Surviving as a Mage in a Magic Academy

Chapter 77

Chapter 77

In summoning magic, failure means when the result deviates from the goal by even 1%.

However, the magic pens falling from the sky right now matched the targets perfectly.

They were just numerous in number.

Professor Garcia quickly understood the meaning and nodded in agreement.

I see. Its not a failure.

The troll Professor let out a slight sigh of relief.

It was inevitable that the boy from the Wardanaz family was of particular concern to her, despite the professors responsibility to treat all students equally.

Due to being born with an exceptionally large amount of mana, even basic magic was bound to be of higher difficulty to him.

Fortunately, despite his status as a freshman, Yi-Han faced the challenges that came his way with a brave and resolute attitude. However, as a professor, there was a sense of guilt for putting him through this.

This should have been a situation where the teacher would have found a solution, originally.

Professor Garcia, who couldnt find a proper solution, was the only one among the professors at this magic academy feeling guilty about it.

Student Yi-Han seems to have quite some talent, doesnt he? Seeing him succeed so perfectly

As Professor Garcia spoke with assurance, Professor Milay nodded her head.

He has talent.

Do you really think so?

Professor Garcia was well aware of how difficult summoning magic was and how strict Professor Milay could be.

Therefore, Professor Milays approval felt even more valuable in that regard. He has the potential to learn summoning magic. However he has one weakness.


Professor Garcia was slightly taken aback.

Of course, he has quite a bit of, well, actually, an enormous amount of magical power, but his control is improving, and

Professor Garcia, who was about to tell a lie, couldnt bring herself to do it because of her conscience.

However, considering the amount of mana that Yi-Han possesses, he was adapting at an incredibly fast rate.

I think it will only get better as time goes on

I wasnt talking about his amount of mana, Professor Garcia.


The weakness I mentioned is arrogance.



Professor Garcia was slightly confused.

Of course, the boy from the Wardanaz family might be seen as arrogant at first.

His cold, marble statue-like appearance, combined with his aristocratic atmosphere, made it quite difficult for most people to approach him.

However, Professor Garcia knew very well that Yi-Han was not that kind of boy.

The student who fed and took care of the Blue Dragon Tower students could not have such an arrogant personality.

It seems there might be a misunderstanding

Professor Garcia, please take a good look.

Professor Milay spoke sternly while pointing at over dozens of magic pens.

The student succeeded on the first try. However, deliberately summoning over dozens of magic pens, what could that possibly mean?

Succeeding in summoning magic pens on the first try means that the student has a high understanding of magic circles and excellent control over mana.

But why would such a student deliberately summon over dozens of magic pens?

If they had the ability to succeed at once, then summoning just one would have sufficed, wouldnt it?

There was only one correct answer.

He did it to flaunt his abilities arrogantly.


Professor Garcia was taken aback by Professor Milays words.

This student, Yi-Han, doesnt have that kind of personality

Arrogance is a virtue for a wizard, but having it from such a young age can also be a dangerous poison. Professor Garcia, especially when one is naturally gifted with knowledge and talent.

So, what Im saying is

Professor Milay raised her eyebrow. Professor Garcia was startled.

Not all relationships were equal among the professors, even if they were colleagues. Especially when one professor was a student of another.

But Professor Garcia wanted to clear up the misunderstandings somehow.

I dont think Yi-Han has that kind of personality. Maybe it was a mistake

Mistake, you say?

The voice of Professor Milay carried a faint sense of incredulity. It wasnt a good sign.

So, are you saying, Professor Garcia that this summoning was a mistake?

Professor Garcias face turned red. Upon reflection, she realized how absurd her words were.

To summon multiple pens with that magic circle, it wasnt as simple as pouring several times the amount of mana needed for summoning one pen all at once.

Since the magic circle wasnt originally intended for summoning multiple pens, increasing the mana abruptly and pouring it all at once could result in the destruction of the magic circle or unintended consequences.

Once mana was infused into a circuit, it exhibited different properties than before it was imbued.

As a result, the calculations were constantly changing. To infuse mana into a circuit that had already received mana required recalculations.


The only way to summon multiple magic pens with that magic circle was to repeat the process carefully several times.

Calculating and precisely injecting the required mana for summoning onto the magic circle.

Then, meticulously assessing the altered state of the magic circle and recalculating the precise amount of mana needed before injecting it once more.

Repeating it once more. Repeat, and repeat.

It was a subtle art that anyone wouldnt choose unless they had strong self-confidence in their abilities.

A feat that required intention to achieve!

Perhaps he practiced first to avoid destroying the magic circle and maybe he forgot that there was still mana left in the circle?


Professor Milay, who had been staring at Professor Garcia with a stern expression, relaxed her expression.

It was a compassionate look, as if she felt sorry for her kind-hearted student.

Thats right

Professor Garcia had nothing to say and remained silent.

Honestly, Professor Garcia also felt that her excuses were rather weak.

But what could she do when there is a high probability that it might be true?

Believing in and nurturing students is a good thing, but its not right to turn a blind eye to their shortcomings or mistakes, Professor Garcia. Sometimes, affection and trust can cloud someones judgment.


