Tales of the Legendary Magus

Chapter 152: The Escape

Chapter 152: The Escape

Villin calmed his breathing as he could feel people coming closer and closer to the cell. After a few minutes, he heard a voice coming from the door "Come here and prepared to get handcuffed."

At this time, four holes appeared in the door, it was the same as usual. Villin walked up to the door and so did Elinoire, she had gotten used to doing this. Soon, both of them had the cuffs on, sucking the magical power out of them.

Once the two backed off, the door opened and four people entered.

"Where's Candil?" Villin asked, the scientist wasn't here right now.

"He had to go report to the headmaster, he'll be gone until tomorrow." one of the guards casually said. He knew Candil and Villin would often talk while the cell was being searched.

Villin simply nodded and walked to the middle of the cell, the others didn't know but he was now standing in the middle of the two wards he had created. He could feel magical power entering his body, for the last two months he had entered most of his magical power into this ward, its purpose was to supply magical power to those standing within, the handcuffs wouldn't be able to take so much magic power before malfunctioning.

As this was going on, the people that entered the cell got into position. The two guards would always stand in front of two of the statues that would give them the best line of sight on the cell. These statues were two of those who got extra disks tucked behind them.

As for the final one, the two enchanters were making there way there currently, they would always move from the left to the right, beginning with the statue closest to the door. 

Villin waited patiently as small lines of his magical power moved toward each of the statues spread across the walls. 

When inspecting the statue, one of the enchanters frowned and bend forward, he had noticed the disk.

Then, just as he picked it up,


The ground shook as each of the disks blew up at once. The heads of all of the statues blew up as one, destroying their cores. As for the two enchanters and the guards, they were standing next to the statues that were holding extra explosives. Their bodies were engulfed with flames, they didn't even have the chance to scream as they were killed in the explosion.

Elinoire looked stunned at the sight before her as Villin showed a bright smile, but he didn't have a lot of time.

Thanks to the magical energy supplied by the ward, his handcuffs quickly fell off and his magical power came back. He destroyed Elinoire's handcuffs too before activating the second ward.

This ward also utilized the magical power trapped in the former one as a ginormous magical signal was shot into the air. This was somewhat similar to his first escape attempt except that it was much more powerful and less discreet. There was no way The Academy wouldn't be able to find the signal but at the same time, Decorus would also realize something was off.

Without hesitation, Villin grabbed Elinoire's hand and began running towards the door, using transfiguration, it immediately opened, letting them leave the cell, the moss on the walls had been catching fire rapidly.

Once outside, Villin paused for a moment and tried to feel the situation inside of the facility. He could go north, east, or west. The north was where the escape should be, the east were the living quarters of the guards and to the west were the other cells.

After confirming guards were coming from the east and enchanters to the north also began moving, Villin promptly headed towards the west with Elinoire in tow. Thus far things were going according to plan.

As he headed to the left, Villin thought of what needed to happen. Soon, he would have to fight a guard. He planned to set some of the creatures in the facility free, the problem was that a few guards would always linger around the area the magical beasts were captured. Especially around the stronger ones. 

The problem was that Villin didn't know what cell held what kind of beast. If he opened cells with beasts that weren't intelligent enough to recognize him as an ally and attack him, he would be in trouble.

The research facility was large. The guards should number twenty at least with another five enchanters added to that. A force impossible for Villin to stop on his own.

Villin ran at top speed which was much, much faster compared to a year ago. Even though the torture did take a toll, the heavily increased gravity also tempered his body, his muscles had become much stronger.

It didn't take long for him to reach the first destination. He put his hand on a door and it swung open, he could now be considered to be in the western 'wing' of the facility. This was where the beasts were kept and experimented on.

The hallways here were wider, at least four meters wide. This was because of the size of some of the beasts. 

Barely three minutes after Villin broke out of his cell, he was about to reach the first cell on his list. His bare feet touched the ground, tapping into the magical network he had created underground, for a moment he paused, reaffirming the location of the first guard. As soon as he would turn the corner he would be in the line of sight of the guard. Taking a stealthy approach wasn't possible either. Everyone in the facility had no doubt heard the explosion he had caused and they were most wary of the central wing of the facility. Going around wasn't an option either as it stood.

That being said, Villin wasn't about to engage this guard in a hallway where he could easily use transfiguration to block it off entirely using a single golem. Even though Villin had learned the magical art, he was much better at using actual proper spells.

Villin closed his eyes and visualized the area near him. The guard was less then fifty meters away, luring him would be easy. As for the location Villin wished to fight at, he picked one of the experimentation rooms. They were large enough to comfortably fight in and had some sound-proof qualities. At the very least, the whole facility shouldn't be alerted to his current location.

Villin quickly opened the door to the room and entered, then he began casting some spells against the metal objects in the room. Icicles shot all over the place, the sound of metal clashing was loud enough for the guard to notice but not so loud for everyone else to take note. As expected the guards quickly ran closer, he naturally thought the sound was a fight and wanted to assist as soon as possible.

Yet, when he opened the door to the usually clean experimentation room, he was surprised. He didn't see anyone around, but the whole room was a mess. Lab equipment was thrown everywhere and the experimentation chairs were twisted and turned.

Unconsciously, the guard walked in the room completely, somewhat letting down his guard.

This was enough for Villin to make his move. He was hanging from the ceiling close to the door, he used transfiguration to make footholds, keeping his feet into place. Even though the guard was relatively vigilant, he never expected someone to hide on the ceiling.

With a thought, the footholds disappeared and Villin fell down, he smashed down with his fist, hitting the guard on the top of the head, knocking him down.

The two men were sprawled onto the ground, the guard's vision was somewhat fuzzy, his hand went for the wand he had just dropped but before he could grab it, vines sprouted from the ground, holding him down.

One of the vines went inside of his mouth when he tried to scream, moving deeper and deeper into his throat, the man struggled violently but without his wand, he wasn't able to do anything to the threat. He tried transfiguring the ground around him but the vines inhibited his abilities and just like that, he choked.

The magus that was as strong as Villin at the least, was killed like a pig. A surprise attack was enough to take him out, the knock to the head caused him to drop his wand and made using magic harder, then he tried resisting helplessly against the vines coming for him. This reaffirmed Villin's decision of learning wandless magic.

Once the guard stopped breathing, Villin quickly made his way to one of the larger closed cabinets, he opened it letting Elinoire out.

When Villin looked at the body surrounded by vines, he didn't feel a thing. He simply walked up and took the wand that was ever-so-slightly out of the guard's reach.

He then exited the room with Elinoire and they made their way to the first cell.

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