Supreme Emperor of Mist

Chapter 184: Battle! Wang Xun (Upper Part)

Chapter 184: Battle! Wang Xun (Upper Part)

One month later.

"Move forward!" close to thirty-thousand soldiers moved together as they invade the border between Kuanglei and Yunshan Province. More than a hundred experts were watching this battle from afar.

Leading the troops in the middle were Yang Yuan and two top outer sect disciples from the Thunder Roaring Palace.

"Brother Yang, who are you going to after this time?" one of the two experts, Zhu Tingyi, asked. He was a cultivator as tall as Shan Xiong Xin and is also a Body Tempering Cultivator. On his back was a two meters long hammer known as Demonic Lightning Crusher.

"I'm taking the seventh prince. The two of you will take the second and ninth prince." Yang Yuan replied without a space for negotiation. But from the expression of the other two, they don't seem to mind what Yang Yuan has decided to do.

"What about you, brother Xu Hu?" Zhu Tingyi asked another guy riding beside them.

"I will take the second prince. Is that alright with you?" Xu Hu was slightly well-mannered between the three. Similar to Zhu Tingyi, he's also a Body Tempering Cultivator. His choice of weapon is a blunt 1.7 meters long mace with wolves' fangs embedded all over his weapon's body.

"Of course! Then I'll be taking the ninth prince' army on my own. I heard that he had a very talented alchemist with him. I can't wait to see what kind of thing he can do when the battle starts between us." Zhu Tingyi said.

About thirty minutes across the border, the soldiers from Kuanglei Province finally encountered their opponent that waiting for them in between the path leading to Fuyun City and Flame Demon Mountain.

Each one of their opponent's army was holding a different flag in their hand.

"So... Let's get our targets. Good luck to both of you." Zhu Tingyi said as he steered his horse towards where the flag of Ninth Prince Army is. Ten thousand soldiers followed his lead as his soldier down the path towards the route leading to Flame Demon Mountain.

"Prepare for battle! Tian-Gang Unit, Tian-Jian Unit, be the vanguard and move forward to test our enemies!" Zhu Tingyi ordered. Following his command, two officers with the strength of half-step Bone Reconstruction Layer moved forward with a thousand calvaries in their command.


"Commanders, the enemy has sent out two units from their army of ten thousand. What is your order?" a messenger reported to Sun Wu Jian's camp as they're seated together at an elevated position viewing the battlefield.

"Brothers, look like our opponent decided to test us out. What kind of suitable response should we give them in reply?" Sun Wu Jian asked. There was a hint of confidence originating from him.

"Since our opponent decided to test us for now, it will be only proper if we do something in return. Let's get Wang Xun out there to handle them."

"Wang Xun, are you willing to be the vanguard for our ninth prince army and defeat the two units?" Sun Wu Jian asked.

"It will be an honor for me to be sent out first. This Wang Xun will make sure to not disappoint the ninth prince's expectation." Wang Xun came to the camp and accepted his command token.

"Qiang Shou, You Qing, both of you should provide assistance and advice if necessary. Feel free to get wild." Qin Lan said to the two as he gave each of them a piece of Qin Military Token.

With the Qin Military Token, it will allow each of them to bring a hundred men into battle. Along with Sun Wu Jian's command token, it will allow 1,200 soldiers to join this battle under Wang Xun's banner.

"Captain Wang, we'll follow your order. Feel free to command us if you think you need our assistance!" Qiang Shou and You Qing cupped their fists at Wang Xun as they move together to engage Zhu Tingyi's Tian-Gang and Tian-Jian Units.

"Great! Let's give them a battle they'll never forget!" Wang Xun roared.

The same situation was happening on all three battlefields. Since it was just their first day, nobody was willing to immediately show their trump card to bring the element of surprise forward. Sun Ding Tian, who has too many soldiers in his hand, sent out three thousand soldiers to face one of Xu Hu's officers in a direct battle.

As for Sun Chen Long, he was a little more eccentric than his two brothers. He only sent out two squadrons to answer Yang Yuan's provocation. Such an action from him is no different from purposely provoking his opponent.


"What do you think about this?" one of the elders seated on top of their respective flying Yao Beast asked. From the way he dressed, he's likely coming from the Country of Wei. His hand was pointed at the battlefield between the seventh prince and Yang Yuan.

"Two hundred soldiers against a thousand. Let's see what kind of trump card he have to make such a bold move." an elder with the dressing code of the officials of Country of Wu said.

As for the elder on top of a white feathered crane, his attention is on where Qin Lan is. There was a hint of eagerness in his heart as he anticipates what kind of surprises Qin Lan and his people can give him.

"It's started!" the elders scattered and choose the battlefield they're interested in.


"Let's get them with a full-frontal attack! Heavy Calvaries, take your position and charge forward!" Wang Xun ordered. With the formation of 100 horsemen each line and twelve columns, they charged forward with their maximum speed.

"Hahaha! Those idiots! How dare they tried to face our Tian-Gang Unit using heavy calvaries? Had they never heard about the terror of the Thunder Roaring Palace's Tian-Gang Gate?" the officer of Tian-Gang Unit laughed as he raised his hand up.

With a simple hand gesture, the Tian-Gang Unit took the frontal position as they positioned themselves into a scythe formation. The Tian-Jian Unit then placed themselves a little further as they were shaped like a spearhead.

"Less than ten breaths to impact!" Wang Xun said.




"Running Amulets, Now!" Wang Xun ordered.

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