Taming A Billionaire

Chapter 290 - Two Hundred And Ninety - Unbound

Chapter 290 - Two Hundred And Ninety - Unbound

Emily's point of view

I didn't want Judy to see me in this state; weak and defeated; this was my lowest point. My pride has just being crushed and the last thing I needed was an old flame having sympathy for me.

Knowing he would be waiting for me in his car, I lowered my head and walked directly opposite from him. I was having a hard time controlling the tears blinding my eyes hence didn't see where I was going and bumped into someone.

"I'm so sorry," I apologized, not looking at the face of the person I hit; I don't want their pitiful gaze. Pity was what got me into this mess in the first place.

I wiped the tears from my eyes, moving out of the victim's way when I felt the person drag me back. How was he not satisfied with my apology?

"Look, I'm...." I glanced up and froze. It was Judy.

"You never change," He grumbled.

I tugged my hand from his grasp, planning to walk away from him but he blocked my path.

"Why are you crying?" he asked, giving me that pitiful look I hated.

I sniffed, wiping my face once again, "Get out of my way,"

"I'm not letting you go until you tell me what's going on," he said firmly

"What is going on with me is none of your business," I hissed out.

"Contrary to your belief, you know you've always been my business since day one we met,"

"Get out of my way you big bully," I pushed him on the chest, he didn't budge.

"Not unless you tell me what happened in there,"

"Why?" I huffed, " So you can laugh and tell me you told me so', Is that it?"

He wrinkled his forehead, "The conversation didn't go well, did it?"

I didn't reply.

"This is why I should have come along and I'm done with your attitude,"


Before I could tell what he had in mind, Judy carried me off my feet while I let out a sharp yelp.

"What do you think you're doing? I am going to scream 'rape', " I threatened him.

His eyes screamed with laughter, "Sure, go ahead and shout it since we're standing outside the building of your soon-to-be presidential husband. If the news of you seen in my arms surfaces, who did you think would suffer more? Me? The prince of the Lincolnshire kingdom and one of the eligible bachelors around? You? The wife of a politician? Or your husband? The aspiring president? Would the scandal make things easy for him? "

"Bastard! " I spat, my blood boiling.

"Let's make this easier for the both of us, would ya," That being said, he carried me over to the car while I hid my face in his chest so no one recognizes me.

Yet, that was a risky move.

Rubbing my face against his chest made me realize how muscular Judy had gotten over the years and how much I missed caressing that firm abdomen. My hands itched to touch him but I clench my fist, digging my nails into it. But that wasn't the only torment, his manly scent wafted into my nose, my stomach did a stumble.

As soon as Judy placed me in the back seat, I had already planned to escape through the other door but that smart bastard put on the child lock.

"It's a relief to know that you haven't lost that spark in you," he smirked.

I snorted and looked away.

Throughout the journey, I was unresponsive to every conversation he tried to start with me. I just needed some space, doesn't he get it.

We reached our destination, a mansion located in a serene environment with lots of palm trees around.

"I couldn't take you to a hotel since you're a big shot and it would spell scandal. So here's one of my properties," He said, opening the door for me, finally.

I stepped out of the car and looked around the environment, "So what am I supposed to do here? Live here?"

"Exactly, sort out your emotions here. It's a calm neighborhood to collect your thoughts with hardly any occupants that would recognize you - they mind their business anyway. What do you say? " he waited for a hopeful answer.

"Thanks but no. I don't need your sympathy and I have my own property - Ahh!" I screamed my lungs out when he grabbed me off my feet again. What the hell was his problem? Can't he respect my wish to be alone?!

Amid my protest and punches on his chest, he didn't slow down nor stop till we reached the living room and placed me on the couch with care.

I shot up to my feet, "Let me out now!"

"Seriously, just tell me what the hell happened and stop acting like a kid?!" He lashed out at me.

"Ahmed has a kid behind my back, that's what happened!" I blurted out, angry. My chest rose and fell rhythmically with our eyes staring straight at each other.

"What?" He expressed shock.

I laughed, "He has a two-year-old kid and a very foul-mouthed baby mama,"

"That bastard!" he cursed.

