Systemless Villain

Chapter 220 A Demonic Transformations

Chapter 220  A Demonic Transformations

The night enveloped the surroundings, casting a deep darkness over the landscape. The clear sky, adorned with a full moon, displayed a celestial spectacle of twinkling stars, enhancing the beauty of the nocturnal canvas.

At the outskirts of the Heavenly Demon Sect, Fu Gongzhe accompanied Lin Fan as he exited the gates.

"Are you truly uninterested in joining the Heavenly Demon Sect?" Fu Gongzhe inquired.

Lin Fan smiled as he shook his head, "I've already made it clear, Elder Fu. I respectfully decline. Nonetheless, I'm sincerely thankful for your guidance, especially in mastering demonic qi. I look forward to maintaining a positive relationship," he replied.

Fu Gongzhe let out a sigh of disappointment, "A true pity... Well, may fortune favor you always," he expressed.

Lin Fan nodded and bid farewell, "Alright, goodbye, Elder Fu," he said.

Fu Gongzhe acknowledged with a nod.

As Lin Fan traversed away from the Heavenly Demon Sect, his steps exuded a sense of tranquility. Despite the nocturnal ambiance and the forest surroundings, the path ahead remained visible to him.

While strolling, he retrieved a book from his spatial ring. The title, "Reverse Tao," was displayed on the cover – a technique acquired through the exchange of his access token.

His decision wasn't arbitrary; utilizing his golden eyes ability, the technique emitted a radiant golden light, indicating its extraordinary nature.

"By abstaining from the sacred pool, I've acquired this... Not a bad outcome. Especially when it comes to Tao," he mused.

He possessed a nuanced understanding of Tao, which typically encompasses virtues and wisdom. Traditionally, these principles are associated with sects or academies rooted in moral teachings. However, the manifestation of Tao within the Heavenly Demon Sect is undeniably intriguing.

Previously, he encountered difficulties as Fu Gongzhe initially disallowed him from choosing that particular book, insisting on finding an alternative technique. However, after persistent persuasion and sweet-talking that proved challenging, he eventually secured the book. It was undoubtedly worth the effort.

After contemplating the book for a while, he safely stowed it back into his spatial ring and continued his journey.


Within the confines of the sect's domain, Mo Yuegang occupied the distinguished leader's seat, positioned in front of a grandiose table where seats faced each other. Most of these seats were now filled with elderly and middle-aged men, prominent figures and elders of the Heavenly Demon Sect.

In the current setting, an elder clad in green rose from his seat, addressing Mo Yuegang with a firm tone, "Sect master, you bestowed an honorary token upon the young master of the Long family? Isn't it premature?" he questioned.

Another elder voiced his concerns, "Yes, didn't he visit us sometime ago and pose a threat to you, sect master? How can you grant him an honorary token now?"

The skepticism among the elders regarding Mo Yuegang's decision to confer an honorary token upon Long Tian was palpable. Yet, Mo Yuegang maintained an air of composure, his authoritative demeanor unwavering. "I understand your concerns. You may fear that Long Tian could exploit the token, given his freedom to enter and exit the sect. However, I didn't merely hand him the token. Long Tian himself proclaimed that the Long family would align as allies with the Heavenly Demon Sect," he proclaimed.

A hushed silence settled over the assembly, expressions of the elders reflecting a range from surprise to contemplation.

Bi Han rose from his seat at this juncture, affirming, "I can vouch that young master Long did indeed express those words, and his sincerity is unquestionable."

Bi Han's confirmation added gravity to the situation. Known for his honesty and discipline, his words carried weight and authenticity.

Mo Yuegang offered a thin smile, gauging the reactions in the room. "So, any objections?" he inquired.

A contemplative hush lingered briefly before another elder raised his hand, expressing suspicion, "Isn't this too dubious, sect master? We could potentially commit grave offenses and shield ourselves behind the Long family's name. Has Long Tian not considered that?"

Mo Yuegang responded calmly, "Regarding that matter, Long Tian emphasized that our sect should refrain from criminal activities under the esteemed name of the Long family. Otherwise, the Long family itself would hold us accountable."

He pressed on, "I find it unnecessary to harbor such concerns. In the present and for the future, wouldn't it be prudent to fortify the sect's strength both internally and externally? I am confident that our alliance with the Long family will yield positive outcomes for our sect in the long run."

