Supreme Emperor of Mist

Chapter 222: Copper-Grade Martial Beast

Chapter 222: Copper-Grade Martial Beast

"Milord, we're ready to go." the Crimson Mist officer cupped his fists before Qin Lan. It seems that the other soldiers had all done their parting words before they get on their horses.

"Everyone in the Bashan Village is thankful for milord's kindness. If there's anything else you need to do, please send someone to tell this elder... I'll make sure that all of us will do our best to achieve your expectations." the village chief said.

"But... Milord, are you sure you don't want a companion accompanying you on your way to the City of Ye? I'm sure that if you asked, everyone here would gladly follow you wherever you go..." the village chief said. It seems he's still unwilling to give up on the idea to persuade Qin Lan to choose a girl or two from their village.

To the others, such an offer would be more than attractive. 

Furthermore, amongst the young maidens that came last night, about half of them were as gorgeous as his women. Although it would be farfetched for him to say that they're comparable to Hu Jia, Zhou Mei, and Peng Yan, they're not that far off either.

"This marquis appreciates village chief's goodwill. Since fate actually brought us together, please allow this young noble to present the beauties with some Skin Clarifying Pellet." Qin Lan took a bottle of cosmetic pills from his Purple-Dragon Spatial Jade and gave them to the village chief.

"There are fifty pills inside, so I'm sure there would be enough for them. As for the village chief, please take this bottle of health supplement tonic too. I am still looking forward to seeing you more on my next visit." Qin Lan said.

"Marquis! Marquis!" suddenly, two young kids came forward as Qin Lan getting on his horse. But they were stopped by the guards because they're not allowed to come close to their lord.

"It's alright. One of the kids was the one I treated yesterday." Qin Lan said. Using his Spiritual Qi to hold them from afar, Qin Lan brings the two kids up to his arms as he asked them what they're calling him for.

"Is there anything you need me for?" Qin Lan smiled as he poured a little Spiritual Qi into their body to strengthen their constitution. Although it won't do much to their future in cultivation, it will still contribute to their health.

"Milord... What is the requirement for me to become like one of them?" the kid pointed at one of the Crimson Mist Soldier as he asked. From his gleaming eyes, it seems he's absorbed into the dream of becoming a soldier like them.

"Them? To become one of them, you'll have to become a Bone Reconstruction expert first. You will also have to be an expert martial artist and a well-known name from where you come. Do you think you can do this?" Qin Lan said.

Of course, that wasn't the requirement. One of the pre-requirement to become a member of the Crimson Mist Army is not how strong you are but how loyal you are.

"Then... I'll start practice now. By the time I am fifteen, I'll be as strong as everyone else!" the young kid said.

"Good. Then, I'll be waiting for you. By that time, please come to me in the City of Ye." Qin Lan smiled as he replied to the boy's word.

Leaving the two kids to the soldier standing beside him, Qin Lan waved his hand to the villagers for his last time before moving towards the village exit.

"Let's depart! To the City of Ye!" Qin Lan ordered. The fifty Crismon Mist Soldiers followed. A trail of red mist was lingering along their path as they descended downhill until they came across the junction leading to the most prosperous place in this Shuiyue County.

"I'll train myself properly too... I want to enroll as a soldier! I don't want to be a farmer like my dad!"

"Me too! I want to be a soldier! I want to join milord as he rode his horse across this county to protect everyone!"

All the youths steeled their mind after seeing the grand exit from Qin Lan and his army.

"Village chief... What about our daughter?" the mothers of the beauties that Qin Lan rejected came to the village chief to ask what to do next. From their facial expression, some seem to be delighted for not getting chosen. As for the remaining few, they felt that they lost the opportunity to transform into a phoenix.

"Just live your life as how you should. But I doubt it will continue this way. With such a wise landowner, it will only get better." the village chief said before he returned to his house.




"So... How many boys found their soulmate here?" Qin Lan jokes as they rode their horses faster towards their next stop. If nothing out of the ordinary happened, the group might reach another village called Lianshui by tomorrow afternoon.