While I have said this, it doesnt mean Im denying that the student has exceptional talent. Its just a warning that excessive pride can harm the students themselves, so we should be cautious.


You dont need to worry too much. If that student learns summoning magic, they will likely correct their arrogance soon.

Summoning magic has always humbled students who consider themselves the empires greatest geniuses.

Professor Garcia turned her head.

Yi-Han tried to send the summoned magic quills to Angrago and attempted to doodle I dont have quills to him.

As a result, a brawl was erupting between the White Tiger Tower students and the Blue Dragon Tower students.

As she went to intervene, Professor Garcia couldnt help but think that, no matter how much she thought about it, it didnt seem like arrogance.

Regardless of how much I think about it, it doesnt seem like thats the case.


A disturbance came to an end. The students faces were splattered with ink.

It was an aftermath which got left behind by imperfectly summoned magic pens and perfectly summoned magic pens.

The summoned magic pens disappeared over time, but the ink they left behind didnt vanish.

I believe you all have gained some understanding of how challenging summoning magic can be today. The magic we practiced today is the most fundamental aspect of summoning, and normally, it should be done without using a magic circle.

Professor Milay had instilled a sense of fear in the students, but she continued her speech earnestly, without paying much attention to their apprehension.

Nevertheless, if you are determined to learn and truly want to delve into summoning magic, come to my workshop. Everyone should remember this: it is easy to mistakenly think that talent or intelligence is what it takes to master magic, but

Yi-Han felt a momentary sensation that Professor Milays gaze was directed towards him.

Was it just his imagination?

Could it be that ordering the magic pens to bother Angaro was the problem?

Ultimately, what is most necessary is patience and perseverance. If you continue without giving up and dedicate yourself seriously, summoning magic will open the way for students.

Professor Milay concluded her speech and left the classroom.

The remaining students gathered together and whispered among themselves.

Should we visit the workshop?

The professor did say that, didnt she? She mentioned that starting from the second year would be tough to catch up. If we want to learn summoning magic, it seems essential to practice from the first year.

The students nodded their heads.

After trying to summon the quills, they understood just how difficult summoning magic could be.

Can we go to the professor now and learn summoning magic separately?

Sure, why not?

Really? We already have so many assignments, and theres more to come. We also need to prepare for the written exams. Can we really find the time to study summoning magic separately?


Practical concerns made the students anxious.

Summoning magic was intriguing, but with additional assignments for it, not many students felt they could handle the workload.

Thats why they should have taken easier subjects.

That was what Yi-Han initially thought, but then he reconsidered.

Upon reflection, Yi-Han realized that opting for easier courses might not be the best choice, especially considering the current threat to his life.

Yi-Han suddenly became curious.

What courses are other students taking?

What elective courses are you guys taking?

Me? Im taking . Isnt that what everyones taking?

Im in . Its practically mandatory.

Im taking . I want to buy one during the holiday.


Upon hearing his friends course selections, Yi-Han felt a bit surprised.

Am I the only one without a general education course?

Theres no course without assignments, after all.

I feel the same way. But that doesnt mean I can skip the summoning magic course.

Shouldnt the academy lend us an artifact that can turn back time?

Gainando. Thats just a fairy tale. Where would you find something like that?

Even if it exists, would they really lend something like that to a student for a class? It would be used for something much more valuable.

Listening to his friends conversation, Yi-Han checked the time and got up.

Gainando. Lets go.

Where are you going? And why are you taking Gainando with you?

Are you planning to use him as bait when you meet a summoned monster?

No, we have to meet Professor Mortum.

While everyone was debating whether to take the summoning magic course or not, there were also professors who were left alone, feeling neglected and unimportant.

That professor was none other than Professor Mortum, who taught dark magic.

As they directly addressed Professor Mortum by name, unlike other students, Yi-Han and Gainando had to visit him periodically to learn dark magic.

Do you have to go? Cant Gainando go alone?

Even though his friends didnt want to send Yi-Han off, Gainando had no intention of going alone.

If I go alone, Ill recommend all of you.

Gainando! My noble friend! I think theres a misunderstanding!

The friends immediately changed their stance.

Yonaire asked as if to inquire if it was alright. Maybe the students who are trying to learn summoning magic will be looking for you now. Will it be okay?

Since he didnt specify the time, well go meet Professor Mortum, and then I can just join Gainando to find the others.

Yi-Han also had an interest in summoning magic, but he had prior commitments.

It was best not to break promises with professors, especially if the professor was lonely, with no students coming to see them.

Then lets meet next time.

Be careful, Wardanaz.

Be careful with the unleashed summoned monsters and dont forget the potion that Priestess Siana gave you.

Be careful with Professor Mortum as well.

Be careful too, Gainando.

Hearing Asans words, Gainando showed a slightly touched expression.


If Gainando makes a mistake, you could be in danger too, so be careful.


It was not a warning to be careful for Gainando, but a caution to be wary of Gainando for Yi-Han.

Upon meeting Professor Mortum, Gainando made up his mind to recommend Asan right away.

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