Supreme Emperor of Mist

Chapter 233: Scheming

Chapter 233: Scheming

'Hah... How long has it been since somebody is trying to take advantage of me without knowing who they're dealing with?' Qin Lan smiled in his mind while looking at the Hall Master's face. He knew that the Hall Master was using all his concentration to control himself from grinning, but it seems he has no idea...

That Qin Lan was in the same situation as well.

"A hundred thousand sets... That's quite a challenge, I believe. Even if the Hall of Treasures was double the size, I think it will be hard for them to finish this order." Qin Lan rubbed his forehead as he acted like he was persuaded by him.

"The word said by the Marquis very much stated the dilemma we're having right now. This is why this Hall Master has no choice but to bring this matter up. It's unwise if the work started late due to the problem with that imbecile son of mine." Da Yuan added.

'Once you started to take a step back, I'll take the chances to mentioned that my boy's skills were also needed for us to accomplish this order. By that time, not only you'll lose the right to handle the ore produced by this town, but to delay the punishment for my son too.'

'Who knew what would happen after half a year passed? By that time, we might have a new official taking over this place. Time was the best medicine to make people forget. Even if you're a Marquis, it is still the same...' the Hall Master quickly decides what to say after hearing what Qin Lan just said.

"This Marquis has a suggestion. I wonder if the Hall Master wishes to hear it?" Qin Lan said. From the look of his, it was a forced decision that was made at an instant.

"As long the Hall of Treasures could help, this Hall Master is all ears to what the Marquis has to say." Da Yuan cupped his fists together and agreed to listen to Qin Lan's suggestion. In his opinion, there's nothing much to be worried about from a youth less than twenty.

Experience-wise, the number of salt he ate was way more than everything Qin Lan has eaten since his birth until now.

"This dilemma of the Hall Master, the Marquis will have to help for sure. But since the people will be working on behalf of the Hall of Treasures, I hope that the establishment willing to cover a part of their salary," said Qin Lan.

"Marquis. How can the Hall of Treasures be thrifty on the people? Please treat this aside from the request because paying the people's wages for their work is a must. We're living together in this Heishi Town, after all..." Da Yuan agreed without suspecting what was in Qin Lan's mind.

"Then, let's put it this way. Secretary Qian, get a paper and pen out as you jotted down whatever we discussed today." Qin Lan ordered.

"Your subordinate is ready." Secretary Qin placed the paper on a table and prepared to write what Qin Lan asked him to. In his heart, he's partially yielded to fate because Qin Lan seems to bow down to Da Yuan's threat.

"From today onwards, the Hall of Treasures will be responsible for the employment and wages for the miners working in the Obsidian Volcanic Vein. All produce that was mined from there will be prioritized to be sold to them first."

"This deal will continue until the Hall of Treasure fulfilled their production quota from the Country of Shu's order." Qin Lan said. After he finished what he has Secretary Qian written down, Qin Lan stamped his seal on both copies as he gave one to the Hall Master.

"Hall Master, please!" Qin Lan said.

"This Hall Master is grateful with the Marquis's understanding! The Hall of Treasures will be more confident about fulfilling this quota with milord's support!" Da Yuan immediately stamped his seal before Qin Lan regretted what he has decided.

The whole progress of this puzzled the Qin Lan's officer as he knew that Qin Lan will not be as kind as this when it comes to people that trying to treat him like a fool.

'What was Milord planning?' the officer asked himself.

"I hope this solved a problem for the Hall Master. But this lord has something else that I need the Hall Master's support. I wonder if the Hall Master is in the mood to listen to my plea?" Qin Lan asked.

"Milord, how dare Da Yuan say no when milord has been doing a favor to the Hall of Treasure? Please feel free to speak. As long Da Yuan can do it, I'll make it on the double." the Hall Master smiled.

"Well, since the Royal Army from the Shu is restructuring their equipment, they must have been looking for a place to stack their waste. What about considering Heishi Town as the dumping hub for them to drop their unwanted equipment?" said Qin Lan.

