Supreme Emperor of Mist

Chapter 183: No Such Thing as a Fool Proof Secret (Lower Part)

Chapter 183: No Such Thing as a Fool Proof Secret (Lower Part)

"Brother Qin!" Sun Wu Jian panicked for a moment as he was afraid that Qin Lan would get into an argument with his second royal brother. Furthermore, they're not supposed to get into a disagreement right now because there's an imperial mandate waiting for them to complete.

Brothers turning against one another was the worst thing that could happen to them right now.

But the arrival of someone else eventually gets rid of this problematic issue. The seventh prince, Sun Chen Long, turned up inside the room uninvited.

Following him was a third-level Bone Reconstruction expert. Leng Ching was also accompanying him as they walked into the room in a relaxed manner.

"Am I late for something? Is that wine?" Sun Chen Long grabbed the wine placed at a corner and took a sip before anyone answering his question.

"Ahh... The taste of this wine is heavenly. Adjutant Xiang, brother Leng, try some." Sun Chen Long simply passed the bottle to his subordinate and came to the table that smells slightly burnt from all the flames burning in between them.

"What did I miss? Are you guys talking about the Blood Genesis Pill right now?" as if he can read people's minds, Sun Chen Long guessed the reason behind this heated discussion. And he got that correctly.

"It was nice to see you here, seventh royal brother. How's your expedition into the Ancestral Dragoncloud Forest?" Sun Wu Jian greets him after putting aside the awkwardness caused by the discussion earlier.

"Qin Lan greets the seventh prince and senior brother Leng Ching." Qin Lan cupped his fist and greeted the two. As for the third-level Bone expert, he exchanged a polite bow with him as a friendly gesture.

"It seems that junior brother is always creating a miracle wherever you went." Leng Ching said. He was still as casual and unrestrained as always. With the cultivation of an eight-level Bone Reconstruction Layer, he can be considered as the strongest cultivator inside this fort right now.

"Senior brother's praises were too much for this junior brother. I'm just lucky to have the required ingredients at the right place and time. Did senior brother come here to study the Blood Genesis Pill as well?" Qin Lan asked.

For him, sharing the recipe wasn't an issue, as the outsider would have the difficulties to search for the ingredients for sure. Although a replacement for some spiritual items, such as the Elusive Devilflower's Resin, is available, they're considered less effective.

The rate of failure would increases by one to two-fifths due to the low compatibility between the spiritual ingredients.

"You can just treat that I'm not around. In fact, I don't even want to come... But the eighth elder is nagging too much... So I ended up sneaking out from the Dan-Xin Dwelling and come here to have a breather." Leng Ching smiled as he talked about all these.

His free and easygoing attitude was well known by all the outer disciples from the first day.

"If senior brother would like to stay here and take a look, feel free to do so. The Demon Mountain Fort's Pill Hall is always opened for all the members of Dan-Xin Dwelling." Qin Lan smiled. 

He remembered that he still owes Leng Ching a favor for borrowing him the Obsidian Dragon Cauldron when Qin Lan arrived at the Dan-Xin Dwelling. In a blink of an eye, it has been almost a year since that day.

"I'll do so. Junior brother... Do you think you can... Share something?" Leng Ching winked and flicked his fingers as he seems to ask for something from Qin Lan. And knowing how much of an alcoholic is his senior brother...

"Here, senior brother. If it's not enough, just ask for more from Lu Qing Yun or Lu Yi." Qin Lan said.

"Great. Then I'll be going to get a place to sleep. Seventh prince, good night." Leng Ching left without bothering about everything else. For him, nothing was worth his attention except for booze and medicine.

And since Qin Lan just gave him a Qiankun Pouch full of wine, won't he'll regret it if he didn't manage to get a place to rest and get tipsy?

"Brother Leng is still as casual as always." the seventh prince chuckled.

But the friendliness of their discussion irritates the second prince, Sun Ding Tian. Knowing that there was nothing for them to continue here, he decided to leave as his main objective to get his alchemists to learn the recipe was done.

"Ninth brother... I'm not sure about what trump card you have with you, but remember that our opponent this time is the Thunder Roaring Palace. I'm sure you know what's the history between them and our royal father..."

"Good luck. I'll rely on you because all my men will reach here before evening. I hope you're kind enough to accommodate them." said Sun Chen Long before he left with his adjutant.

Only Da-Lang and Er-Lang remained here while waiting for Qin Lan.

"Ninth Prince, I'll leave as well to guide both alchemists in the art of pill refining. If there's anything that needs my attention, please feel free to summon me over," he said before turning around and leave with the two alchemists following him.

And without a hint of hesitation written on his face, Qin Lan taught the recipe to both Da-Lang and Er-Lang. He even showed the refining process twice to makes sure that they know what they're doing.

The legion that followed the second prince finally left as the soldiers belonged to the seventh prince finally arrived outside of the Demon Mountain Fort.

After making sure that these problems have been solved, Qin Lan returned to the Mountain and Sea Sublime Painting once again. By completing what he had to do in that three days, Qin Lan can finally distribute the end product to those silver sycee holders serving Sun Wu Jian.

Meanwhile, not long after Qin Lan has left, Huang Ping came to his ears and whispered about something.

"We've failed to catch the culprit that spread the news outside the Demon Mountain Fort. Should I keep searching?" Huang Ping said.

"No. We should have known before this that no paper is capable of keeping the fire away. It's the same to the secrets. There's no such thing as a foolproof secret." Sun Wu Jian said.

"Consolidate your strength. I'm sure Brother Qin must be ready for us now," said Sun Wu Jian.

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