Supreme Emperor of Mist

Chapter 205: General of Three Armies (7)

Chapter 205: General of Three Armies (7)

"Everyone! Are you ready to make your move?" Lu Yi asked the twenty Crimson Mist Soldiers following him. The moment they heard what he was saying, everyone chuckled. They acted like they're not on the battlefield right now.

"Leader, are you seriously going to ask us a question like this? For real?" one of them said.

"What's so funny?" Lu Yi asked as his Bronze Xuan Sword beheaded another soldier that tried to stop him from moving forward.

"Have you think about how long we've been following by your side? Even your toilet break and how many times you're escaping from getting chased by senior sister Lu Qing Yun is well known to all of us..."

"Yeah... To think that you're asking if we're ready or not. It should be us reminding you when to go and when to return." another two Crimson Mist Soldiers came forward and joined the conversation. With the iconic red sword in their hands, they're closing to Xu Hu's position much faster than the other two experts coming from another direction.

"Alright! Since everyone is ready, let us make our move before Xu Hu noticed the changes. Swallow the pills, activate your treasure, and let us charge forward!" Lu Yi said. Mixtures of pills were taken out from a bottle after Lu Yi finished what he meant to say.

<Essence Transformation Pill>

<Blood Genesis Pill>

<Martian Foundation Pellet>

<Enhanced version, Flesh and Bone Mending Pill>

"Let's go!" the twenty-one individuals suddenly had a boost of strength as they tear apart Xu Hu's rear defensive line. The iconic red sword in their hand turned to a reaping scythe as they move unhindered by cutting the heads of those they could reach.

It took them less than fifteen minutes to arrive outside of Xu Hu's camp.

By the time Xu Hu's most trusted elite soldiers notice Lu Yi's arrival, it was already too late to sound the alarm. Lu Yi's Bronze Xuan Sword sliced apart the first officer positioned closest to the edge as shouted.

"Enemy attack! Enemy soldiers in the camp!" a few other soldiers quickly shouted. But out of so many of them who did, only a few managed to went through as Lu Yi's men quickly separate their head from the neck.

It took them a while before the message arrived at Xu Hu's ears.

By the time he turned around, Lu Yi was already less than ten meters away from Xu Hu as his sword came down fiercely at the latter.


A sword blocked Lu Yi's surprise attack.

"Commander! Please retreat! Leave this place to us and... Urgh!" the officer that blocked Lu Yi's surprise attack said while he tried to protect his commander from getting taken out by surprise. But before he finished what he was going to say, Lu Yi's second attack already claimed his pitiful life.

"How can you guys get here so quickly?" Xu Hu asked. That split second exchanged by paying the life of an officer allowed Xu Hu to pull his weapon out and protect himself.

"You wanted to know how? Go to hell! Perhaps some of your subordinates will be willingly telling you when you're down there!" Lu Yi replied as he swung his Bronze Xuan Sword at Xu Hu.

"Golden Bell's Turbulence!" Lu Yi's attack came to Xu Hu fiercely.

"Thunder Roaring Sword Art!" Xu Hu pushes as much Spiritual Energy as he can muster to defend against Lu Yi. And his effort paid off as his sword was somewhat bent from taking Lu Yi's attack head-on.

But he was still injured by the energy blade wrapped around the Bronze Xuan Sword. Blood jetted out from his shoulder as he was forced down on a knee.

"Commander!" two officers quickly intercepted Lu Yi and Xu Hu's battle and tried to force the former to a retreat.

"Take the commander away! I'll stop him right here!" an officer swung his blade as hard as he could to keep the pressure on Lu Yi. But he miscalculated his own strength as he gets too close to Lu Yi's reach.

By the time he noticed his mistake, it was too late for him to regret it.

"GOLDEN LORD'S HOLY FIST!" Lu Yi screamed as his punch struck beautifully on his opponent's left chest. The bone and fragment of the officer's heart were blown off from the back as he breathed his last.

"You! I won't be called Xu Hu if I don't kill you today!" Xu Hu lost his mind when he saw how his trusted subordinate died under Lu Yi's hand. But as he was going to jump at Lu Yi, the other officer pulled him forcefully from falling into the opponent's provocation.

"Commander! Look at the situation before you act! Our task is not to die with them! It's to hold them here until further command!" the officer said.


"Co - Commander..." the officer's eyes were staring at Xu Hu at his final moment. The head soon rolled onto the ground as the eyeball turned blank after his death.

"You're going to die here today." two other Crimson Mist Soldier's blocked Xu Hu's path of retreat as they surrounded him from three directions.

"Do you think that the disciples from Thunder Roaring Palace are this easy to bully? I'll teach you a lesson that you people from Wu will never forget! The Country of Wei is ten times stronger than you! We can easily trample you to death if we wanted to!" holding his broadsword with both hands, Xu Hu choose to charge at Lu Yi.

"Out of so many people, he actually chooses to attack our leader... That's where his chances to live are gone..." the two other Crimson Mist Soldiers shook their heads as they turned their attention to the soldiers around them.

"Golden Bell's Tyrannical Roar!" a smile is on Lu Yi's face as he charged forward with one of the best self-created strikes from his Golden Bell Sect's Sword Art.

By the time Expert Xie and Shun arrived at the camp, Lu Yi had Xu Hu's head on his left hand.

"Hahaha... To think that two arrows from the front, a guillotine is coming from his back." Expert Xie smiled.

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