"All this while, I've been wondering what brought on the sudden iciness in him. He wasn't that way at first you know...." the tears began to fall, " He knew from the start that Akim wasn't his blood, and yet he accepted him wholeheartedly. His kind gesture moved my heart so much that I decided that I was going to dedicate my life to him, pay him back for this huge favor - If only I knew it was just a honey trap.

"It happened that I suffered difficult labor with Akim and developed some complications with my womb, Prolapsed Uterus. And yes, the condition was corrected with surgery, but I still couldn't give birth. We went through many methods in the search of a child, I even took native herbs but none of it worked or maybe it did - Ahmed has no idea that I once had a miscarriage.

"When I lost that baby, I gave up, knowing I would not bear to risk another fetus - the guilt was too much. That was where my sorrows began, his attitude took a three-sixty degrees turn.

"His grandparents were the worst; they had a knack for criticism. But I took all of it in good faith, after all, he saved Akim's life - I kept telling myself. Their emotional abuse was better than my father getting his hands on Akim.

"However, what pains me the most is that I strived hard for this marriage to work due to the fact I owed him that. I was so blinded by the favor that I didn't see I was losing my self-value, my self-worth, I changed myself to become a good, submissive, ....." the tears couldn't let me speak anymore.

Judy engulfed me in a hug, I cried on his shoulder, releasing all the pent-up emotion. My lips trembled, tears gushing out like a waterfall.

"It's okay, you're safe now," He said to me, ruining his hands through my hair in a soothing manner.

However, the sincerity in his voice made me cry harder.

"Why didn't you return any sooner?!" I wailed.

I knew he never meant to keep me in the blind all those years, but it still hurts me - I've spent the last seven good years with a man who never loved me.

The tears continued to flow and the sobs wracked my body, robbing it of the ability to speak.?I couldn't even breathe properly.

"I'm sorry. It would never happen again, I promise you," He murmured into my ears.

We stayed in that position for God knows how many hours until my senses returned. I pushed away from him forcefully and stood up to my feet, embarrassed by what just happened; I told him everything.

" Emily - "

"Where's my room?" I intercepted, knowing the issue he was going to bring up next. I wasn't ready for that.

"Just walk up the -"

I didn't even wait for him to finish and found the rest of the way myself. Since there wasn't anybody around - just me and him- any room should do.

I locked myself indoors for the rest of the day. Spent most of it sleeping and crying only to wake up at night time to realize sleep has left my eyes.

Unable to take the boredom anymore, I made my way downstairs to find Judy drinking and watching television in the living room.

He turned around at the sound of my footsteps, "You're awake," He stood up to his feet.

I ignored him, heading in the direction of the fridge but heard him say from behind, " I made you food - though I can't assure how that tastes,"

Hmm, I can only imagine. He was never a good cook from the very beginning. Just to satisfy my curiosity, I went to the table to find a plate of cheese sandwich.

The appearance looks luscious but when I took a bite? Let's just say I'm going to regret it for a million years to come. I ran to the kitchen and threw up the whole thing in the sink, how did he even stomach that. This was poison.

"Take this," He handed a fizzy drink to me which I used to wash out the sour taste in my mouth.

"Unless you want to send me to an early grave, don't you ever cook for me again," I warned him seriously but the crooked smile that appeared on his face left me confused, " What is it?"

"Does this mean there's a chance of me cooking for you again?" He smirked.

I blinked, going backward when he began to step towards me. My back hit the sink, no escape.

"What are you doing?" I tried to push him away but all I did was increase the sexual tension between us.

"Why are you trying to fight it?" He brought out his hand to caress my cheeks, my breath hitched.

My heart began to pound in my chest, heat pooled in my leg and I clenched my thigh together - a movement he noticed. He knew I was extremely turned on.

He began to lower his head, till our faces were inches from touching, "You no longer belong to Ahmed, so break out of your shell, my love. I need the daring, feisty, and bold Emily back,"

And just like that, whatever bind that was holding me back was broken.

Our lips met in a mad rush, smashing my lips against him as he kissed me with the same intensity. I bit down on his bottom lip, growling irritably when he clenched his teeth hard, unwilling to give me entrance into his moist cave.

With our hands, we explored each other frantically just as I grind against him, making him moan, and took that opportunity to receive the access I needed.

Judy carried me off my feet while I wrapped my legs around his waist, lips attached to his as we found ourselves on the couch and surrendered ourselves to the intense desire rushing through us.

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