These words resonated in the ears of the elders, gradually dissipating their doubts.

"If that's the case, I guess I have nothing to complain about," one Elder said.

"That also sounds reasonable. How about inviting him here? We can discuss the alliance further," another Elder suggested.

Mo Yuegang responded, "I've promised to give him an undisturbed night. Currently, he's in the main guest mansion. If anyone has questions, wait until tomorrow," his tone calm.

The Elders immediately understood. Ultimately, the meeting proceeded harmoniously, with the majority of the elders aligning with Mo Yuegang's perspective, though a small faction remained skeptical. This night's gathering delved into discussions not only about Long Tian and the Long family but also encompassed projects, development plans, and the prospective trajectory of the sect.


In a different corner of the sect, within a sizable mansion adorned with traditional architecture, a tranquil atmosphere prevailed.

Within the confines of this abode, Long Tian had recently concluded his bath, his form draped only in a towel.

Exiting the bathing chamber, he paused before a mirror.

Long Tian's fingers traced his chin as he gazed at his reflection in the looking glass. His hands moved to his forehead, where a diminutive crimson rhombus mark adorned his skin.

"So, this is the aftermath of that peculiar experience? Quite impressive," he remarked, a sly smirk playing on his lips.

The mark seemed to harmonize flawlessly on his forehead, imparting a commanding aura, particularly when juxtaposed with the twin dragon tattoos adorning both of his arms.

His fingertips grazed the mark as he pondered whether it could be erased.

Yet, even with deliberate attempts to will it away, the mark proved impervious to disappearance.

"I suppose it's here to stay, but that's perfectly fine," he mused.

Without lingering, Long Tian proceeded to the wardrobe. Upon opening it, an assortment of men's clothing awaited him. Opting for a laid-back ensemble comprising a T-shirt and shorts, he continued with his preparations.


Presently, Long Tian found himself within a vast, vacant chamber dedicated to training.

Unfurling the ancient book, he delved into its pages. His eyes fixated on the cryptic inscriptions within.

After awakening from the fainting spell, somehow, he felt various knowledge and powerful techniques entering his mind, without knowing their origin. And, of course, one of them was about this ancient book.

Pausing at a specific page, he assumed a cross-legged position.

His gaze locked onto the book's contents as he immersed himself in the deciphering of the ancient script. Though the language was archaic, he exhibited remarkable proficiency.

"In chaos and darkness, wisdom is hidden. Within oneself, lies dormant power awaiting awakening."

His resonant voice reverberated in the empty expanse, accompanied by the emanation of demonic qi. Long Tian sensed the surge of ancient power coursing through him, carrying messages infused with wisdom and chaos.

Gradually, two horns materialized on his head, accompanied by an aura of intimidation.

"In silence, the deepest wisdom resides. In darkness, there is guiding light. Within oneself, lies undiscovered power," he proclaimed, conviction radiating from his glowing, menacing red eyes.

His consciousness intertwined with the ancient teachings, unveiling the presence of a power transcending his prior comprehension. The revelations flowed effortlessly, providing fresh insights into life, wisdom, and the essence of power beyond ordinary human limits.

Within the ambient coolness of the specialized chamber, Long Tian persisted in reciting the ancient words, delving deeper into the concealed wisdom. Each uttered word generated energy vibrations, further fortifying his burgeoning demonic qi.

"In chaos, there is an opportunity to create harmony. Within oneself, there is power capable of embracing peace and the strength to build or destroy this world," he spoke, unleashing waves of energy that enveloped the entire room.

In that precise moment, his two horns seamlessly aligned on his head, while two black wings unfurled behind him.

His countenance underwent a drastic transformation, adopting a cold and ruthless demeanor, with both eyes ablaze in a blood-red hue.

"Within you, Long Tian, there is a balance between chaos and wisdom. Be the cruelest demon, and the world will shape you as you shape it," he declared, his voice assuming an otherworldly tone, as if it were no longer Long Tian speaking.

As those words concluded, his demonic qi surged from his form, marking a profound metamorphosis.

His hair extended, and a battle-hardened armor suddenly enveloped him, a testament to a legacy forged in countless wars.

With the eruption of demonic qi, a wicked grin adorned Long Tian's face.

"I shall rule the Heavenly Demon Sect as in the old days!" he said with a sinister, triumphant grin.n/ô/vel/b//jn dot c//om

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