Tavern in Another Dimension: Getting the Elf Queen Drunk at the Start

Chapter 19: As the Battle Continues

Chapter 19: As the Battle Continues

"Hey, Little Alan, in the future, I'll only come here to drink, and I'll bring you more customers," Wayne promised as he looked at the young man.

When Alan heard this, he temporarily put aside those random thoughts and smiled. This was his chance.

"Mister, will you come again tomorrow? Tomorrow I'll serve a new type of alcoholic beverage. It's a type of strong liquor. Although it doesn't have magic power, I believe you'll like it." Alan asked with a bright smile.

"There's a new alcoholic beverage already? And it's one that had never appear on the continent before?" Wayne thought that Lafite was already very good, if it was well promoted, it could be the specialty of this tavern. But now Alan said that he had a new drink, and it wouldn't be inferior to Lafite. This... was too shocking.

"Of course. After all, my tavern is located in a remote area. If I want to steal customers from the elven tavern, I have to constantly create new drinks." As he spoke, he pretended to sigh and spoke in a slightly disheartened tone.

"Little Alan, don't worry. I will definitely come tomorrow. Not only will I come, but I will also bring a few more customers for you. Just relax and brew your liquor. Leave the promotion to me!" Wayne decided to take Alan under his wing, so seeing that he was worried about his lack of customers, he naturally offered to help.

After this ordeal, the relationship between the two became much closer. After that, they chatted happily until they finished drinking a bottle of wine. Wayne was in high spirits as he strode out of the tavern under the moonlight.

Alan stood at the door and watched him walk away. He knew that it was already late at night. There would be no more customers tonight, so he simply closed the door and went to rest.


Alan was happy because he had a new customer, but it was a different scene on Olivia's side.

The group of people who were surrounded by the assassins not only did not have an advantage in terms of numbers, but they also did not have an advantage in terms of power level.

"Your Highness, I advise you to give up struggling. This way, I can still make your life a little easier at the end." Yupanki stood at the periphery of the defense circle and boasted shamelessly.

Olivia was in the center protected by the knights. Her face was as calm as water as she observed the situation around her without saying a word.

Although her side was at an absolute disadvantage, she still had a trump card. It was just that using this trump card would make her feel a little perturbed.

"Your Highness, if there's a chance, run towards the depths of the Forest of Elves. Protect yourself!" Stanton whispered in the princess' ear.

As soon as he finished speaking, he ordered his men to charge. The battle horn sounded, and the chaotic battle began.

In this small clearing in the dense primitive forest, low-level spells took turns bombarding it. The light from various spells illuminated the clearing in colorful colors, making it look quite beautiful...

The moment Stanton moved, Yupanki also rushed over. The two of them were old rivals. They had been fighting each other for dozens of years, but no one had won or lost. Their magic levels were about the same and they were familiar with each other's combat techniques.

The squires and other low-level knights fought against the remaining assassins. After holding on for a while, they began to retreat in defeat. Following the first casualty, there was soon a second...

The other party came prepared. The main force was all mid-level knights, and many low-level knights also came as well.

Olivia even suspected that the other party brought the core knights of their legion. The purpose was to keep her trapped in this forest forever in order to ruin the alliance between the Oreste empire and the elves.

"Stanton, give up. It's impossible for you to escape. This time, I brought 15 mid-level knights and 20 low-level knights. Emperor Boix sent me here to kill Princess Olivia. After all, the princess' premonition ability is too troublesome." As he was fighting Stanton,Yupanki was also spouting rubbish.

Stanton was unmoved. As the princess' Chief Knight, the only thing he could do now was to fight to the death to win the princess a chance to escape.

"Hmph, if you have the time to brag, you might as well think about how many knights you can bring back this time. Even if I die here, I'll definitely make the Rolders Empire suffer!"

Olivia used her premonition ability to continuously cast spells in the defense circle to help her knights who were at a disadvantage. Yupanji's words completely confirmed her guess.

As the battle progressed, the people in the chaotic battle became even more ruthless. Because of the support from the princess, the attacks from the low-level knights were effective at the beginning, however, the two sides soon were in a deadlock. The princess was starting to run out of energy and the assassins seized the opportunity to counterattack.

Quickly, casualties increased rapidly and the defense circle became smaller and smaller.

Stanton, who was holding down Yupanki not far away, also noticed the situation on the princess' side and was extremely anxious.

Stanton tried to get rid of him several times but he knew his old enemy too well. Although he was short, the broadsword in his hand was brandished vigorously, firmly holding Stanton in place.

The longer the fight went on, the more casualties there were on both sides. All of them had exhausted their mana and because the field was too small to use a sword, it turned into a fist-to-fist fight, the more violent the scene became, the fiercer the men became.

There were only two people left in Olivia's entourage and 10 low-level knights left in the legion. Her maid was also exhausted due to draining her mana.

On the other hand, other than the injured mid-level knights, none of the middle-level knights were killed and only half of the low-level knights were lost.

The two sides tacitly agreed to temporarily stop the battle. Olivia, who was still surrounded, was debating whether to use the teleportation charm that Master Colmie gave her. However, this charm was a one-time life-saving measure.

Moreover, the more people she brought along with her, the closer the teleportation distance would be. If she wanted to take away all the people who were still alive, she might not be able to run far. However, she could not just abandon all her knights and entourage. Just when she was in a dilemma, she touched the high-level magic Lafite that she was protecting her in her arms, and suddenly a risky thought formed in her mind...

Stanton had long sensed that the princess was in a bad situation. He caught a moment of Yupanji's absent-mindedness and slashed at him with all his strength, watching him fly far away until he crashed into a thick tree and spat out a large mouthful of blood.

Stanton already returned to support her. As a high-level Grand Mage who had been at his peak for many years, he charged into a group of injured mid-level and low-level mages and cast a high-level spell that caused a lot of casualties.

Just as he finished off two heavily injured mid-level knights and three low-level knights, he came to Olivia's side but was so exhausted that he had almost no strength left to fight.

"Stanton, perhaps we still have one last way to survive," Olivia said firmly while holding him.

Stanton panted heavily as he quietly waited for the princess to continue.

Olivia took out the magic Lafite that she was protecting all this while. "This method completely depends on you. Breakthrough, Stanton!"

Assuming that the young man in the tavern did not lie to her, this bottle of high-level magic Lafite definitely has the ability to help Stanton breakthrough and reach the level of an Archmage of Magic. This was a very risky method. Of course, if it succeeded, it would be the best method at the moment.

Stanton looked at the princess who had a determined look on her face. He tried his best to regulate his breath and thrust his double-handed sword into the ground beside him. He knelt on one knee and raised his hands to the top of his head. In a deep voice, he replied, "I will not fail the mission, Your Highness!"

Olivia carefully placed the wine bottle in Stanton's hands. The surrounding knights and squires heard their conversation. They knew that this was the last way to survive. As long as they protected Stanton until he broke through, they would be saved.

Stanton took the wine bottle and quickly uncorked it. He gulped down a large mouthful of wine without hesitation.

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