman as she rushed towards Ningtao hurriedly. Ruo Cy and Songyan joined seconds later, clearly aware of what was going on. 

"He hasn't said a word yet.", Ningtao rolled her eyes, "Come on! Spill the beans, Yuan, before any of her brothers arrive."

So they were ganging up on him now. Brilliant strategy! What kind of family elders interrogates their to-be Son-in-law like that, he thought. Although, what other choice did he have than to respectfully turn them down? It was his and his girl's privacy at stake, after all.

Clearing his throat, the man spoke up at last, "I think it inappropriate for me to talk about such a matter without Xinghe's consent."

"Aww.", Ruo Cy sighed, admiringly, "Such a wife-doting man. Already?"

"Okay. Okay.", Songyan squinted her eyes at the man, "Let's not talk about that then. What about marriage? Why so much delay?"

"Well...", Xi Yuan said, unsure of what to say, "I was waiting until she would deal with Country X's current security issue."

"There will always be some protocol error, or military problem, from her end.", Ching Tong shrugged, "Can't you just get married in the court first? A grand wedding will require a lot of time anyway."

"What is going on with all of you? What's with the third degree?", the man crossed his arms, as he glared at his woman's each Sisters-in-law cautiously, "Is this some plan to get me killed by your husbands?"

"Nonsense!", Songyan smacked the man's arm lightly, "You have our protection. None of the Six tigers would dare to touch you now that you are under our wing. 

"It's just that you both already seem like a married couple. The chemistry you two share is just so mature and perfect, it's weird to introduce you two as 'engaged'."

"And we can't wait to see your kids!", Ruo Cy almost jumped up with excitement, as the words slipped her mouth.

"Wh- what?!", Xi Yuan's eyes flew wide open, his gaze fixed at the woman. Where the hell did that come from!?

"I know, right?", Ningtao smiled deviously, "A little Xinghe. Or a little you. God, those would be the best little things ever! Yuan, can't you hurry up? You've already been chasing after her for two years now.

"How much longer will we Xinguan shippers have to wait until we get to look at those 'mini-yous'?"

When they'd started bombarding questions about their intimacy, he'd assumed nothing could be more awkward than that. But in these last few seconds, Xi Yuan had realized how naive he had been to have assumed that then. This, what was happening with him now, was the truest, and the purest form of hell. 


2:30 p.m

Elite Multi-Speciality Hospital, VIP Ward 1325 ;

As Mo Zixuan tried to free his hand from the girl's, Rong Xinghe opened her eyes and sat up straight, "Oh, you woke up.", she blinked, "Does it hurt somewhere? Wait. I will call the doctors."

"No...", the man shook his head tiredly, his voice raspy, "I just wanted some water.", he said as he pointed his chin towards the glass of water placed upon the side-table. 

"Okay. But still, let the docs check on you.", the girl passed the man the glass before she turned to leave. 

"I am fine, Kid.", the man smiled, "Just tell me if Al is okay. I have no idea about what happened after I was shot. Did... he make it?"

"He did.", Rong Xinghe smiled back, grabbing a seat for herself beside him, "Don't worry."

"So what are you worried about now?", Mo Zixuan questioned, studying the girl's stark spiritless expressions.

"Nothing, in particular.", in a matter barely seconds, the girl's lips curled up into a sly little smile, "I have a plan. An astounding one, at that!"

"What plan?", the man asked quizzically. He had seen those calculating eyes before too. This girl wasn't his little sister. This individual beside him was but, the one rightful reincarnation of the She-devil, herself. He had observed his sister for too many years to get that look wrong. He could just sense it. 

"I am going to quarantine all of you!", the girl announced, "Until I've handled this problem."

He knew it! Nothing good could come out of that slick and foxy smirks, Mo Zixuan sighed. "What?", he stared at the girl, shocked, "You can't lock us up, Xinghe. Your brothers aren't some random prisoners."

"You are. Not persons. But walking targets.", Rong Xinghe placed a soft kiss against the man's knuckles, "And as you said, all of you, are my brothers. And my Sisters-in-law. My family.

"So, you guys are moving into Military Chief Mansion while I am working on this particular assignment. And this, by the way, is not a request. It's a damned order. 

"Besides, you, Mr. 'I am the sacrificial lamb'...", the girl pinched the man's nose, "You are the last person who's allowed to refuse my arrangements. I could just rip your bandage off to shut you up. So no tantrums from your part, her onwards. I hope that's clear to you."

"Ow, ow, ow!", the man struggled to flit the girl's hand away, "Understood. Do whatever you want. Just for the love of God, let go!

"Damn, it's hurting, Kiddo!"

"Good boy.", said the girl, satisfactorily, finally pulling her hand back, "Now... if you'll excuse me, I shall get our brothers in. They've been worried for you too."

As he looked at the woman walk out of the hospital room, Mo Zixuan felt as if something was 'off'. For some unknown reason, he felt that Rong Xinghe was planning on something, much more destructive, much more catastrophic, for whatever she was up against this time. As if this 'quarantine' was just an attempt to ensuring her family's safety and that something big was about to unfold, sooner than anyone could've expected. 

The man's instincts weren't a mere hallucination though, for the 'Ripper' was about to crawl out from wherever it had been buried, years ago. That the real demon was to reappear, any time now.

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