"Ten," the officer smiled.

"Hahaha... Looks like my soldiers were a bunch of attractive lads." Qin Lan chuckled. They were having a good time talking as they get closer to their destination.

But half a day later, something eventually happened.


The Crimson Mist Soldier's expression turned serious as the flare explodes about twenty miles away from the main convoy. The soldiers quickly get into their formation as they protected Qin Lan in the middle and sending a few more soldiers forward to check on the situation.

"Report!" one of the scouts came back in a hurry. But he was alone. Not even the soldiers that went out recently followed him as he come back with the flag on his wrist.

"What's wrong?" Qin Lan's group stopped in the middle of the road as he awaits the scout to report what they've found.

"Milord, we found a nest of Copper-Grade Martial Beast in front." the soldier smiled as he happily reported what they've found.

"A nest of Copper-Grade Martial Beast? Are you sure you did not stumble across some wild bear's nest?" Qin Lan jokingly questioned the soldier. But his own expression is telling the soldier otherwise.

In fact, he was extremely excited right now.

"Get more people to surround the creature's nest. Let's leave not a single one of them to escape." Qin Lan ordered.

A fight has started by the time his group reaches where the beast made their nest. Few of his soldiers are now standing by the side of the Martial Beast they tamed earlier before Qin Lan's arrival. And from the look of it, there should be around five to six of them were left.

"Milord, what a stroke of luck we have... To think that coming over to this place actually allowed us to stumble across a precious nest like this." the officer that accompanied Qin Lan's side said.

"Well, there's always fortune hidden within misfortune. You'll have to make sure that the soldiers that had tamed one of the beasts knew what they're doing. Rearing a Yao Beast is different from horses and pigs." Qin Lan replied.

"This subordinate will make sure that the lads knew what they're doing. Milord, would you like to tame one as well?" the officer asked.

"I'll pass. Although having a tamed Martial Beast would be helpful, they'll take too much time to grow up. If I need to get one, I'll have to either capture a silver or a golden-grade Martial Beast." Qin Lan said.

"That's true..." the officer nodded.

"By the way, milord, do you knew why the Martial Beast is the favorite kind of Yao Beast the cultivators loved to tame? Is there a reason behind their flexibility?" the officer asked. There was a hint of interest behind his words as he might get to know more about the beast from Qin Lan's mouth.

"Well... One of the reasons Martial Beast is much easier to tame is because of their gene. As we all knew, not all kinds of Yao Beast hated humans. This Martial Beast is an example of the Yao Beast that can coexist with us."

"But as their diet no longer focuses on eating humans, it had an impact on their cultivation. This made them more susceptible to digesting human medicine and not human flesh."

"Of course, another reason is that the Martial Beast loves to hunt their fellow Yao Beast. This might be the main reason why we can get along well with them." Qin Lan replied.

"Lads! Quickly wrap up. We still have a journey to go!" the officer raised his voice as he urges them to quicken up. By the time the last Martial Beast is tamed, the group decided to take a short rest here before they continue their way towards the Lianshui Village.

Then, luck came unexpectedly to Qin Lan as there's a growl on the highest hill where the water is flowing down. A Martial Beast that resembles the figure of a bear roared as it looking down on the place where fighting just ended.

"Milord, what do you think?" the officer stares blankly at the Martial Beast standing on the highest peak. Blocking the sunlight as it stands up there, the beast seems to be looking for a target before willingly coming down with a bang.

"I guess I can't say no since a Golden-Grade Martial Beast is coming into my grasp. Get the soldiers to my back. I'll take on this Martial Beast on my own." Qin Lan chuckled as he put on the protective suit worn by the Crimson Mist soldiers.

"Are you sure milord can handle this? The beast seems to be at least fourth or fifth-level of Bone Reconstruction Layer..." few soldiers asked the officer.

"You bunch of fool, who do you think you're talking to?" the officer used his sword to knock their head.

"This is our lord, Chi-Lan Marquis. He won't lose to a mere beast."

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