"Huh? The Marquis meaning is?" Da Yuan was slightly shocked. It was clear that they'll be searching for a place to dump the unwanted equipment. But they are usually disposed of secretly to avoid the information from spreading to an opposing country.

"Hopefully, the Hall Master is willing to use this place for them to leave their unwanted good here. At the very least, it could keep this town afloat while everyone was working for the Hall of Treasures." Qin Lan said.

"This won't be a problem. Please leave it in the hand of this Hall Master." Da Yuan thought about it for a while before he eventually agreed with Qin Lan's request. Since it would help him reduce the cost when their carriage returned from the border, he sees no reason for him not to agree to fulfill Qin Lan's request.

"As for this imbecile son of mine..." Da Yuan finally brought the matter of Da Kui up in their conversation.

"Since we've clicked so well in our conversation, what about we assigned your son to supervise this project? Let's make this like a punishment to him, so he'll behave himself next time and cause less trouble." Qin Lan smiled.

"Marquis is wise. This Hall Master could only felt admiration from everything you've done. Please allow Da Yuan to thank the Marquis for your greatness!" the Hall Master cupped his fists together and bowed as he was delighted with well it goes.

He was glad to leave with a contract that allowed the Hall of Treasure to monopolized all the ores harvested from the Obsidian Volcanic Vein. As for his son, all he need was to let him suffer a little inside the prison before Qin Lan releases him three days later.


Unable to control his emotion, Secretary Qian stayed behind after the people from the Hall of Treasures left.

Knowing that there are many questions in their minds, Qin Lan used his Foundation Qi to close the door before throwing two jars of Plum Flower Fragrance into their hand.

"Sit down before you talk. Do you think I don't know what is in your mind?" Qin Lan chuckled as he rested comfortably on his seat.

"Milord, this subordinate cannot understand your reason to agree to their request. Could you please let this subordinate know why?" the officer speaks out what is in his mind before secretary Qian.

This way, it will start the conversation in a milder atmosphere. It will also create an opportunity for the secretary to listen to Qin Lan's reason before he assumes that Qin Lan was in a cohort with the people from the Hall of Treasures.

"Officer, your families came from a few generations of the blacksmith as well, correct?" Qin Lan asked.

"Yes, Milord. My two younger brothers, my father, my three uncles, and my grandfather's entire generation were blacksmiths in the Fuyun City. I am the only one with less talent and decided to take a different profession." the officer answered.

"What about you, secretary Qian?" Qin Lan asked the same question to the secretary.

"My father was a miner and a local of this Heishi Town. But he's unfortunately died inside the mines before I've grown old enough to take care of this town." the secretary answered.

"No wonder the secretary was so responsible, even to the point of using your own wages to support the people that less qualified to enter the tunnel to mine for ores." Qin Lan said.

"Milord, you..." secretary Qian was shocked as Qin Lan mentioned something supposed to be secret except to his wife.

"Please don't blame the secretary's wife. She was a responsible woman who knew what is beneficial to her husband." Qin Lan said. From the way he speaks, it seems that during the short while Secretary Qian was away, Qin Lan has met with the madam and talked to her.

"How long do you think it will take for the Hall of Treasures to finish the order?" Qin Lan asked them.

"A hundred thousand set of equipment? I think it will take no less than a year for them to complete half of them." the officer instantly replied without the need to think about it.

"Correct. One year is just a speculation of how long the hall will take to finish that order. Why is that not a good thing for the town for having the hall pay for our people's wages?" Qin Lan smiled as he asked what they think about it.

"Milord's meaning is..." Secretary Qian seems to be puzzled by Qin Lan's motive behind what he's doing.

"How much can happen in one year? If they want the entire town to survive under their roof, then why should we stop them from doing so?"

"Always remember, when a fish leap out of the water's surface for the sake of enticing the eagle, then it will be stupid for the eagle to not take a bite."

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