The 100th Regression of the Max-Level Player

Chapter 203: Sariel (1)

Chapter 203: Sariel (1)

‘Did he say someone ordered him to take me? Who?’

Ryu Min carefully scrutinized Sariel, who had an unusually sinister aura for an angel.

It seemed like there was an order from above to capture him.

He needed to gather information.

Of course, there was no need for unproductive labor like torture.

With the Rune of Inner Thoughts, it was extremely easy to find out.

By simply observing Sariel, he could read his thoughts.

‘The order came from Michael, the highest-ranking archangel.’

The name Michael was one he had heard back in the 68th cycle.

Having met him directly, he knew how strong he was.

‘As expected, Michael. He was the leader of the archangels.’

It was no wonder that Sariel felt significantly stronger than other angels.

‘If the order came from the leader of the archangels, it makes sense.’

The information he obtained wasn’t just that.

He was to be brought back without a scratch.

One of the archangels was determined to kill him.

The archangels wanted to use him as an example to maintain order in the heavenly realm.

He had gathered all the necessary information.

[No answer? Are you mute? I wasn’t told that the Black Scythe is mute.]

Muttering to himself, Sariel pointed his curved sword at Ryu Min as if he didn’t care.

[Even if you can’t speak, you’re not deaf. I’ll say it again, resistance is—]


Ignoring the angel’s words, Ryu Min called out to Jeffrey behind him.

“Take the party members and retreat as far back as possible. This place is about to become a battlefield.”

“Understood, Black Scythe.”

Seeing Jeffrey gathering the frozen comrades, Ryu Min turned his head back forward.

Sariel’s expression was priceless.

His face was twisted in a way that made him look more like a demon than an angel.

[So, you do have a tongue after all.]

“And I have a finger to insult you with.”

Ryu Min raised his middle finger, causing the angel’s eyebrow to twitch.

[You’ve become so arrogant just because you’ve gained a bit of power. For a mere human—]

Sariel suddenly looked shocked.

It seemed he noticed the demonic pendant hanging around Ryu Min’s neck.

A blade-like killing intent pierced through Ryu Min’s entire body.

[That necklace… Where did you get it?]

“Why do you want to know?”

[Do you even know what that is?]

“You’re quite talkative for someone who looked so stern.”

Ryu Min’s entire body was enveloped in dark shadows.

After casting the Reaper Transformation, he used the buffs he had prepared.

[Demon’s Blessing is activated.]

[Based on the current total stats (109,967), the following effects will be applied.]

[When an angel is killed, you gain gold equal to 1x (109,967) the base amount. This can increase up to 1,000x (109,967,000) depending on the angel’s level.]

[When an angel is killed, you gain stat points equal to 0.01% (11) of the base amount. This can increase up to 10% (10,996) depending on the angel’s level.]

[When an angel is killed, the reputation with the demon faction slightly increases.]

[The buff lasts until the end of the current round.]

Surprised by the message’s numbers, Ryu Min checked his status window to find his stats had increased immensely.

– Strength: 25,274, Intelligence: 27,325

– Agility: 27,532, Luck: 29,836

With Min Juri’s buffs already enhancing him and the buff zones laid out on the ground, his stats were through the roof.

In addition, he had the Rune of Balance, the Rune of Slaughter, the title of the First Angel Slayer, and Reaper Transformation.

It made sense why his stats were so high.

“Plus, I got a hefty stat reward from defeating Remiel last time.”

Ryu Min was much stronger than when he faced Remiel.

But he couldn’t let his guard down.

‘I can’t underestimate him just because he’s ranked 6th.’

Since he didn’t know Sariel’s full capabilities, he needed to test him first.

‘Then I’ll kill him without mercy.’

The fierce killing intents of the human and angel clashed in the air.

‘He’s not going to be captured easily, is he?’

Sariel smirked at the audacious human who didn’t know his place.

‘Well, I didn’t expect him to come quietly.’

Would someone who killed an archangel flinch at a threat?

‘I’ll have to make him realize the difference in our power.’

Since there was an order to bring him back without harm, he had no intention of using lethal force.

He planned to show some mercy.

Until he saw that demonic pendant.

‘To dare wear that necklace in front of me…’

Even now, angels were waging a long war against demons.

All the existing archangels, including himself, had participated.

So there was no way he wouldn’t recognize a necklace worn proudly by demons.

‘To flaunt that necklace, a symbol of disgrace to us angels…!’

His entire being was filled with indescribable rage.

‘Arrogant human. I’ll make you suffer to the point of wanting to die.’

He had planned to handle this calmly, without malice, but seeing that pendant, he had no choice.

It wouldn’t be a problem to chop off his arms and bring him in.

‘But that form is quite bizarre.’

Covered in darkness with a scythe in hand, he looked like the god of death.

‘But he’s still just a human. No matter how much he mimics a god, a bug is still a bug.’

Sariel knew.

The darkness possessed by the class called the Reaper couldn’t compare to his own.

There was no way the darkness of the Reaper could surpass his own.

That’s why Sariel could remain calm and composed.

[Come at me, human. I’ll generously give you the first move.]

Without any verbal response, the Black Scythe rushed in and swung his scythe.

He was surprised by the speed, but that was all.

‘A horizontal slash aiming for my waist? Obvious.’

The hook weapon’s characteristic made it hard to dodge a waist attack backward.

Jumping or blocking were the only options, but Sariel had no intention of doing as expected.

‘I’ll dodge forward.’

By moving forward, he dodged the waist slash while closing in on the enemy’s heart.

If he thrust his curved sword into the chest, the Black Scythe would die instantly.

‘But I can’t end it that easily.’

He aimed his sword upward like lightning and slashed the arm instead.


A scream came from over his opponent’s shoulder.

“Bl-Black Scythe!”

The pathetic humans were watching as if it were a spectacle.

[Pathetic. To be so arrogant with such poor skills…]

Sariel suddenly felt a sense of danger.

Though he had cut off an arm, there was no situation to feel threatened.

Yet, he clearly felt it.

The cold sensation from behind made him turn instinctively.

But it seemed he was too slow, as five of his wings were cut off, spraying golden blood.


“You’ve got good senses. I intended to cut them all.”

I'm currently Translating the following novels: Pick Me Up! | A Frontline Soldier Awakened as a Gamer In The War! | The 100th Regression of the Max-Level Player. If you want to support me and read more chapters please subscribe to my Patreon!

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