The 3 B's- Beauty, Brains and Bravery

Chapter 322: A call from her Darling

Chapter 322: A call from her Darling

"Who the hell do you think you are ?!", the man hissed at the three , his tone high ,"You have no idea what she is capable of and yet , you dare to judge her. She can chop you into pieces and not even blink once. You really think she is some charity case for us ? How naive !

"She is far from that , you idiots. Its not that she needs us. Its the other way around. We can create and destroy thousand such Lu Corporations , if it means that we can keep this girl by our side. She would've achieved what she wanted anyway. With or without us. So never assume Xinghe to be someone who is weak or helpless. Those words are insults to her. And to me.

"You guys had the nerves to disrespect the Military Chief of the country. In front of her brother. How do you think the Central Judiciary would treat you ? And don't even get me started on the Armed Forces.", the man framed his question nonchalantly , as if it was something normal.

But the moment the Army was mentioned by the man , the three shareholders exchanged shocked glances among themselves as panic flooded their eyes. Defamation of the highest Military authority of the nation had only one punishment in Country X's constitution. Death. They'd never expected a normal conversation to convert into something so scary. 

"I am a man with family , President Lu ! My wife is pregnant. Please show some mercy.", Su Wang stood up from his chair , followed by the other two , and started to apologise. 

"We are extremely sorry Sir. We shouldn't have said what we did. Ms. Rong could never wish ill for you. She loves you all too dearly to do that. I am so sorry sir. Let me go.", Mr. Zheng pleaded.

As the three men begged to him for his forgiveness , Lu Wei's expression turned even more stern , like that of the devil. The man clenched his fists and glared at the men before he turned his head to look at the girl. Her brows were furrowed and her lips were quivering. Either the medicines were affecting her , or her sleep was being disturbed by the three douchebags sucking up to him. And that was just not acceptable. It was better to wind all of this up as soon as possible. 

The man raised his hand in mid-air , bringing the office cabin back to its pin drop silence. He then waited for the girl's features to soften before he looked back at the three men.

"Then get out. From the Lu Corporations. From the country. If these orders aren't followed in the time span of one week , I will simply hand you over to the Military. They will handle you by themselves then.", the man shrugged.

The three men had no option but to accept Lu Wei's conditions. It wasn't like he had shown mercy to them. It was just a 'less' brutal sentence. He was asking them to leave their already established business over here and start from the scratch in foreign countries. That was practically impossible. They were already in their fourties. Not to mention , it wasn't easy to lure foreigners into any business without an impressive contact range. And to their dismay , they had literally no connections outside Country X. So the punishment Lu Wei had given them was no less than death sentence. But... it wasn't death. Thankfully. So before he could consider changing his mind , the three bowed down to him and rushed out of the office premises like chickens. 

Lu Wei let out a sigh before he stretched his long neck towards the ceiling and closed his eyes. A lot had happened in the last few days. His wife was attacked by a maniac , crazy woman. His sister had gone through a fatal migraine stroke. His business had suffered quite the losses due to his absence. Nothing good seemed to be happening recently. With him. With his sister. With the Superfamily.

Sigh ! He could only wish for these testing times to pass soon...

"You could just tell me to stand up , you know ?", the man's train of thoughts was suddenly interrupted by a soft low voice. 

The man opened his eyes and turned to look at the girl smiling weakly at him.

"People are bound to question our relationship , brother.", said the girl ,"You didn't had to fire them for that. You might've not realized , but you just made three more enemies.

"And just for the record , its alright. I didn't mind that. Don't worry."

"So you listened to all of it ?", the man raised his brows at the girl.

The girl laughed as she pulled her headphones off ,"They were never even connected to start with. I wanted to eavesdrop. And god ! That was entertaining."

"Xinghe..", the man sat on his knees and looked into the girl's eyes earnestly ,"Kid , are you okay ? After what they said about..."

"Brother , I told you I am fine. I know you more than you know yourself. I know you six like the back of my hand. In fact , the personality of you six is reflected in mine. They say that I am a combination of you six. So I know how amazing you are. I would never be so stupid as to misunderstand you. Okay ?", the girl squeezed the man's huge hands assuringly ,"I know how much you six love me and I know how much you respect me. I keep reminding myself of that everyday."

"Ok.", the man nodded his head as relief streamed through his heart ,"Never ever forget that. Because I can fight the world. Not you."

"I know.", the girl smirked , triumphantly. 

"Enough with the overacting , Kiddo !", Lu Wei laughed out ,"So tell me. What Ice Cream would you like en route to home ?"

"I am allowed to have Ice Cream ?", the girl jumped up , looking at her brother with a spark in her gaze.

"Jeez ! How old are you , Rong Xinghe ?", Lu Wei shook his head with disbelief. 

"Five scoops ! Each scoop of different flavour. And I want bucket. No cone.", the girl started elaborating her 'Ice Cream' specifications like some professional.

"Four years old. Definitely.", answered the man his own question , with a helpless sigh.


2 a.m. , Lu Family Home ;

The girl was fast asleep when her phone rang up. Subconsciously , the girl's hand reached the edge of the side table and she picked it up with a groan. 

"What is it , Assistant Shou ? Last time I checked , I was jobless.", the girl's raspy voice resounded across the room. 

"I am so sorry , Honey.", the man's tired yet apologetic voice came through the other end and in a flash , the girl's eyes flew wide awake ,"I should have checked the time difference before I called you. Please go back to sleep. We will talk tomorrow. Good night , Baby. I love you."

"No, no, no !", the girl sat up straight and shook her head violently ,"Video call me. Now !"

"Its okay , Xinghe.", laughed Xi Yuan ,"We can..."

"No ! No tomorrow. Right now.", the girl scowled.

"Okay. Alright.", the man agreed finally ,"Accept the video call request."

The man couldn't help but feel his heart ache for her. It was his fault to delay so much. He could tell that she had been waiting patiently for this. For him. For her Yuan. For a call from her Darling.

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