The 3 B's- Beauty, Brains and Bravery

Chapter 394: Distraction

Chapter 394: Distraction

"Did you guys manipulate my brother into lending you his car?", the girl frowned, as she gazed at Zhi Al's Cayman. Her brother had always been possessive about his car collections. There was no way he would give one of those away to the Florence brothers casually unless they were really close to him. 

"What do you mean? We can't afford it?", David Florence crossed his arms defensively, "We bought it."

"No, you didn't.", the girl replied robustly, "That's a 90,00,000 USD sports car model. Not yet launched in Country X. Throughout the country, only Bro Al owns it. I know that because Bro Su gifted this baby to him on his birthday this year. Not to mention, I would recognize that golden scarf of Feng Mian's anywhere. So don't bother lying, okay?

"Now tell me honestly, how do you have it?"

"Alright. We stole it.", David Florence rolled his eyes. 

"I knew it!", the girl exclaimed, "Go and sit in the living room, you two. Let me inform him before he goes on a crazy manhunt and involves the police into this."

"Come on. He won't even notice.", Shawn Florence said as he took off his goggles, "He has like a billion of them."

"Yeah? Well... you don't know my brother.", Rong Xinghe said as she dialed her Bro Al's number, "He will kill you. Literally."



"Do me a favor and kill those two, Kiddo, will you?", Zhi Al tried his best to not raise his voice at his baby sister, "How dare they?! And when the hell did they even break into Zhi Family Mansion!?"

"Sorry, brother.", the girl apologized sincerely, "Their observation skills are almost 'supernatural'. They must've seen your collection the last time I came to get some documents signed from Bro Bo. I am really sorry. I will make it up to you. Promise."

"Hmm. You are going to make me coffee every morning for the next month. There's a quest. A hacking contest kind-of thing. So I am going to need-"

"Rong Xinghe's Power Coffee. Got it.", the girl giggled, "Done. I'll be there. I need to spend some quality time with my nephew too, after all. Taio must be missing his Auntie."

"Try to haul Xiao along with you. That brat barely talks to me, nowadays.", Rong Xinghe could hear her brother scorn, like a five-year-old, "It's as if she has only one brother. Her mentor, Dr. Rogguang. How annoying!"

"I know. Busy people.", the girl sighed, "I will talk to her later." 

The Rong girls were literal North-South when it came to their personalities. While Rong Xinghe was wild and savage, Rong Xiao was comparatively calm and reserved. Rong Xinghe loved to listen to stories and communicate with people, whilst Rong Xiao was nothing like that. The fifteen-minute younger girl was totally dedicated to her field of passion. Human Body. Apart from attending informative medical conferences and seminars, and treating her patients, the girl would invest most of her time in researching. But then again, you can't step into big-leagues with average minded people, right? In order to stand beside her highly-intellectual brother, Su Rogguang, she had to walk onto a path, eventually different than Rong Xinghe's.


8:00 a.m., Elite Saphire Penthouse ;

"Come again? Plastic surgery?!", Shawn Florence's eyes widened as the girl briefed them about Jackson Marshal's call, "Are you sure Jack wasn't drunk when he called?"

"I am Sure, Shawn.", Rong Xinghe nodded, "He mailed me the pictures too. But I and Yuan figured out a way to recognize him. I know it looks like we'll be searching for a needle in a haystack, but I am positive."

"You and whom, may I dare ask?", David Florence furrowed his brows, "Xi Yuan? A businessman. Xinghe, how could you possibly get him involved in such a complex and dangerous business in the first place? Shouldn't you be keeping him away from all of this? Moreover, this is a confidential mission. Are you aware of the consequences of trusting him? No offense."

"None taken.", Rong Xinghe smiled, "I know how it looks like, David. But he has had served the Armed Forces before. Not to mention, he rarely interferes with my professional matters. But whenever he suggests something, it makes absolute sense. Yuan is good with analysis, guys. I'd rather have him advise me every now and then than walk head-on into a battlefield we have no idea about. 

"As far as confidentiality is concerned, no one will ever know he ever said a word. It's something the Hybrids came up with, eventually, right?", the girl added meaningfully.

"Right.", David Florence threw his hands up defeatedly.

"What are you thinking now, Shawn?", the girl turned to question the silent man. 

"I don't think that it is the right time to hunt for Ahmed Ali Fadhil now, Xinghe.", said Shawn Florence. 


"Well... we are still not sure as to where he has planned to plant those bombs in Country X, and exactly how is he going to attack your family. He might've already ordered his minions to carry out his plans, for all we know. 

"I think it is important to eliminate the ticking time bomb hanging over our heads, first. Of course, we won't ask Abram and Jackson to return back to Country X until they're able to locate and recognize Ahmed Ali Fadhil. But let's just keep that as a side priority for now. 

"Let's focus on what's right in front of us. We've been searching for Ahmed Ali Fadhil's operating patterns for the past few days, Xinghe. But what if he has already studied your pattern? He must know, by now, that you believe in the annihilation of the root problem. He must know that you would go searching for him. What if all of this is some kind of distraction?", the man explained. 

"Yeah. I had the same thought yesterday.", Rong Xinghe nodded understandingly, "Gather my team of bureaucrats, will you, David?"

"Um... Shawn can do it.", the man suggested. 

"Why not you?", the girl stared at the man, quizzed.

Instead of David Florence, Shawn answered the girl's question, "Because the Big Bad Hybrid right here, intends to go on a one-week clubbing-spree. With his three potential wives!"

"Three?", Rong Xinghe raised her brows.

"Yeah... well. You never know which one could be the 'epic love', right?", David Florence smirked. 

"You really think you are on a vacation here, don't you?", the girl scoffed. 

"Am I not?"


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