The 3 B's- Beauty, Brains and Bravery

Chapter 332: "Not the same, Honey."

Chapter 332: "Not the same, Honey."

Next morning, 8:30 a.m. ;

"Aniii... Bii... bii..."

Rong Xinghe woke up to the sound of a child beside her. The girl adjusted her eyes to the light coming from the window before she sat up straight and looked at the baby. It was her lovely niece. Lu Alix. 

The little girl was holding onto her index finger with her whole of the hand, her eyes beaming with exuberance. It looked like only the two of them were awake then so early in the morning. Wait... her bro Lu used to workout in the gym during this time as well. 

"Where is Dadda, Sweetie?", the girl asked the baby, pulling her up on her lap.

Lu Alix couldn't speak. She was merely eleven months old, after all. But she was still Lu Wei and Ningtao's daughter. She was smart enough to understand what her Aunt was saying. In response, the child simply turned her head to fix her gaze upon the window of the room. 

Rong Xinghe read the earnest expression upon the girl's face and raised her brows, "So Dadda has gone out for jogging? Interesting."

Little Alix clapped her hands, and then laughed, and then clapped some more. 

"What should we do then? Dance? No. No dance. Nothing that requires music. Mom will wake up. And we shouldn't disturb her sleep.", the girl explained the kid, "Cooking? No. Dadda will kill your Aunt then. Yes ! I know exactly what we should do." 


Lu Wei returned back after running 15 rounds around the stadium ground behind his Mansion, by 9:00 a.m. The man placed the carton of milk he bought on his way back on the dining table and turned to head towards the baby room. He had a habit of checking up on his princess every morning, after returning from exercise. Most of the time, both Lu Alix and Ningtao would be found asleep by this time. They only wake up after 10 a.m. 

But to his horror, Little Alix's crib was empty today! He knew that Lu Alix had started to crawl now. She could even jump down the crib, so he had placed cotton mattresses around the wooden cot. He was sure that the child wasn't hurt. But where did she go?! The man's eyes wandered around the room, but the child was nowhere to be seen. His brain started to think of every possible place in the house where Lu Alix could hide and he checked each one of it. 

The man was about to rush out of the house when he heard the sounds of laughter resounding through the other end of the living hall. The man turned around and furrowed his brows. He was more than sure that it was Rong Xinghe. The man followed the sound before he stopped right outside the Tech room. Lu Alix was sitting beside Rong Xinghe and a VR headset was covering both the girls' eyes. The moment the man took in the sight of his daughter, safe and sound, he let out the breath he was holding, for who knows how long, and relief flooded through his heart. 

Apparently, the two girls were watching some cartoon movie. A hilarious motion picture, which justified their giggles and laughter. No matter how much he wished to twist their ears for almost giving him a heart attack, he couldn't deny that this was an adorable sight to witness. How cute! 

"Damn! My precious babies.", a soft voice came from behind Lu Wei. 

The man was so shocked that he didn't even turn around completely before he clutched his T-shirt above his chest, "Everyone needs to stop giving me heart attacks, for god's sake!"

Ningtao couldn't help but laugh out at the man's expression, "You were really worried earlier, weren't you? I am so sorry, Mr. Lu. Come here."

The man squinted his eyes at the woman and pulled her in a tight hug. "Do you want to join me in the kitchen?", he asked later, "I am going to make breakfast for all of you."

"I would never miss the chance to check you out, Hubby.", the woman winked mischievously. Lu Wei shook his head and leaned down, picked her up from the wheelchair and then carried her to the kitchen carefully. 

"How long do you think it would take for you to start walking again?", he asked.

"Is Mr. Lu trying to tell that I am too heavy to carry around?", the woman asked back with a pout.

"Of course not. I would never get tired of carrying you around.", the man argued, "I just hate to see you on that wheelchair."


2:30 p.m., City M ;

"Yes.", the woman's voice resounded through the house weakly, "I want... to book the next flight available for City A."

She had called the airlines. She had to do it. She couldn't sit by idly, while her world and her carrier crumbled around her. As she stared at the stack of documents in her hands, she couldn't help but feel vengeful and betrayed. He had really sent the Divorce papers!

It wasn't like this had happened for the first time in the entertainment industry. Many celebrities had been accused of wrongly and many had been killed before; and people had moved on from that. Then what was the issue with the Superfamily? How was Ningtao any different from those celebrities? Why did Rong Xinghe wish to destroy her so desperately?! 

She couldn't sit here, waiting for death. She had to get the answers to her questions. And she had to fight. For herself. For her child. 

Only if she knew she was making things easier for Rong Xinghe...


4:00 p.m., Lu Family Mansion;

"May we see Military Chief, President Lu ?", an army officer, someone important, maybe a Lieutenant, asked as soon as Lu Wei opened the door.

"Sure.", the man nodded, allowing the man in, "But isn't she--"

"Off duty? Yes. She still is.", the man in his early thirties cut-in, "Actually, we were working on a mission before the Prime Minister issued the orders regarding her leave. I needed to get some information about it."

"I will get her. Please wait."

"What is going on?", Rong Xinghe walked in before the man could ring her room. Her eyes then landed upon the soldier standing beside the couch.

"Long live Country X, Military Chief!", the man saluted.

"You are..."

"Lieutenant Feng. President promoted me two days after you were given the leave. I am just here for some documents, Ma'am."

The girl thought for sometime before she smiled gently, "Sure. Have a seat. I will get them for you."

Lu Wei returned back with two cups of coffee and passed a cup to the Officer, "So how is it like? Working with her?"

"Oh. The Military Chief?", the man smiled, "All the forces look up to her. She is an amazing leader. The way she can predict the next move of her enemies is just incredible."

"So how many missions have you worked upon?", the man questioned, sipping his coffee.

"I hail from the Naval Forces, Sir. It's mostly a half-year duty. But I have been working for more than ten years in-- urgh!"

At this time, a sharp metal surface pierced through the man's chest and went on right through the man's heart, blood covering the cold knife. The man's eyes widened as he grabbed onto the killer's hand with a strong grip. He then lifted his head up to look at his attacker. 

"Islamic State. Country X's Naval Forces. Not the same, Honey.", Rong Xinghe twisted the knife, her expression cold and solemn, "Brave of you to think you could pull this one-off. My memory is too sharp to forget the face of a terrorist."

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